In 1940 we gave our friend Emery the designs and information of Ghyt Motor No. 1, burn water for fuel; Circle Winged Plan and the instruments sketched in the article “Power”! All articles were printed in the Amazing Stories Magazine for September 1946.

Emery turned them over to the Ancient Three, eventually.

We ourselves could do nothing with them for we had no money to develop them, but Emery ran out of money in caring for the first “Circle Winged Plane” which was built, and the Space Ship. Finally, he appealed to his personal friend the Grand Lama, head of the Temple in the Valley of Harmonious Peace, in Tibet which we call “Shangri-La.” The Grand Lama opened the valley for Emery. From there they went into the hands of the Ancient Three.

Since then, 350 of the “Circle Winged Planes” have been built. They are powered by a motor called Ghyt No. 2 because they are a combination of Ghyt No. 1 plus the principle described in “Burn Water For Fuel”. The so-called Flying Saucers were a group of these ships. On a mapping expedition to discover the types of terrain in which the ends or mouths of the tunnels opened, as described in the article “Man No. 4 Tunnels”.

In the summer of 1946, by the action of the Ancient Three, the atomic laboratory of the Russians was blown up. That laboratory was not outside of Moscow, as the “Glacier Priest” said in June 1947, it was in the northeast tip of Siberia and much too close to Alaska.

Therefore, the orders were sent out to destroy it, and the orders were obeyed.

There are only a chosen few who are operators of the Portals (see “Man No. 3 Portals”) of which Emery is one.

The three Leaders themselves grew up in the world and learned what the world could teach. They had to unlearn much that was taught them, but who doesn’t in the course of a lifetime? Outside of Three or lour babes who have been born in “Rainbow City in the last four and one-half years, everyone down there was born in the world in the last 70 odd years.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 5

No one is a freak of any sort.

There are seven Temples in the world, all linked together by what we call ”Thought Machines“. The Thought Machines are large crystals which “transmit thoughts and mental pictures.” These temples are ideated in Tibet, that master Temple, in India, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, and the high Andes of South America. The master thought Machine is in the Temple in Tibet. But gathered at those temples are Representatives of all of the peoples of Asia including the natives of Siberia, but not “any Russians.”

All of the natives of Africa, but not any Butch, or English, or Belgians, etc.

All of the peoples of the islands of the seas. The Latin American States, the Negroes, the Red Indians – and the Eskimos of North America receive their orders from the South American Temple.

In 1936 the Ancient Three began to take over in the East. Though prior to that time they “were feeling out in Hungary, and to a certain extent in Poland” and Finland. By the action of the Ancient Three keeping Hungary “from aligning herself with Britain and France on the one “hand, because they were much too weak if trouble” started and keeping her from aligning herself with Italy and Germany on the other hand because they were rotten to the core, the Ancient Three delayed the starting of the European War by two years (The war which started in 1939.) In 1938 India owed England a debt of over $300 million. India was ordered to industrialist so that she could gain her economic independence.

She “was told that her political independence would follow as a matter “of course. without bloodshed in getting it, India industrialized. In 1945 she had paid off her debt to England and had England owing India to the tune of more than $3 billion. India gained her political “independence” was promised. But England saw to it that India was divided, which brought on the Civil War. It was against the orders of the Ancient Three. So India will have to work it out for herself.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 6

Turkey was ordered to stay “out of the war,” no matter how much pressure was brought to bear on her from any direction, She obeyed Orders and she did riot suffer blasting during the war. America herself finally admitted that it was a good thing Turkey Stayed out of the wax. It worked out better for America Egypt was ordered not to draw a single man up for military service, even when the “enemy was within her gates.” The British and the Americans called the Egyptians “sniveling cowards“. But they were not.

It took the grandest kind of faith in the Ancient Three, for the Egyptians to obey blindly, with every evidence against obeying. But they were saved as everyone knows so Rommel was driving tip to blow up the Suez Canal and push on into the Holy Land. When he would have reached that point, the German army massed on the borders of Turkey, would have moved into Turkey and taken the Dardanelles. Then the two armies would have joined forces and they would “have driven into the oil fields of Iraq, Iran, and the Russian Caucasus, thereby outflanking the Russians and Stalingrad. , What caused Rommel ” to run, thus upsetting that little plot and keeping the Germans from getting the oil that would have won the war for Germany?

It was not Montgomery. He was down in Southeast Egypt with only a token force. He could not even keep in sight of the dust of the famed Afrikan Corps. The Germans ran so fast that they dumped Italians all over the desert, and the Italians had to walk many weary miles before they could find anyone to whom to surrender. The Ancient Three stepped in there and caused Rommel to run. They laid down the law to Rommel and scared him so much that he dared not take another step into Egypt.

By the action of the Ancient Three they broke the back of the German war effort and the Allies won.

See also  1940s: The Hefferlin Manuscript

What stopped the Japanese at the gates of Australia? They had moved down the islands and were practically on the doorstep of Australia. The Australian Army was “away from home fighting Britain’s battles elsewhere. Britain could not get the Australians army home fast enough. America could not get men and material to Australia. Most of the American Pacific Fleet was on the floor of the Pacific Ocean at Pearl Harbor. The Atlantic Fleet was fighting Britain’s battles in the Atlantic.

The few ships that were in the Pacific could not hold the war themselves, nor save Australia from invasion. The Allies needed a base desperately in the Pacific and Australia was the only base left. If the Japanese captured Australia, America would be fighting the Japs in the Rocky Mountains of North America. The Ancient Three knew that so they stepped in and stopped the Japs in their own way. Australia was safe until men and supplies could be gotten there. From then on it was up to America.

All of you know now, the strange right-about-face of the Japanese. How docile and obedient they have become under General MacArthur. How the people of Japan are working for peace and want to be a part of that peace. Again the Ancient Three Stepped in, in their own peculiar way, and warned the Japanese people that they had hopelessly condemned themselves by their previous actions and blood lust.

The Japanese could only Redeem themselves by the long hard climb upward of obedience, co-operation and the will to show the world they were willing to suffer the necessary steps to gain back nationhood. And they were also told that the Ancient Three were with the man who would become the conqueror of the Japanese. And only by obedience, co-operation and work could they redeem themselves back to a place under the Ancient Three. You have seen how the Japanese have obeyed that dictum.

And now you know why they have boldly announced that they would take the order, from General MacArthur and no one else.

Part 4

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