The secret American Antarctic Base is an integral part of America’s network and linked via satellite to Pine Gap and other bases in Australia, Christchurch in New Zealand, Punta Arenas in Southern Chile and the long standing C.I.A./NSA base in Cape Town, South Africa according the the Fortress Australia writer. Large trenches were mined in which buildings were placed in neat rows, then covered with now deep ice and snow, due to the natural ice build up. Due to the large airspaces in the trenches, now tunnels, the ambient temperature of the air was raised to above freezing level without effecting the surrounding ice. This combined with the individual heated buildings make it a comfortable place to live.The main purpose of the base appears to be top secret experimentation in the area of electromagnetism and the earth’s magnetic field. An Australian scientist with the Southern Lights research team at the main Australian Antarctic Base, situated at Mawson told the author about American activities there. He said that when they conducted their regular experiments, big changes occurred in the Aurora and communications were effected. He believed they were driving electromagnetic energy into the earth’s magnetic field which was causing the disruption in the Aurora and probably related to the HAARP experiments in Alaska as the effects on the Northern Lights were similar.


According to the Fortress Australia article the Tidbinbilla tracking station, jointly established between UK, USA and Australia close to Canberra is the most important in Australia. It is a vital control center for the Hubble orbital telescope. The first images received by Tidbinbilla found that virtually every star has a solar system. The truth angered the American control-room staff that the Australians and British now knew. Hubble now operates satisfactorily and photographs are airbrushed before release. The Parks Radio telescopes according to a government source first detected intelligent signals from outer space more than twenty five years ago. It has been involved with the SETI program. Parks hit rate was alarmingly high so the plug had to be pulled in 1995 before too much leaked out. Intelligent radio and television signals were identified in several parts of the galaxy and emanating from areas up to three thousand light years away from the earth. It’s classified above top secret that technical civilizations equal or superior to our own were very active more than three thousand years ago. They captured enhanced television pictures showing the daily life of a number of alien civilizations of ages past and still do. NSA has close co-operation with Parks and has liaison staff posted there on a full time basis, as an outpost of the NSA’s vital intelligence gathering network. Nothing is sure, only that obvious and massive preparations are being made to protect and secure the Australian continent from a cataclysmic event. No doubt time will tell. The Fortress Australia author would like to mention that as far as possible the information contained in this report was checked and where possible attempts were made to verify it. However it has to be borne in mind that some information may contain some inaccuracies due to the impossibility of verifying source material. Never-the-less the author considers the majority of the information well founded and truthful. It should also be pointed out that many of the providers of this information required their identities to be covered in such a way that they could not be identified. This involved some minor alterations to the narrative to produce such cover and has not compromised the information described in any way. Rumours have persisted in Australia that all the initial SDI experiments and developments were successful and a large part of the system is fully operated and controlled by America’s secret Australian and Antarctic bases.


It has been said that the real secret is in Canberra, not Alice Springs at the Tidbinbilla tracking station, outside Canberra. Which, besides controlling and tracking military satellites is also involved in deep space vehicle control. CDSCC is responsible for the tracking of spacecraft that partake in interplanetary missions. The Complex is a NASA facility operated under a USA-Australian Government agreement which involves JPL, CSIRO Australia and British Aerospace Australia. Reports coming in from Tidbinbilla, by someone who worked there, were on weather control, UFOs, killer satellites and much more. There is a huge high-tech James Bond type operation hub in Canberra. There is a rumored system called the Deakin Exchange which is the grown up big brother of Echelon, and not under the NRO.


Dr. Gille writes that several times, locals have seen white disks about 30′ in diameter being unloaded from large US cargo planes at the airports serving Pine Gap with the USAF emblem on them. It seems likely that disks are assembled and based at Pine Gap because many disks seen at night would confirm this. Much furniture has been delivered by plane from the United States. The locals also say that an enormous amount of food is stocked in warehouses of what could well be a true multi-leveled underground city. Dr. Gille writes that shares put on the market at the same time will cause a stock market crash of such magnitude that all the national economies of the West will collapse at the same time. Cash will worthless and the risks of a global confrontation (planned!) will be high. The purpose of Pine Gap and other underground bases purpose will become obvious. If a global confrontation is going to break out, those bases will serve as a place of safety for the politicians and their staff, as well as the international financiers, their family and friends. Plastic cards will be necessary, there will be abolishment of all ownership rights and and the setting up of a World Government that will ‘ensure peace’. The underground bases will make possible the disappearance of those who do not conform. There are already many concentration camps. Our new “Masters’ will end up saying they have the aliens support, and that we are on the eve of a golden age and it will be the worst dictatorship ever known to mankind according to Dr. Gille. William Cooper says all the CIA Directors and Secretaries of State were all members of the Council on Foreign Relations and also the MJ 12, which includes Kissinger. They rule US. George Bush, former CIA director was called upon by the committee to smuggle the drugs in through his off-shore oil platforms in 1955 as there are no customs on these. The secret government kill America’s children for the alien projects with their agreements with alien nations to rule the world jointly. They can make US currency worthless at any time and bring everyone under control with their global credit card.


Stan Deyo also asks if Pine Gap could be a man-made city of multiple levels, used to shelter key U.S. personnel in the event of some disaster. Among some of the major contractors and suppliers for Pine Gap have been Collins Radio, McMahon Construction, L.T.V. aero-space company, a conglomerate of electronics and aircraft manufacturing subsidiaries and I.B.M. Stan says it is rumored that there are super IBM computer systems on a floating platform, ‘down the well’ underneath the facility. IBM has mammoth computers which can recognize both voice and visual patterns. Their main memory sizes are said to be in excess of 2,000,000,000 bytes. The first 2 antennas for controlling and communicating with satellites were constructed in 1966-67. Pine Gap became operational in 1970. In 1974 unauthorized photos and other information from inside the faculty are reported to have been sold to Russia. In 1991 Pine Gap is instrumental in tracking Iraqi SCUD missiles, with satellite imagery tracking the Iraqi troops. By 1996 witnesses saw a triangular craft crash or land rapidly at an area west of Pine Gap. Diane Harrison of the Australasian Ufologist magazine wrote a good description of Pine Gap and says there are now about 18 satellite control antennas, making it one of the largest satellite control stations in the world for satellites parked in fixed orbits above the equator. The most recent satellites are 300 feet diameter. They intercept signals in the VHF, UHF and millimeter wave frequency bands. Within that frequency there are 4 categories of signals. The first category monitors signals transmitted in the course of advanced weapons development, particularly ballistic missiles. The first satellites were designed for this and monitored Russian missile development programs and now monitors other countries. The newer satellites are now primarily for the Soviet Union. This intelligence is shared.


The second category monitors signals from large radars, including ones associated with anti-ballistic missile fields. air defense radars, radars on ships. Analysis of this tells lot about the capabilities of those anti-missile and anti-aircraft systems in the various air defense fields around the globe. Thirdly intercepting the communications of other satellite systems, i.e. communications which are going up from ground to communication satellites which are also based in fixed orbits. Listening satellites parked close to the communications satellites. Finally they monitor a wide range of other microwave emissions on the earth’s surface including: long distance phone calls transmitted via terrestrial microwave circuits enabling them to monitor military, political and government agencies or private individuals. Diane says that a satellite can be parked over the interior of a country and intercept the microwave emissions coming from it. The satellites are under the control of the CIA, who in turn answer to the NRO (National Reconnaissance Office). There are 8 large radomes, that cover the the antenna arrays which keeps sand etc. away and conceal the antenna’s position from enemy spy satellites. There are a wide range of communication devices: HF radio, underground cable, telstra telephone and telex, 2 satellites communication terminals to occupy the on average 1,200 staff. The staff have to wear color coded ID to match the color ribbons running along the walls. US Military Airlift Command carry thousands of tapes home for further study and send parts and supplies twice weekly. There are direct links from Pine Gap to the US bases in the Philippines, Guam, Krugerdorp South Africa and the Amundsen-Scott base at the South Pole


The computer room is almost 5,600 metres and the operators use headsets to communicate. Within the central operations building at Pine Gap people are keeping the satellite and its antenna focused on the signals they are intercepting. Then other staff process the enormous volume of interpreted signals. Then the signals are analyzed for intelligence data. Up to 1980 Australians were not allowed access to the voice intercepts, coming into the signal analysis section. But now they have full access to all areas except the cryptographic room, officially anyway. Univac computers encrypt transmissions, including voices and these go to Redondo Beach in California. About 25 to 30 messages are sent from Pine Gap each day to US and about half go to the CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia. Though occasionally data is sent directly to the NRO Headquarters in the Pentagon, or to the NSA headquarters at Fort Meade Maryland. Diane writes that there is a group called the Joint Reconnaissance Schedule committee, who meet each morning to decide who is going to be listened to for the next 24 hours to focus the antennas on the satellites. e.g. who is doing a missile test, or if a political crisis occurs somewhere. Australians are involved in this. In the 90’s there has been a need to collect political intelligence on allies and to also download economic intelligence from these countries. In a reprint from Conspiracy Nation Alan Howard wrote that Pine Gap has many, many levels below the basement, like the Pentagon and the White House.


The computer room at Pine Gap when it was new was one of the biggest computer rooms in the world, it has now tripled in size. There are said to be over 1,000 staff. A similar station to Pine Gap is located in South Africa with 1,200 staff. It like Pine Gap is also linked to another VLF station at the South Pole. Dr. Gille writes that Pine Gap has enormous computers connected to US, Krugersdorp South Africa, Guam, Canberra, Antarctica US base counterparts, which collect information from these countries, about finance, technology, and everything about the average citizen. The Amundsen-Scott base at the South Pole is located on a sensitive magnetic spot of our planet, in that it holds exactly the same assets as Pine Gap, and that all the information about most of the average citizens of Western Europe is stored there in memory banks tens of meters under the icepack. Canberra computers were connected to all banks,every post office, all telephones, all police stations and customs houses, every arrival and departure desk for air or sea travelers and to the other data centers collecting data on private citizens in the United States and Europe. Peter Sawyer, a former high-ranking Australian civil servant found out that all data about every citizen of the Western World ends up being stored. All financial, economic, political and military information. The president of the Rockefeller Foundation supervised in person the construction of 20 luxury residences in Canberra, which is meant to accommodate the world government-to-be and the 20 luxury residences will be allocated to the different foreign members of that government. The Australian premier, Bob Hawk, was a Rhodes scholar, and as such he worked toward the setting up of a One World Government.


In Silent Partners: The UKUSA Agreement by Susan Bryce (in the says there are about 48 years of SIGINT (satellite signal intelligence) shared by the UKUSA partners: US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and the NATO nations. (Some also say Germany, Norway and Turkey are in too and also China on a limited basis) As well as communications interception and satellite spying there is an interest in undersea activities. Could it have something to do with the over 1,400 alien bases here on this planet including many undersea? The UKUSA pact has been gathering intelligence on the former Soviet empire for 40 years. Kim Philby leaked this to Moscow. Pine Gap, Nurrangar and Menwith Hill operate under this pact. Menwith Hill covers communications and phone calls between USA and Europe in UK. Signatories to UKUSA standardize intercept handling procedures and indoctrination oaths. The NSA which runs this controls over 2,000 electronic intercept stations, with 130,000 personnel around the world. The primary purpose of the NSA was started to decipher alien communications, language and establish dialogue. In 1983 the NSA established a worldwide computer network linking 52 separate government computer systems used throughout the world. All the information ends up at NSA’s Headquarters in Maryland. So it can plug into each phone call and message in USA, UK and Australia using the US base, Pine Gap and the new installation at Geraldton in Western Australia


Patrick Poole wrote an very complete analysis and here is a summary: Echelon based at Pine Gap is the technological spy system intercepting all phone calls, faxes, emails and telexes in the world mainly by satellite. Plus other satellites, microwaves signals, cellular and fibre-optic cable communications traffic. Real time phone calls in USA could be listened to at an outpost of Echelon at Menwith Hill in UK. Commercial espionage can be beneficial to the companies that helped the NSA develop the systems that power the Echelon network. This can also be used to push American manufacturers out of deals in favor of US defense and intelligence contractors, who frequently finance both political parties. The European Parliament is asking if this violates the sovereignty and privacy of citizens in other countries. Though UK does allow surveillance on its own citizens, Menwith Hill and Pine Gap cover US citizens. Echelon stations are all over the globe, from Geraldton W. Australia, Waihopai New Zealand, Ascension Island in the Atlantic, the Indian ocean atoll of Diego Garcia, Guam and the Philippines in the Pacific, to South Africa, Misawa Japan to Leitrim Canada. Pine Gap, Menwith Hill, Bad Aibling Germany, Colorado USA and Antarctica are main centres. No communications signal escapes the electronic net. The 2 primary downlink facilities for over 25 satellites acting as giant scoops picking up info from all electronic communications are at Menwith Hill in North York Moors UK and Pine Gap. Menwith Hill has 1,400 American NSA personnel and 350 UK Ministry of Defense staff on site. Menwith Hill goes back to 1951 and received one of the first sophisticated IBM computers in the early 1960’s. The NSA took it over in 1966. British Telecom wires fibre-optic telephone trunklines capable of carrying 100,000 calls simultaneously through Menwith Hill. It has become a target for peace activists. Echelon decrypts, filters, examines and codifies messages into selective categories for further analysis by intelligence from the various UKUSA agencies. Menwith Hill SILKWORTH super-computer operates voice recognition and optical character recognition and feeds them into data recognition engines. Voice recognition programs convert talk into text messages for further analysis and even individual voices can be targeted, so every call they make is transcribed. Each message is given a 4 digit code as to its source e.g. 5535 for Japanese diplomatic traffic.Keywords are kept up to date by Dictionary Managers. Messages are transmitted to each agency’s headquarters via a global computer system that acts as as the nervous system.

See also  1996: UFOs, SUB ROSA*, DOWN UNDER PART 1


Patrick further exposes the Echelon information tracking outcome of spying on enemies, allies and private citizens. Daily analysts review the previous day’s translations and these are further categorized into gists, summaries and reports. These are given classifications: Secret, More Secret, Top Secret, Russian Intercepts and intelligence forwarded to non-UKUSA parties. Even secret submarines are able to tap into undersea communications cables. Though 30 other nations across the world also have eavesdropping networks, none compares to Echelon. The French have attacked Echelon, but runs its own global spying “Frenchelon”. A Ph.D. physicist called “V” wrote that the second generation of Echelon called Echelon II is not a US govt.. funded project. It has a series of communications bases near the equator. The leaders of this are a cabal from China, several individuals from Europe and a group in USA. Its a highway for all e-business and will be used in conjunction with smart cards for one currency. It will a data base designed for the DRAM semiconductor chips mass produced and down to 0.1 microns. It has a real time transportation system and logistic tracking system, plus a monitoring system for ICBM, aircraft, submarines and a control system for joining all financial institutions together. INSLAW developed the key software package for tracking and monitoring. IBM Computers and Chip manufacturing. Loral and GM H satellites, ATT long lines and fibre optics, LMT the major contractor for military information systems, LEH ( lehmanns Brothers) will be their banker and financial controller and GM the major civilian transporter. These 6 companies will be worth 4 trillion dollars and the Board of Directors and the CEO/Chairmen have been careful not to break any laws to achieve this, including setting up plants in China – Dr. Armstrong said to the Senate Judiciary committee “we work in the gray area”. Many deaths have occurred by people investigating the INSLAW monitoring technology, which uses a backdoor in computer software programs to feed information back to an intelligence agency.


Texe Marrs in his book Project L.U.C.I.D. writes that every person on the planet will be issued a ‘Smart” ID card to be monitored 24 hours day, 7 days a week by Central Gestapo consisting of agencies made up of the FBI, KGB, CIA, DEA, DIA, NSA, IRS, EPA, OSHA, NCIC, USDA, FDA, NRO, BATF, FINCEN, INS, DOJ, WTO, Europol, Interpol, Mossad and the MAB. He says resistors will have microchip surgically implanted in their brains. All manufactured goods will be marked with the number of the beast, 666. Which is the ISO 9000 certification system. The Bilderbergers, secretive groups of about 125 of the richest and most powerful industrialists and bankers on the earth, comprising black nobility and European royalty in touch with the ETs that the CIA follows, (The Council of Nine) made the command decision for ISO 9000. 100 countries have adopted it and it is fast becoming the sole requirement for conducting commerce in all nations of the world. The NSA who controls L.U.C.I.D. giant computer network correlates, deciphers and analyses data and reports from international banks, 32 directorates of UN, the core of the Secret Societies, the Vatican and various agencies of 170 nations. Alice Bailey’s Lucis Trust is closely affiliated with UN leadership and it’s membership includes Robert McNamara, former Secretary of Defense and former head of World bank. The primary goal of the Lucis Trust is a New World Order/One World Government presided over by a world teacher holding “Office of Christ” for the Age. Bearing in mind that the Nazis, Freemasons. UN leaders and many NewAge gurus follow Alice Bailey and the sideshoot groups, so it all makes sense. The world army for UN is in sight, with total military control and enforcement power for the whole planet. All computers on earth, the entire information highway will be networked in to L.U.C.I.D. It will be the planet’s primary core, linking all networks and data systems. Those authorized will have access to instantaneous data on individuals to track and control every move with the chip in the cards, or embedded in the body. These cards are reprogrammable at hundreds of thousands of scanner centres and have more than 5 gigabytes of data per individual of updated data.


Texe writes that scanners will identify you by the shape of your hand, foot, face or head, fingerprints, blood type, human leukocytes antigen, DNA, iris scan and voice. Satellite cameras which can take recognizable 35mm-type images of golf balls below, will be able to locate you from the chip in the card, nobody being able to buy and sell without it. DNA databanks have samples of blood from newborn babies since the 1960s as mandatory state screening, plus the military and criminals have been databased. John St. Clair Akwei writes in Texe’s book, that the Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment, for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies. Everything in the environment with an electrical current in it has magnetic flux around it which gives off EMF waves. The NSA/DOD has developed advanced digital equipment which can remotely analyze all objects, whether manmade or organic, that have electrical activity. A targets bioelectric field can be remotely detected, and monitored 24 hrs a day. With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials ( from EEGs) which can be decoded into a person’s brain states and thoughts. The NSA records and decodes individual brain maps of hundreds and thousands of people. The speech centres of the brain can be translated into the person’s verbal thoughts and this can be manipulated and simulated auditory hallucinations can be induced. Visual memory can also be seen as how images from a person’s brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives can put images into someone’s brain while they are in REM sleep for brain-programming purposes. So currents thoughts, images and sounds of anyone can be decoded read and changed by NSA’s most powerful computers in the world.


Research for Star Wars satellite project, now operative at Pine Gap has been conducted under UKUSA. This comprises a global network of satellites which contain powerful lasers, and beam machines. Between 1982 and 1988 22 British defense scientists linked to UKUSA projects, died in mysterious circumstances. Some have said they were involved the mark of the beast, microchip implant work. . Susan also writes that when George Bush Sr. increased funds for Star Wars Gorbechev cooperated in discussions about the development of a lunar base and joint mission to Mars! Were the cosmospheres finally overcome? It has been said before that Star Wars has been set up to protect the earth from alien invasion. US (Cohen) asked Australia to increase its military spending to help in case a war is fought between US and China with Star Wars operating from Pine Gap and the British facilities. China is exploring space-based reconnaissance. Bearing in mind the many crashed saucers in China, have they back engineered them yet? They didn’t take long to copy the latest nuclear technology from USA. Will Chinese flying disks be the next threat? There have been many seen over China.


An Australian newspaper wrote in 1974 that US has been carrying out research into electromagnetic propulsion (EMP) at Pine Gap since 1966 and that security about this project has resulted in hypnotic and post hypnotic keys being implanted in personnel prior to their acceptance into this project. Dr. Gille writes that the Pine Gap employees working on the base, and especially those earmarked for duty on electromagnetic propulsion projects, have undergone brainwashing and even implantation of intracranial devices. The most powerful mind-control is still trauma-based built on a foundation of multiple personalities which are dissociated personalities and parts of the mind. It appears that electronic mind-control is being overlaid on top of this. The victim’s consciousness is not able to think past the electronic mind-control which catches their undivided attention, being too distracted to deal with the deeper issues of trauma-based mind-control. Instructions can enter someone’s mind through their implant. At the NWO’s major massive beast computer center in Alaska in the 1970’s, an engineer who was in charge of building and getting the center operational, revealed the site’s capabilities. They also had one in South Africa and one in Pine Gap. These three sites formed a triangle on the globe, and couldn’t be located anywhere else, due to the naturally occuring lines of force of the planet.


Apparently these Beast Computer Centers consist of aisles and aisles of big state of the art computers, each having several dozen people to run them. Even in the ’70’s, an operator could speak into the computer and it would answer. If asked about anyone on the planet, it could usually pull up all kinds of information e.g. how could you get that person to kill someone? or how can I isolate this person? All the people around that subject who could be manipulated would be revealed and a plan given. It has been said Clinton consulted this super computer. The controllers can actually control the world from a computer. They store vast amounts of personal information about people’s thought processes and thinking and it’s possible that electronic surveillance is being done to read the thoughts of people and computers store this information in some usable fashion. People who invent and work at state of the art technology say this is old technology. Large Neural computers that have artificial intelligence using neural processing like the human brain are being used. A war could be created between any two nations by asking about a country and then how to start one. There is a network of Cray-type computers, perhaps similar to the EMASS system of Cray computers that E-Systems developed. Such a system can store 5 trillion pages of text and work with that data base with lightening speed. The Engineer operator of the Beast Computer said that this system was obsolete in 1973, which is why he revealed the information.


Al Bielek also said that the aliens gave the info to build Cray computers at Montauk, which were use to create time portals. It was a computer that sent Edward and Duncan Cameron back to 1943 to destroy the ship Eldridge. He says the radio frequency operating at Montauk was 435 MHz which is the frequency for the entire universe. This frequency was used to create time/space tunnels to Mars. Extremely advanced technology was used by Dr John von Neumann and 3 scientists including 2 from the future to put earth on another timeline in 1963. Montauk has major timelines running through it. Power stations are built on gridlines deliberately. There is evidence that technology is being used to shift earth onto another timeline in 2,003 which we’ll cover later. Today’s 9 Beast computers are much better at speech than the 3 Beast computers in 1973. They can hear human voices, determine what language and answer in it. These computers link directly to thousands of mind-controlled slaves and via various methods almost instantly control the behavior them. Anchorage has a NSA listening post near the HAARP project, whose signals travel on a field line to Pine Gap. The Beast Computer is also linked there as well as satellite systems. HAARP uses 3 powerful transmitter sites in Alaska.


An anonymous former govt. source says the human brain, if it has a memex brain implant they control, can interface with the Beast computer which acts as a vast repository of human knowledge as well as answering questions to essentially all previously answered questions instantaneously. If the human brain has some type of virtual reality holodeck attachment, the computer can even walk the slave through a realistic setting indistinguishable from the real world. He goes on to say that one victim has ELF & VLF waves of 435 and 1080 MHz signals targeted on her. (435 is in the 400-450 MHz band which is the window to the human consciousness, and 1080 is in the 1000 to 1200 MHz band.) 435 MHz is converted to 1080 by interaction with the high-atmosphere HAARP project. HAARP can create time portals and time rifts also. Paul Baird wrote in his Nazis of the New World Order article in the Exposure Magazine (Aust) that every single phone call, fax, email, telex and computer data message can be intercepted and analyzed by Echelon worldwide. The Echelon computers can scan ALL satellite, microwave, cellular and fibre-optic contacts for keywords and phrases. He said that the CIA use it to protect their own drug running operations and spy on their opponents together with their Mafia partners. Paul writes that the head of NATO’s non-lethal weapons initiative wants all humans implanted at birth. .


Paul Baird writes …Govt agencies can use infrasound laser weapons coming from remote satellites to cause illness and pain to targeted individuals. Visual holograms and blurred vision can be effected by satellite lasers aimed at tracked individuals. They can also use neurophones, which is a device to convert sound to electrical impulses. A directional satellite laser or microwave targets an individuals nervous system and it enters the brain as voice threats or noise. These can come from any direction and can be perceived as ghosts, God’s voice, aliens, Satan or laughing. Silent subliminal words can target people too, to make them think thoughts are their own. Brain wave scanners can mind read by training a satellite onto someone’s head and scanning its magnetic field. Patterns which show particular emotions can be read and more can be sent back to change the emotional/psychological state. EEG results of computerized brainwave scanning can be relayed to US govt. faculties, and the thoughts can be interpreted instantaneously, with a brain wave vocabulary, developed from the CIA’s LSD experiments. Remote torture or interrogation can be carried out by staff at computers thousands of miles away. Psychic phenomena and “coincidences” Paul writes, can be arranged using brain-scanning technologies. Could every citizen be brainwave scanned by Echelon at Pine Gap and thoughts suppressed? Only those “in” with them would profit and only those who questioned nothing would escape scrutiny. No military or federal law enforcement would be necessary. More from Paul here Is this what the entity Maitreya said through Benjamin Creme would be used to replace law enforcement world wide when the entity holding the “Office of the Christ ” for the “Age” sits on his global throne?


Links on url from Branton’s site
For Branton’s online books go to This is from Branton’s Redbook: “NEW YORK, MONTAUK – An underground base 8-9 levels deep below Camp Hero at Montauk Point, Long Island, which is reportedly occupied by Ciakars from Alpha Draco, Grays from Rigel Orion, Black Ops & German Intelligence – Thule Society agents. The Montauk mind control and space-time manipulation projects were based there and at 25 other bases around North America and reportedly involved over 25 thousand “abductees” who have been programmed to serve the as “sleeper” agents of the New World Order. The computer archives of the Montauk Project are housed in the underground facility near the Alsace-Lorraine region near the German-French border, and is known as the Montauk Alsace Lorraine Time Archives [M.A.L.T.A.]. Entrances reportedly exist under the old 7-story Montauk Tower in the nearby town of Montauk; near the Sage Radar Tower and buildings to the north; under the old Montauk Air Force Station; Block Island; East Hampton; in a hill near the Light House at Montauk ‘Point’ itself; in the cliffs overlooking the beaches near Camp Hero; behind the so-called “cement bunkers” that have been sealed; under the “mystery closets” which can be seen throughout the area; and connecting the basements of three [?] buildings – now demolished – in the Shadmoor area directly west of the Ditch Plains public bathhouse and parking lot; an entrance near a boulder which sits along the west side of the SE entry road to the base; and also at Fort Pond Bay. source: Preston Nichols – Peter Moon – Duncan Cameron – Al Bielek; Michelle Guerin; Michael Ash; Mr. ‘X’; John Quinn”

See also  TECHNOREALITIES: Part 8: Alien Technology at Pine Gap


At Montauk the CIA (operated by Nazis) experimented greatly to make a person into a superman. More on this here They are still doing it with human/alien hybridizations in CIA run underground installations where they bring abducted people to take their eggs and sperm to do all sorts of experiments, including cloning. Hybrids are implanted in women and then later removed after about 6 weeks to grow in tanks. In the article Let’s talk Montauk by Joyce Murphy it is stated that Area 51 along with Brookhaven are time portal areas, and it is rumored that people enter a building of Area 51, seemingly into a short corridor or loop and walk out at Pine Gap. Bob Lazar , who used to work back engineering alien craft at Area 51, says this in an interview in Benny Goodman Happening in a summary of the main points : The aliens get from A to B bending space and time, using gravity. The alien craft have 3 gravity amplifiers on the bottom, which they will focus on the point they want to go to. The craft will spring to there much like a rubber band stretched goes back to its point of origin, when the gravity generators are turned off.. He says there’s no linear travel through space; it actually bends space and time and follows space as it retracts. They can also pull gravity around the ship to make it dematerialize. It’s also the reason why the crafts APPEAR as if they’re making ninety-degree turns at some incredible speed; it’s just the time and space distortion being seen we’re not seeing the actual event happening.


There have been 2 separate reports of kangaroos hopping around on Long Island. The Montauk Project also on Long Island , is said to be financed by the German Krupp family (owner of the German munitions factories for the 2 world wars and controlling ITT – as written in The Montauk Project by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon) and is connected with Brookhaven National Laboratories. Joyce Murphy wrote that there is evidence of Montauk being used for top secret, ultra-classified research into interdimensional technology, quantum and particle physics, black hole simulation, psychotronics, super-powerful electrical fields, weather control, electronic and rug based mind control, genetics and particle beam technology. It has been suggested that the real HAARP project is located there now and much info on this can be found in the works of John Quinn in Montauk and HAARP…..


Joyce Murphy writes that Brookhaven is located on an intersection of the earth grid and Montauk Point itself is a powerful natural earth energy location which supposedly connects with Men an Tol, Cornwall England. Men an Tol is connected with Aleister Crowley, said to be the most evil man to ever live on earth and is now connected with satanists and black magicians. Montauk too has carried some very evil experiments and it said that hundreds of skeletons were found in that underground faculty, before they poured tons of concrete into all the openings after 1983. She continues that our “normal reality” is built upon dynamic functions or dynamic time and can be compared to one gigantic loop. It may have no beginning or end and continuing indefinitely. Alternate realities are extraneous loops off the main reality added onto our original timeline. It has been said by others that many natural timelines for this planet converge at Montauk. Joyce writes the “computer” and Duncan Cameron were able to effectively rip open a hole in space-time from 1983 to 1943 to correct situations aboard the Eldridge as it went through the time warp, changing the past to change the future creating a paradox. Al Bielek wrote of a gray alien invasion through the 40 year rift in time, with the rift allowing many UFOs to invade our world. He also mentioned soldiers going through the time portal at Montauk to fight in a ‘future war’ 50 years ahead! Joyce also writes of an interdimensional intergalactic war going on here and archangels now being reincarnated here to fight this war of good v evil and its connection with the surname Temple or any derivative of. There is an 8 mile radius in SE Missouri where all sorts of bizarre activity is happening almost daily. An amoebic shaped portal with a dark void, has been seen with UFOs materializing out of it. In Alaska, home of HAARP, UFOs materialize as they come through portals in the sky. It has been said that the military leave for Mars now through time portals and Michael Relfe in The Mars Records online book of his 20 year stint on Mars, before being time shot back to his time of origin, said he left for Mars through a time portal in Illinois. had the 374 page free online book. But the website is apparently gone now.


The book Underground Bases and Tunnels by Richard Sauder says some sources even contend that Pine Gap is simultaneously operational in the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions. A man who once communicated with Rich Hansen, told him he leaves for Mars military service from a time portal in Australia. It could possibly be either Pine Gap or Nurranger base. He says that the Mars colony has been in physical existence since 1964. He joined the program when the Terraforming began in 1983 and this was then 3 years into a 20 year plan. He is now manager of the Terraforming Branch. The other branches are Energy, Habitat (they have over 2000 residents now) Quantum Physics and Vehicle Construction. The largest and most expensive is Vehicle Construction, because of the “Interstellar Traveler”. He says all personnel and patrons are voluntary including himself. It is an English speaking world conspiracy. When he is earthside he is restricted to the Base (location classified) in Australia, with occasional visits to a city, usually Sydney or Melbourne for their universities. He won’t be given permission to move back to earth until the project is completed. He wrote the emails in encryption. Scientific American writes of weird quantum experiments in bilocation. The incredible acceleration reported for UFO’s and their ability to function undersea as well as above atmoshere would make a trip to Mars quick and easy even without jumpgates. The ET scientist who came to Brazil from one of the moons of Jupiter, in the book My Contact With UFOs (Also as My Contact with Flying Saucers) by Dino Kraspeden, said spaceships get from A to B physically e.g. Mars, by recreating the atmosphere of the place they want to go to artificially and by magnetic attraction the ship is drawn to it instantly. The scientist from Jupiter even told Dino Kraspedon that it took 6 mins to get to Mars.


Joyce Murphy writes in Let’s Talk Montauk that the Montauk group became interested in programming children and then assimilating them back into society as “sleepers”. This was done by a combination of Nazis, US factions and aliens who worked with them. When the secret government wanted to activate the sleeper agents, they were answerable on both a psychotronic/hypnotic basis or verbal command. They became highly trained assassins, assignment couriers traveling backward and forward in time via the Montauk Chair and taking their physical body with them as they walk through time portals to carry out assignments. One of the primary purposes of all is to destroy what comes through dimensional portals throughout the planet. Wherever dimensional portals seem to exist so do Navy Seals. US has access or control of the 4 prime earth gravity focus points on the planet. These are Pine Gap, Easter Island, San Diego and Brookhaven. Angela Kahealani also claims that: “U.S. and its partner the U.K. control at least 7 of the 8 vertices of the dual tetrahedron of earth, and many of the secondary points on the grid at the half-way points.” B Alan Walton wrote: “There are supposed to be Grays, Reptiloids and Dracos in the lower levels of Pine Gap just as there are at Dulce. Both are tri-gate bases, that is they each have star-gates, quantum-gates, AND earth-gates [shuttle terminals]. The Antarctican – Aryans ave allegedly been infiltrated by reptilian shape-shifters and are working within the hollow interior of the moon as well. The moon is alleged to be an ancient artificial construction. Scientists have found that the moon “rings” like a bell for several days when a meteor strikes it. It was supposed to be the sphere that the Luciferians or the “pan” people like the satyrs of legend, part angel, part humanoid, and part animal] used to escape the war in heaven. Sort of a refugee ship that the rebels used to make it to earth, where they hoped to make their last stand. WITHIN the moon and the earth, against the angelic forces of light.”



Menwith Hill UK listening station is exactly opposite Pine Pap coincidentally, and like Pine Gap is free from electromagnetic interference, which is necessary to manifest computerized time portals to Mars created by radio waves. Pine Gap is said to be able to be used as a portal to Mars. The NW Cape transmitter in Western Australia is exactly opposite the middle of the Bermuda Triangle. The book Anti-Gravity and the World Grid edited by David Hatcher Childress, has many maps on dimensional portals and on page 79 there is a map of ‘earth gravity focus points’ There are vortex points all over the globe including Lop Dor, China which we will get back to shortly as it is connected to Pine Gap military base and is marked by James Hurtak as a place where the ET ‘Masters of Wisdom’, as termed by Theosophy will arrive on this planet along with Pine Gap, both being dimensional doorways. The map shows the vortex areas and one is at South Africa, where there is another CIA run base connected to Pine Gap.


In the Australasian UFOlogist Vol. 3 #3 there is an article by Graham Stewart called Harmonics of Wycliffe Well and the Devil’s Marbles area. In he writes about evidence that there is a major covert scientific operation to create space/time portals in Australia. Harmonic positions in a triangulate shape are linked from the Devil’s Marbles area in Northern territory to the Pine Gap facility and again the Parkes Radio Telescope. Strange lights appeared stationary in the sky for several weeks in 1994, that moved in a highly erratic manner before darting off at phenomenal speeds. Phones, faxes, EFTPOS machines had trouble functioning when these objects appeared. He wrote that it may be possible to physically observe a type of “shimmer ” effect at certain times during the Earth’s orbital motion around the sun. The matter/anti-matter harmonic for Devil’s Marbles is directly associated with matter transfer and time displacement. Graham writes that at the Devil’s Marbles position, where the wave of sightings were, all the harmonics values together could produce an Interdimential Portal or Time/Matter shift. Are UFOs entering earth through these time portals? He also wrote another article in the Australasian UFOLogist Vol. 4 #2 about a possible time portal in South of Cooktown, Black Mountain, Queensland, where unexplained phenomena, human disappearances, eerie sounds and UFO activity occurred. Harmonics put it in sympathetic resonance with the energy grid as a whole. A particular harmonic at that position could alter the vibrational rate of the matter/energy field as the sun’s position changes due to the earth’s orbital position. Light may be like the aurora borealis.


Bruce Cathie in his book Harmonic 33 wrote that UFO sightings occur in a regular grid pattern of 30 nautical miles apart or 54.46km and that they are rebuilding a world grid system from which they can draw motive power. They are possibly also using the grid for navigational purposes. He worked out that The grid pattern consisted of lines spaced at thirty-minute intervals orientated just on six degrees displacement from true north. Eventually, two similar grids were found to be interlocked with each other, creating rather a complex pattern which could be further reduced to lines with a spacing of seven-and-one-half minutes.He formulated a series of harmonic unified equations which indicated that the whole of physical reality was in fact manifested by a complex pattern of interlocking wave-forms. He found that the harmonic values could be applied to all branches of scientific research and atomic theory. 360 is the frequency number of the universe. The lines of magnetic force that make up the global grid are always 30 arc-minutes apart. Every half deg is a potential trackline for a total of 72 deg lat and long. The study of the various patterns of gridlines in relationship is called harmonics. Cathie in order to invent a system changed the day into 27 grid hours, instead of 24 hrs. This makes 97,000 grid seconds. Harmonics divides these seconds up into different numbers which express a different vibration. We can have harmonic time and the speed of light or sound can be calculated by this method using hyperdimensional physics. Deliberately place nuclear blasts on sensitive points, along with activity at ancient sites and the placing of the world’s power stations on calculated key gridline areas affect “our reality” as it appears in matter. Cathie connected this grid and the energy it produces with the ‘unified theory of physics’. Uniting gravity and electromagnetism can produce UFO propulsion systems. The CIA approached Cathie wanting to know more and offered him a job. English intelligence also turned up and told him they could get into 15 dimensions. He said that at certain universities selected students are secretly taught harmonics. An extensive hyperdimensional physics program is also taught at Heidelberg University in Germany.


The energy network formed by the grid was already known to a powerful group of international interests and scientists. It had many military applications, and political advantage could be gained by those with knowledge on how to manipulate the consciousness of all. A small group with this knowledge could take over control of the world. It is known that both the Sinclairs hierarchy based in Scotland and the Nazis at Montauk are manipulating the world gridlines. Cathie discovered by application of grid mathematics that an atomic bomb is a device based on the geometrics of space and time. To be successfully detonated, the bomb MUST be geometrically constructed, placed on, under, or over a geometric position in relation to the Earth’s surface, and activated at a SPECIFIC TIME in relation to the geometrics of the solar system. Cathie found that it was possible to precalculate the time of various bomb tests, and the locations where it was possible to explode a bomb. The mathematical complexities of unlocking the geometric structure of the unstable material constituting a bomb creates a sudden release of energy. Only certain geometric locations and times can be used for nuclear blasts. Harmonic mathematics of the grid can be applied using laser research and military application is important. Crop circles created by satellites from Brookhaven National Labs can affect this too. However earth’s natural energy frequencies can become distorted creating time rifts and dimensional doorways. Graham Stewart writes that during 1912- 1918, the geographic North Pole was in the center of Earth’s Axis but from 1962-1969, this axis has been moving further and further from what was considered the true center. He says that the wobble at the North Pole is growing and that the Earth may be ready to do a flip, with the heavy ice sheets at the Poles ending up around the Equator. This would be very convenient for the Nazis at their home in Antarctica.

See also  TECHNOREALITIES: Part 7: Alien Alliances


David Wilcock writes that: our consciousness is the projector. The conscious “I am” part of our individuality passes from one pulse of physical matter to the next within our physical body, giving the illusion of constant reality and the passing of time. He writes that we have a twin stream of consciousness on the antimatter side of the cycle that creates a mirror image of our own individual personality. If the frequency of pulse manifestations is altered even fractually, our awareness of reality here will shift from one spacial point to another. He says that we are constituted of wave forms which resonate within a range of frequencies which control the physical processes of our limited world. Any alteration of these frequencies would cause our consciousness to move into the anti-matter twin. We would shift or “ascend’ from this reality into one comprised of anti-matter. One would have to change the radius of spiral motion of the wave form of the matter and anti-matter pulse. David Wilcock on The Cathie Grid.


Bruce Cathie sums it up by saying that if matter and anti matter are both formed by the same harmonically locked waves spiraling through space, in alternate pulses of positive or negative charge, then time would not be reversed during the negative part of the cycle. Both the positive and negative pulses, because they occur alternately, would form 2 similar interlocked time continuums flowing in the same direction. By altering the pulse rate of matter manifestation, time is also increased or decreased. It is said that anti matter duplicates matter in mirror like reversal and possibly time itself is reversed. In gravity distortion areas, gravity and light waves are warped. The effects pass through a 90 day cycle in an oval shaped area. Toyne Newton in the Demonic Connection writing about Guy Underwood’s observations says that the ley line or gridline energy (coils of serpent power) runs in a wave motion, forming a network on the face of the earth and that it effects the growth and germination of trees and plants. It is perceived and used by animals. Stone circles have a particularly strong magnetism and the lines of magnetic current pass from power point to power point. Ancient engineering knew about these lines of current in order to build standing stones in areas in which it is harnessed. The direction of its flow varies with the phases of the moon.


In the book Anti-Gravity and the World Grid, Richard Leviton in his chapter Ley Lines and the Meaning of Adam mentions that the Master Grid Engineers were and remain Knights of the Holy Grail. He talks about the human/grid interface and how it is expressed as consciousness technology. He calls it ‘spiritual engineering’ and relates it to the Second Coming of Christ. A change in the polarity of the electric current flowing through the Grid communicator at Avebury introduces a new Light/Life/Consciousness spectrum for earth, a literal upgrading of ourselves by electrocuting matter and transfiguration into the 4th Dimension. He claims that nearly 2000 energy centres or time portals 1/4 to 1 mile in diameter exist as centres of light around the world linked by interwoven gold and silver lines, which emanate like cords from their crowns. These are all joined together at master energy centers. He names earth’s planetary chakras, which would be the master energy emanating centres around the globes as situated here: crown – Mt. Cook; NZ, brow – Lop Nor Mongolia; throat – the pyramid Egypt; heart – (inner) Avebury, (outer) Glastonbury England; solar plexus Ayer’s Rock central Australia (not far from Pine Gap); sacral Machu Picchu Peru and root Mt Shasta California. Straight running lines are of 2 forms – one averaging 5-30 miles connect one portal to another and another kind make an angular light matrix around the planet. Each portal has the capacity to affiliate up to 48 smaller energy centres through a series of spiraling lines. He says potentially there are 83,808 energy centres around the world. Leviton claims the same agencies, whom he calls “the Elohim” – Adam’s parents and ‘God’s’ agents who originally engineered and installed the grid network system in accordance with Hermes’ Principles have come back to reactivate it to maintain the health of both human and gaia. He claims that there are many gridlines above the earth with the final one being 2 miles above.


He writes that the ‘Solar Logos'( a Theosophical term meaning the god who gives the sun sentience) is a component of the Galactic Logos ( the god of the galaxy). This force enters the earth through the primary energy centre of the earth at Avebury and is then distributed throughout the globe as gaia’s emotional life blood. He says we stand on the threshold of transcendence, of attaining in consciousness that 4th dimensional quality called anti-gravity. There is a stellar grid too where stars are connected called the crystal grid. Here restrictions can be transcended and human consciousness can depart the solar system, soaring off in a burst of light into the 4th and 5th dimensions, free from gravity. Gravity is described as only the weight of mind/body/emotions bounded by the linear time/space fishnet of the grid. So anti-gravity technology is basically a consciousness technology, to enable a transcending mastery of the grid. He says unilaterally, instantaneously, synchronously we will be raised out of gravity trap we’re all stuck in into the realm of anti-gravity where we’ll advance further. A change in the polarity of the electric current through the magnetic field motors at Avebury means we will rise into the next dimension to the realm of the gods, and then comprehend our true status in the solar paradigm. We’ll be dead too! But we don’t want that bad old gravity do we? It’s such a hindrance to our ongoing evolution of consciousness!


Leviton claims the soul of the planet is at the Gobi/Lop Nor deserts of Mongolia/N China. It is situated in a quasi-physical, quasi-etheric interdimensional realm, but can be entered physically occasionally by human adepts through various geomantic doorways around the earth. At that level that encounter the Planetary Logos called Sanat Kumara ( A theosophical term) who presides over earth’s inner life. This Sanat Kumara supposedly imparts spiritual qualities through the grid matrix. This entity under guidance from the so called ‘Elohim’ can give adepts a transfiguration of consciousness’ from the human plane to one of angelic resonance, presumably they ‘ascend’ into the next dimension. He writes that the estimated figures of these geomantic tools for consciousness technology once employed by the ancient geomancers of gaia are: 1000 stone chambers, at least 30,000 barrows, 900 stone circles, 300 hillforts and countless thousands of single standing stones. He says that they are the interface between the earth’s indigenous magnetic field and the cord coming out from the main electromagnetic grid which re-arranges and harnesses the magnetized earth field. Various lines reach from the magnetic south pole below Australia to the magnetic north pole in northern Canada but the varying strengths of lines of magnetic force flowing in one direction operating as an electric current, then deviate enroute sometimes detouring horizontally in some places to meet up with the magnetic north. Resembling wavy lines en route. He further elaborates that a grid engineer can change the specific radio band of this magnetic flow from the solar radio station – he has the potential for freeing the inherent energy of this magnetic field from bondage. He claims that if the direction of the electric current passing from pole to pole is changed to flow in another direction by a motor, the magnetic field will reverse itself. The primary electric current can be changed to a direct-current or alternating-current. So the magnetic force running from one pole to another can be stopped and made to go any direction or even changed in expression to make a pole reversal as these so called “Elohim” desire. He says possible geomagnetic field and pole reversal even the Second Coming of Christ are all within the function of these motors which are placed on the planet. Leviton leaves us with a chilling prophecy: Gaia’s inner heart at Avebury is scheduled for imminent reactivation. The grid under structural reassessment is also about to be “switched back on” full power, but at a HIGHER vibratory rate. Anti-gravity will happen. The ancient gravitation field holding us down will be transcended to a transfigured Light body high above gaia. The Elohim etc will return.


Bruce Cathie said that the gridlines are constructed to transmit gravitational frequencies, which are slightly higher than normal gravity at the earth’s surface. The grid aerials which he has discovered the planetary controllers have put around the planet, may have been placed so that the transmitted waves are vertical. Gravity is grossly distorted within the confines of a vortex area. In Santa Cruz California and Oregon vortex areas light gives strangely distorted visual effects and weights will not hang vertically. A person can even walk up a wall. There are said to be 6 of these gravity distortion areas. He suggests that aerials could have been placed at far as 36 nautical miles underground. If so then a small displacement would cause gravity distortion which would be oval in shape. The anomalies pass through a 90 day cycle. He concludes that the world grid is harmoniously attuned to the great-year cycle of 25,815 years ( the amount of time it takes for the earth to be pointing to the pole star by precession of the equinoxes) . He divided the number of days in a great-year as found from grid values, by the number of days in one cycle of the gravity anomalies. He found it possible that the geometric cycle traced through space every 90 days does have a connection with variations in the gravity effect using harmonics.


Many things tie in with Nazi scientific activity after the war and we find that Nazis are linked with: Developing Russian anti-grav saucers; starting the CIA; working at Montauk on time travel; working at Area 51 on back engineering crashed UFO’s and Werner Von Braun the former Nazi rocket scientists developing the NASA space program. They are still in Antarctica and now number 2 million according to Branton. As Pine Gap is run by the CIA, a Nazi organization and it is connected by a time portal to Area 51 and to the Antarctica base, let’s look more closely at what technology is available to do what. It has been written that Brookhaven National Laboratories in Long Island, New York was also run by former Philadelphia Experiment technician Dr John von Neuman in the book by Peter Moon – The Montauk Project. Brookhaven has been said to be responsible for creating crop circles by satellite. Some say masers are used on satellites. Could it be that they are rerouting the timelines holding the present ‘reality’ together by altering the flow of time that the grid/leylines uses to hold this present reality together? The energy of the gridlines flows from one vortex to another around the planet. It is said that many timelines converge at Montauk in New York. Could they be changing the reality we are presently expressing to one where the Nazis won the war? Al Bielek says that many time lines are available, containing different scenarios. The German Dr von Neumann according to Al Bielek, along with 3 scientists from the future, changed the present timeline in 1963 to avoid a midpoint collision of the forward and backward ripples of time that occurred from the time rift opening at both 1943 and 1983. These would have smashed together and done a lot of damage to this world, had not technology taken us off this ‘destiny’. Is something planned again for 2,003, where time can be manipulated again apparently every 20 years? Looking at many different seemingly unconnected areas we find a common goal of world domination of the consciousness of mankind , flowing through the gridlines, by mind control technology and occult ceremonies, where different forces are brought into the consciousness of all.


The preparations for an impending disaster and evidence of a fleet of invading hostile reptoids arriving to claim back this planet as their own has been found in other literature and will be covered further on. Branton says:

Then there are the allegations of the existence of NEMESIS, a huge frozen planet about the size of Jupiter which actually was a potential star which did not have quite enough mass to ignite. The Dracos have supposedly been using Nemesis for centuries, as a cryogenic freezing zone to store away reptilian warriors in suspended animation for future use. It is actually the closest neighbor to our system, and out in the direction of Orion. However it can only be detected by secret government IRIS [infra-red] satellites because the planet is only slightly above the absolute zero temperature of space. It has supposedly been seen coming towards us at a slow rate, indicating that is may be a binary companion to our own star Sol. Nearly ALL of the asteroids that have been detected in our solar system as having carried out course-changes and suspected as having been used as operational bases for alien abduction scenarios, NEARLY ALL OF THESE according to the late Phil Schnieder [aka “Creston”] originate from Nemesis… which seems to be jointly used by the reptilian forces of Alpha Draconis, Rigel Orion, and Sirius-B.


It has been said that Pine gap is a UFO guidance system because UFOs have been seen flying in a straight line to or from the facility.

SECRET SPACE STATIONS.(text coming later)


According to Branton the deepest levels of the US government has an on-going ‘covert space program’ utilizing advanced aerospace and propulsion technologies. The clandestine and illegal funding for this has been kept secret with deadly force. He says George Andrews suspects that ‘Starfleet International’ consists of human-military personnel only, while the ‘United Federated Planets’ may somehow tie-in with the non-human entities’ such as the ‘Serpent Race’ or the ‘Greys’. UFP may involve interaction with the ‘Federated’ human cultures. There may be evidence that certain ‘Constituted Government’ officials (who are loyal to the American- Constitutional ‘Republic’) have secret ‘alliances’ with the ‘Nordics’; whereas the ‘Secret Government’ collaborators who are loyal to the Bavarian- Roman ‘Empire’ tend to collaborate with the saurian Grays.


In Chapter 11 of the book Secrets of the Mojave by Branton and also in Cosmic Patriot Files by Commander X it is written that in 1990 researcher Val Valerian (ex US Military Intelligence) released a document with a list of several military personnel, who are in a covert space program called “Starfleet International” and “United Federated Planets”. These astronauts constantly travel back and forth through space from ultra secret bases on or below the earth, moon or Mars. UFO researcher George Andrews forwarded information to Val Valerian that a friend in a large city had woken about 3 am with an irrational urge to go to an all night Photostat place. A Navy officer was just leaving and threw some papers in the trash, which she retrieved. On them was a list of 46 names of an interplanetary crew, which included females. Some names were repeated throughout e.g. Ferguson, Caskey, Taylor, Burrall, Stevens and Miller. 11 names were traced to the US military. More than half the 46 names were listed on the clan Sinclair data base at This data base of ‘Grail family’ names includes McDonald, Stewart, Stuart, Cameron, Campbell, Bruce and other Scottish clans.


Part 4

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