Syria and Lebanon gained their independence by the action of the Ancient Three. The Arabian States united into a federation by the act of the Ancient Three. And the strength of the federation as a unit is greater than the combined strength of the individual states. They organized according to the pattern of the United States which is the pattern that all the world will follow when the time is ripe. That is, the pattern of government among the States of the World, There are many necessary changes to be made in all departments of living before the Perfect Plan is established.

The pattern in the United States is: the forty-eight states are forty-eight individual nations combined into one federation. Each state has it’s own laws, traditions, and history. Those things are sacred to each state. But each of those forty-eight states co-operates” with all the rest of the states on vital issues. There are no tariff walls between the states.

There are no import or export duties to pay between the states. Trade flows freely in every direction. No passports are needed for the citizens of one state to move into another state. The citizen of another state is treated as one of the local citizens when he is in any one of the forty-eight states. There is a single unit of currency among all states. It has the same unit of value from Seattle to Miami, from Bangor, Maine to San Diego.

There are no exchange premiums to pay between the states for changing coins from the currency of the state to the currency of another state. “Each person in the United States is paid for his services in equal proportion to anyone else in the United States” for the same or similar services.

There are no extra-territorial rights imposed by one state upon another state, as has been done by the European nations and America to the nations of Asia and Africa and they would try to do to South America and other Latin American states. And all of the forty-eight states of the United States follow the same foreign policy.

That is the pattern of the Arabian League also, and that will be the pattern of all the world eventually. Each country, people, nation must earn its independence from the European Empire nations. Only in that way can these people know freedom, understand it, and work to retain it when it is theirs. If it were handed to them on a silver platter they would not know what to do with it and would lose it again. Therefore, they must earn their own freedom and help others to earn theirs.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 3

Then, the Fatherhood of God, the Motherhood of Nature – which is part of God – and the Brotherhood of Man can be established on the face of the earth; and all people shall have an equal opportunity of achievement of expression, of access to the beauty of the earth, equal access to the resources and materials to make their lives better.

No nation will exploit another nation^ put burdensome taxes on them, nor enslave them in any way. And war will be abolished; for all people will have room in which to live, food to feed their starving bodies, arid will be paid in proportion to their services to all — no matter if the person is a Negro, an Indian, a South Sea Islander or a White Man.

For this, the Ancient Three are working. And for this, we here in Livingston, Montana are contributing our little bit in the only way that we can at this time.

So, take it or leave it. It is immaterial to us. We know the goal, and are working toward it.


by W. C. Hefferlin

“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done, and there is no new thing tinder the sun.”
Ecclesiastes, Chap 1:9

The dream of all mankind as a child and often when grown, when gazing into the heavens, has been to explore the far reaches of space and the stars, someday. That day is now at hand, and our children will soon know that great feeling of expansion as well as the fact that we as individuals, and our planet earth, are but a tiny spark of cosmic dust in all of creation, Have you looked at the Moon with a prospective eye since the Radar experiment? If not, do so now; for the’ time comes soon when perhaps your children, if not yourself, may stake a claim there.

Space flight was our dream of almost forty years ago, and the beginning of a search that has since led through mythology, history, physics, chemistry, mechanics and what have you. The search for power, speed, control, has been long and rarely fruitful those many years. But now horizons, horizons unlimited, and the expansion of knowledge is a deep and sincere driving force that keeps one going.

A baby or a small child reaches for the bright and shining object before it, and we too have seen the Moon and the shining stars, even as a child does, have reached for the path aria the way toward achievement. Once long ago we sat high up on the side of a mountain here in the Rocky Mountains and looked across a broad and long valley, one thousand feet below us, and daydreamed how it would be to sweep out from where we sat, out over the valley in a long arc toward the horizon above the mountain peaks ahead, and up, up, ever up into the blue sky, faster and faster, and ever faster, until we might speed with the speed of light through space.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 8

No, not yet have we, the writer, personally taken off into space; but we did design parts of the machine that was built five years ago; and it has since made two trips out into space, once accidentally, and recently a planned trip carrying equipment and scientists. Yes, far enough out into space that the earth was the size of a marble and the moon the size of a small pea, and all space a purple glare with the earth and moon as dark spots.

Cosmic radiations were found to be much stronger in space, but there were other radiations observed that as yet cannot be classified, and new instruments of recording and qualifying methods of analysis must be developed before the next trip. A strange distortion shows up in watches, clocks, and chronometers using a gear train assembly, just as if the gears had slipped. Also, the sun’s appearance seems to be of an electronic nature in place of a gaseous consumption.

Distortion, as seen from the earth, is evidently due to refraction factors of our local atmosphere. Cosmic radiation effect on the human body, as well as animals, birds, and insects, was found to be not detrimental but rather of benefit as a source of evolutionary development. Contrary to a fiction writer’s ideas, there is no outward change in appearance.

The period of change in the human’s case took about three years. On animals birds and insects, a much shorter time, depending in proportion to their normal life Span. Second and third generations in the animals, etc., showed no change beyond the parent’s development.

Any and all changes appear to be for the betterment of those concerned, increasing the mental activity and ability of perceptions, a greater reasoning capacity, and in the case of the human, corrections on any weak organs. The human during the period of change has violent headaches, goes partially blind and deaf at times, and seems at times to be thoroughly wretched. But after the period is over he sees with a wider range of perception and hears with a wider tonal register. All weak spots are toned up to a top performance.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 2

These observations were made by one doctor and several accredited scientists studying the results in the case history of the human. Much has been written on the subject of cosmic radiation, fictionally und professionally, and great concern has been as to the effects. What the resulting effects might be under prolonged exposure was naturally open to question. But judging from the observed results it certainly looks as though this atmospheric blanket surrounding the earth retards and slows down evolutionary progression. After all, we all are constantly bathed by this radiation in a slightly reduced degree all our lives, so why be afraid?

Fear, the most potent weapon and humanity’s worst disease, rules our lives beyond all reason. Just because we are slow to learn, or lazy enough mentally not to open our eyes and ears and mind, we don’t know the answers of cause and effect. Therefore if it is beyond our immediate vicinity or experience, we shun it as something accursed. Ignorance breeds fear in the thinking human mind and thanks to our training from the cradle up fear is taught and instilled into our minds daily by our parents and all those we come in contact with or associate with. If we can’t explain something rationally to ourselves and our children, we then form a great number of “do not or else”, alibis to build a fence around us to protect us from evil.

The mind controls the body and as we think, so it is reflected through our structure and all of its organs, glands, etc. In fact, if someone had placed a modern radio on your table fifty years ago and it started to talk and sing, just how fast would you have left that vicinity; and would you have been superstitious, afraid? We feel that the truths should be given to the world as we find them, without the usual sugar coating. After all, ignorance is not bliss, but it breeds fear and fear breeds disaster. Look around you and there you will find the basis for all war. When a man has something more than his own backyard as a horizon, he must go afield and strive to reach that horizon.

We now give you the sky, heavens and all of space as a real goal to reach for.

Will you do it?

Part 5

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