This space ship we mentioned in the earlier part of this article is not some illustrating artist’s dream, but a very practical and efficient job, designed for speed-arid maneuverability. Its top speed is entirely theoretical, a possible 186,000 miles per second, actual speed in space unknown as yet.

Three separate walls are incorporated in the body construction each separated from the other by many inches of insulation and self-healing material in case of a puncture. The door opening is similar to shoulder-step design as found on a large safe door. At intervals along with the aides are vision ports as on a boat, also along the bottom and top. The control cabin is in the front and has vision front, sides, top, and bottom.

The body and fuselage of the ship are about 135 feet long and about 35 feet in diameter, with a wingspan 100 feet in diameter. The outside appearance differs little from the circle-winged plane described in an earlier article, except that protuberances like warts are along the bottom of the body, along the sides and the top, with such warts also at front and back ends. Compared to the regular circle-winged plane’s sleek looks, these protuberances give the body of the plane a warty looking appearance. They are not there for beauty but definitely for utility and work.

These protuberances house or contain different types of machine No. 3 briefly described in another article under the heading, Power. Part of them are used for propulsion and the other ones contain the shattering or disintegrating type of No. 3 units. These arranged for propulsion drive are sort of bowl-shaped and are stationary mounted.

These give the re-active push electronically in a sort of flood-light pattern. The other No, 3 units are rotative blister mounted for aiming purposes and are of the tubular core-construction which, when activated, produce a tight-spinning, hard beam of electronic energy projection capable of great destruction and with a destroying range of thousands of miles. Either type of No, 3 units is powered by electrical energy furnished by the power plant inside the body of the space ships.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 3

The power plants are electrical D.C. current generators that charge a series of high capacity batteries, and the current as fed to any of the No. 3 units are interrupted to give the proper frequency impulse desired. These power plants are a part of the GHYT No. 2 motors, which are constructed in part in the manner of GHYT No. 1 motors (see the article on GHYT Motor No. 1). on the lover half. In the upper half, they are completely valveless and incorporate a system utilizing the principles as mentioned in the “Burn Water For Fuel” article. By this means we have a power system that requires no refueling and weight factors remain constant, gravity and acceleration permitting.

Odd shaped propellers are between the ship’s sides and the inner edge of the wings. These are driven by electric motors if and when used. The appearance of these propellers might be likened to the windmills of Holland, a high-thrust design. The ship has living quarters and a self-contained air conditioning system and its own air supply. It is also equipped with radio transmitters and receivers and a Public Address system, with horns mounted on the outside of the ship.

A control panel is also a part of the equipment in the pilot’s section and from here the No. 3 drive or pusher units are arranged to function, either separately or as a group. The No. 3 lifter units are arranged along the bottom of the body of the ship, the No. 3 down pushers on the top of the body, also the steering and propulsion No. 3 at the rear of the body.

In the nose of the ship are No, 3 pushers for steering and braking action, all rigged through master control and also a pilot control, automatic. By this arrangement of the pushing power units, it is possible to lock in space the position of the ship at any time or hover above the ground in a stationary position. The tube or weapon type No. 3 units are for removing any obstruction desired, or for battle use, and are individually controlled by their own control panels. This one ship cold, if desired, wipeout of the air the combined forces of the entire earth, and all navies from the seas, as such war equipment is now designed.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 7

Here too is one answer to the fear of atomic bombs and rocket projectiles.

Radar finders established at designated sections controlling No. 3 units ground-mounted will destroy bomb carrier or rocket bombs at point of interception, regardless of altitude, numbers or speed. It is very doubtful that any shell, bullet or rocket could approach this ship due to the pushing away action of the No. 3 units, even when the ship is Stationary in the air« Several years ago during wartime a trip was made over the northern hemisphere of earth from Colorado to a valley in Tibet and the No, 3 units were used to hurry the trip along.

The landing field lights were on in Tibet, waiting for the ship to land. But the speed was so great that they missed the light beams the first t.ip around the earth and had to slow down to even See a slight streak of light the second time. By the third time around they had slowed down enough to see the lights and land at the airfield. Flight elevation was stratospheric and the total time elapsed was five hours.

Do you still want to ride to the stars? Then all aboard.

The above space ship was a derivative of an atmospheric flight ship as described in the article “Circle-Winged Plane” and the ship is now based in far from Tibet, back from four years exploration of the Antarctic Continent by our scientists.

They, living in a great city made from rainbow-colored plastics, the only accessible city, one of seven, six of which are now covered by ice ten thousand feet deep.


Studying the cultural evidence of an ancient civilization they found it by the records to be over 2 million years old? A City using plastics for paving, building, and clothing. Controlled static electricity for light and heat., and city power, and to run the great trains that are waiting in the underground terminal yards and station below this “Rainbow City.”

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 6

There are maps showing the vast, over 100 feet in diameter, dual train-tunnel system below ground and seas throughout the world, location of system terminals and all sidelines and tunnel ends. Farm machinery is powered by a radium-like substance contained in small boxes. Personal flying suits are powered by this substance.

Duplicating machines produce, by rearrangement of the atomic structure, any number of copies equal to the original. There is evidence that there are over two hundred elements of matter, with the laws of combination and usage. “Portals” are a means or entering or traveling between places thousands of miles distant; these are used also for tracing back through the past, all done by space warpage. These Portals are mentally or manually controlled.

Here are machines to teach mentally the language and type for writing. Great libraries and museums are filled with all the knowledge and wisdom and machines of this ancient race, left here by the first humans to be on this earth, and evidence from whence they came. They, our remote ancestors!

And all of this is our heritage when once we learn to live the true Brotherhood of all Creation, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Can it be that these cities are referred to in the Holy Bible?

“The cities of the south shall be shut up and none shall open them, Judah shall be carried away captive. all of it, it shall wholly be carried away captive..”
Jeremiah 13:19,

Whom among today may say for sure that this is false.

When again, as justification for the reopening of the cities, we can quote from the Holy Bible:

“But the Lord liveth that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them; and I vill bring then again into their land that I gave unto their fathers.”
Jeremiah 16:15

Part 6

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