If the earth was ‘seeded’ by an already existing human race these genetic ‘lines’ would most likely end at various different points around the globe. Is it possible that ‘Emery’ was still communicating? Or, as in the case of Richard Shaver himself—when he was shut off from PHYSICAL contact with the ‘Teros’ he claimed to have encountered—could this ‘new’ information have been nothing more than paraphysical impostors stepping in with Draconian propaganda mixed with bits and pieces of truth designed to lead people astray in an attempt to CONFUSE the true history of human-reptilian conflict? – Branton)

“But at some point in their conquests, the ancient humans encountered the race which was to become their deadly enemy, the Snake People. The Snake People and the ancients battled for a thousand years, with the advantage passing first to one side, then to the other. But it became clear that the Snake-People had won.

Did they chase the human race from planet to planet (and through the hundred or so galaxies which supposedly made up their empire? One might suppose that a human empire powerful enough to travel between galaxies would be able to defend themselves from such an enemy – Branton), scattering the remnants of the Human Empire to a few lonely, inconsequential worlds.

One of them was Mars, and the Red Planet was for hundreds of generations of the ancients a hospitable home. But as time passed the ancients realized Mars was dying—its oxygen and water were slowly dying.

“The Great Ruler of Mars sent a fleet of spaceships to earth… They settled in Antarctica and built seven great cities there, modeled after the cities on Mars; each had a distinctive color and was called the Green City or the Blue City or the Red City. But the greatest of all was Rainbow City, so named because it was constructed entirely of plastic of all colors of the rainbow… Under their guidance (of the Ancient Three) the colony flourished mightily.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 3

“It was humanity’s golden age, but it was not to last forever. A great catastrophe, probably a surprise attack by the Snake People, struck the earth and tipped it over on its axis. As in Doreal’s history—but with the parties REVERSED—the people of Antarctica quickly found their paradise icy and uninhabitable.

The survivors of the disaster abandoned the great cities to settle in the wilds of the north, and after thousands of years of adversity they lost their technological knowledge. Memories of the glorious days of the ancients became myths and legends. But even after all that time the great cities of the Antarctic still existed, buried now under thousands of feet of ice.

(Walter Kafton-Minkel> comments: “The circumstances surrounding the discovery of Rainbow City in the Hefferlins’ story are reminiscent of H.P. Lovecraft’s horror story ‘AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS’ [1963]. In the tale, a scientific expedition bored a hole into the Antarctic ice crust and discovers a tunnel filled with the well-preserved corpses of alien life forms. Nearer the South Pole, the expedition discovers a great deserted city hidden behind mountains higher than the Himalayas and finds carvings telling the story of a race of ‘Elder Things’ which settled at the Pole nearly a thousand million years ago… When the ‘great cold’ came, the Old Ones settled first in the oceans and then traveled down to a sea in the interior of the earth.” – Branton)

“Rainbow City sat deserted for a million years. it alone of the seven cities was free of ice, for hot springs beneath the city kept it and the surrounding valley at room temperature. Encircled by walls of ice ten thousand feet high, Rainbow City has remained hidden from Antarctic explorers to this day—except for Emery and his band.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 4

They occupied the city and found it consisted of six levels, one on the surface and five beneath it. Since the technology of the ancients was infinitely superior to our own, the city was found with all its incredible machinery running as well as it had when the city was built two and a half million years ago.

(Quite an accomplishment, although one might wonder just where the power for such machines could have come from during all that time, and IF humans were living on earth for the past two and a half million years why did no subsequent civilizations discover the ancient city in all that time? If the human race was descended from these supposed refugees from the stars who the Hefferlin’s claim came to earth two and a half MILLION years ago, then there must have been times in the past when the wandering poles would have alternatively made Antarctica tropical and frozen and therefore accessible to human exploration – Branton).

“Almost everything in Rainbow City was built of plastic. W.C. wrote that the roads leading into the city ‘are paved with plastic.’ The clothing Emery and his colleagues found hanging in the ancient closets ‘is woven of a plastic thread softer than the finest modern silks, lighter in weight, and… fireproof.’

All of their jewelry was of plastic so hard ‘the surface of a diamond is cut and powdered as if it were ordinary glass.’ W.C. also wrote that Rainbow city is filled with gardens of ‘great shade trees and flowering plants, luxurious beyond belief, whose individual blooms often measure three feet in diameter.’ They are visited by enormous butterflies with wingspreads of seven or eight feet; their bodies would ‘fill a large-sized turkey platter… They are as large as full-sized eagles and are beautiful beyond words.’

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 10

W.C. didn’t mention anything about the four- or five-foot caterpillars such butterflies imply, but perhaps the people of Rainbow City didn’t mind encountering huge, hungry larvae in their gardens (which had somehow maintained themselves for over 2 MILLION years – Branton) because they were larger themselves. Emery estimated, after looking at the clothes and furniture the ancients left behind, that they averaged about eight feet tall.

“While preparing Rainbow City for resettlement by the Ancient Three (who were supposedly still around after 2 ½ million years! – Branton) and their specially-selected followers, Emery and the others discovered many incredible devices abandoned by the ancients. Like Saint Germain’s magical dishwasher, ‘vibratory flames’ kept the plastic clothes, carpets, and dishes of the city eternally spotless. Other vibrations supplied the artificial sunlight for the underground gardens. Ancient books read themselves aloud when a button was pushed.

“The ancients surpassed themselves, however, as transportation engineers. One of their most remarkable inventions was the ‘portal,’ a closet-like room with two doors that would warp space and deliver people or cargo to any point on the globe when the user merely concentrated on the destination. According to W.C., one of Emery’s comrades was Kilroy, ‘a red-headed Irishman with a puckish sense of humor.’ Kilroy was overjoyed when he learned to work the portal, and in his spare moments, he would trip from place to place all over the world, appearing just long enough to scrawl ‘Kilroy was here’ on a convenient wall.

Part 16

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