The fourth event, unfortunately, could not be documented properly, came from Springwood, New South Wales, in 1973. One night two men were asleep in a caravan on a remote building site when one was awakened by a blue light projecting from a hovering aerial disc. A time-lapse of some two hours occurred. He felt some “beings, Caucasian types,” were somehow involved.

The fifth case was uncovered by Bill Chalker. In 1974 two young women from Canberra, Australian Capital Territory felt compelled to get into their car which allegedly drove itself to a remote spot. They were escorted by a brilliant white light source. Vague human shapes were seen and strange noises heard. There was an episode of missing time.

Two additional cases came to light at about this time. An old man is said to have been abducted near Elliot, Northern Territory, in 1976, after a bright object landed near him. Beings alighted and took him aboard. He said they asked him some questions about life on earth before they returned him unarmed to the pick-up point.

Investigations were unable to verify the account even though Pony Godic spent some time in 1989 corresponding with residents of Elliot in an attempt to uncover some leads. The other story emerged from Hobart, Tasmania, on the other side of Australia, again in 1976. A man and his wife had gone to bed. She fell asleep, leaving him awake. Suddenly through the closed door came three figures. One tried to put a bag over the man’s legs in an apparent abduction attempt. He tried to awaked his wife, whereupon the figures departed through the window.

See also  1988: The Abduction Phenomenon in Australia

The frustrations of being unable to investigate a fascinating report came to the surface in the next case. At about 9:00 p.m. on February 5, 1979, an intense white light lit up the hood of a car driven by a young man, near Lawitta, Tasmania. The car engine stopped, the radio went dead and the lights went out. Later that evening the man was picked up by the police in Hobart for driving the car without lights. They found him to be in a dazed condition and he did not know where he was. He was taken to a hospital apparently suffering from shock. The man, apparently suffering from shock, wished no further investigation of the matter.


In 1982 what had all the hallmarks of a classic multiple-witness abduction case happened? Keith Basterfield produced a short report in “UFO Research Australia Newsletter” describing “Australia’s first abduction case?” But despite a promising start to investigations neither of the two witnesses wished to cooperate with inquiries and so the case languished in our files.

The details are as follows: Two young men were traveling in a car near Port Lincoln, South Australia, on October 24, 1981 when they encountered a “white endless space” where a time loss of several hours is said to have occurred. During this loss time they have vague memories of a “being” and recalled “walking into a big room.” Just prior to the “space” they had been watching a mysterious light in the sky. Arrangements to have the men undergo a full investigation including hypnotic regression was unsuccessful.

See also  The Abduction Phenomenon in Australia 3

Two years later, while documenting cases of near-death experiences (NDE’s), Melbourne researcher Gary Little came across a case that contained aspects of both an NDE and a bedroom abduction. In 1979 a man named Mark retired to bed one night in Melbourne, Victoria, at about 11:00 p.m. Shortly after closing his eyes he lost all sense of sound and feeling and he found himself traveling in a tunnel through space. Looking forward, he noted a light at the end of the tunnel. His next awareness was of lying on a table in a “craft.” He was medically examined by three beings, after which he panicked and then awoke in his own bed. The percipient didn’t wish to take the matter any further.

At about the same time (1983) Pony Godic and Keith Basterfield were investigating another case from the Northern Territory. A 17-year-old youth, Simon, reported a series of events that included a nightmare close encounter, a number of dreams and also observations of entities about the house. The investigation, however, led to the conclusion that the stories originated from reading Raymond Fowler’s “Andreasson Affair“. The sketches Simon drew of his “aliens” were carbon copies of drawings from the book. Eventually, he admitted he had indeed read the book whose story obsessed him to the point where his school grades suffered.

Finally, a well-investigated apparent abduction event emerged and was ably looked into and reported upon by Mark Moravec of Sydney. Two young men, out hunting near Jindabyne, New South Wales, in September 1978, reported seeing a bright spherical light on the ground some little distance away. Next night it was seen again. In 1983 one of the men began to recall memories of a two-hour time lapse on one of those two nights. One memory was of the two men’s being floated into a room where they were placed on a table and examined by tall, white-colored beings. Moravec wrote, “there is at present no evidence to confirm the ‘abduction’ experience occurred as a real physical event.

See also  The Abduction Phenomenon in Australia 3

Part 3

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