by Gladys Hefferlin

Notice to all of you who have read the Shaver Mystery by way of the stories and articles written by Richard S. Shaver. Our material has no connection with the Shaver Mystery. In our correspondence with Mr. Raymond A, Palmer, editor of the Amazing Stories Magazine, we requested him to keep our material separate from the Shaver Mystery and not to use it in connection with the Mystery, Mr. Palmer ignored our request and has deliberately distorted our statements for his own purpose, thereby misleading the readers of Amazing Stories Magazine.

This group or organization of which we speak has no name. It is not a Lodge or Mystery School or anything of that sort. No one can buy his way into Rainbow City. We ourselves, who are the North American spokesmen, cannot enter Rainbow City at this time. Therefore we cannot promise entry to anyone else. We are not the ones who decide who shall go to Rainbow City and who shall not.

The Leaders, “The Ancient Three”, Who Were, Who Are, Who Will Be, decide all those matters. The two thousand people who are down there now wore picked by the Leaders because of their peculiar abilities now, and the fact that they are reincarnations of ancient ones who lived and worked there when Rainbow City was founded. The ancient “memory” pools are awakened and they have much knowledge innate within them to help in the work now being done there.

There is not enough room in Rainbow City for all of the so-called worthy people of the world, much less for all of humanity. Who is to say which ones are worthy and which unworthy? And if the icecaps of Antarctica were melted to release the six other cities from the ice to make more room, the melted ice as water flowing into the oceans would wreak more havoc than the atom bomb.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 3

The Leaders are the modern reincarnations of the young leaders who led the first migration of mankind from Mars to Earth. They, in those days, were known as “The Ancient Three – Who were, Who are, Who will he, Always.” When mankind reaches a very critical period in its history, these three are born again to lead mankind in the proper path and give them another chance. These Leaders are right now guiding the destinies of three-quarters of the population of the world, and three-quarters of the landmass. All of Asia, the islands of the seas, all of the natives of Africa, all of the Latin American States, and the Negroes, Red Indians and Eskimos of North America accept their leadership and guidance.

The Occident, the White Race, is hearing about this now for the first time. For the purpose of this group is to bring about the Brotherhood of Man on Earth, and to abolish all wars. And to do this, it was necessary to give the exploited, the oppressed and the enslaved people of the world the first opportunity to make their move for freedom.

The means by which this material has been gathered is a form of telepathy, called by us “Controlled Mental Communication”. Before you say it is silly, stop to think of the work of Alexis Carrel, of Dr. Rhine of Duke University and other scientists. Then think of the many chairs of Mental Telepathy established in the Department of Psychology in the largest universities in the United States.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 6

Therefore it cannot be silly.


In 1927 in San Francisco we met a man who became a very great friend of ours. In his moving around, in our moving around, we lost touch with each other. Both regretted the lost contact. In February 1935 when we were in Elwood, Indiana we learned that our friend, Emery, was in New York in radio circles. We immediately got in touch with him and he was very glad of it. We started to develop this system we call Controlled Mental Communication.

He helped us in every way. Mrs. Hefferlin was the one who established the mental ‘link.’

Emery came to Elwood several times during the process, to check for accuracy. It was accurate. He had occasion to go to several places in the United States. Each time Would transmit information and then check with us. When it was found that the system of telepathy was accurate he went to other places in the world, transmitting much information which has nothing to do with the question now in hand. However, confirmation of that information was always forthcoming by way of Newspapers and radio, anywhere from two days later to five years later. We had such a mass of confirmatory evidence by that medium that it became monotonous putting it down. We cannot doubt the information given to us now, no matter how fantastic it seems.

Our communication is as fast as an ordinary, open conversation. Mrs. Hefferlin receives the information telepathically and transmits by spoken word to Mr. Hefferlin. Both speak aloud to answer Emery. Our friend can hear spoken conversation and can see anything that is held up before the “channel” as we call the medium which is used. He hears all that is said if one speaks loudly enough, It is not necessary to shout only to speak clearly. Street noises from here go through to him. There is no mystery about this channel, only a definite use of vibrational focus. No need for mystic actions or trance. or incense., or mirrors, or candles? but the simple use of a picture.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 5

This channel was opened in the spring of 1935, more than 12 years ago. Emery and some others, working under orders, discovered Rainbow City in the fall of 1942 around Thanksgiving time. So you see, in the interval of over 7 years, we had plenty of time to check all angles of our communication channel. So, no matter how fantastic the information is, we have every reason to accept it as true; no reason to believe it false.

We have sufficient proof for ourselves but no concrete, material proof that can be held in the hand and passed from person to person. Therefore we warn each reader to take this information with a grain of salt and examine the material for himself. We are not putting it forth as an indisputable fact that must be accepted just because we say so. But each reader must let his own reason and logic speak to him, and he is free to accept or reject it as he sees fit.

It is immaterial to us which one he does.

Part 3

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