Macerate the vegetation to very fine particles and mix with water. Boil this mash at very high heat, strain off the liquid and reboil this as high heat. Skim off all scum and strain the liquid again. Reboil the liquid again at high heat and strain through a final filter. Now subject this remaining liquid for 24 hours to an electronic process conditioning, under a high vibratory or high-frequency condition to rearrange the polarity of the molecules. The liquid is then ready for pouring and molding. After having been molded it is still soft enough to carve immediately. After that the plastic sets and becomes harder each succeeding day.

Machines are used for either heating or refrigerating their vicinity, by vibration. They now bathe their vicinity and above with cold vibrations. This undoubtedly makes the Antarctic colder than any other place on earth today. Tests were made by our group at the ice-covered cities, of temperatures close to minus 150 deg. F.

The homes and all buildings are heated or cooled by hot or cold radiations from the walls and floors. The very color of the dwellings can be adjusted through a change in the color vibration control, and walls become opaque or transparent where and as desired by adjusting a switch in the walls.

Here is radio without static noise; radio that operates and somehow impresses upon the audio centers of the mind, music or voice messages. The television operates differently from ours, inasmuch as the impulses seem to follow back to the source of our present-day radio waves from the transmitting, and even into the studio at the microphone. The microphone seems to act as a pickup eye, and a view is given of any person or object in front of it. These radios are in all buildings and are powered from city power.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 5

In the gardens are great shade trees and flowering plants, luxurious beyond belief, whose individual blooms often measure at least three feet in diameter. Very few insects are found here, with the exception of the butterflies, whose wingspread measures seven to eight feet across, and whose body would fill a large-sized turkey platter. In fact, they are as large as to fill sized eagles and are beautiful beyond words.

Fruit trees are smaller in size than the vast shade trees but they bear huge sized fruits. All in all, some of the fruits, though resembling the appearance of modern fruit, taste far different. One fruit colored and looking like a large apple tasted like a pear. A peach-like fruit has numerous seed pits and tastes like nothing else on earth. The same applies to berries, some that look similar to raspberries and blackberries.

Vegetable seeds were found in storage cupboards in one room of the Rainbow Temple. This room contained at one end a large glowing ball of radiant energy. This is believed to have preserved these seeds these millions of years. The vegetables, although different in appearance from our common varieties, served much the same purpose.

One large leaf type takes the place of lettuce but grows into a head formation more like cabbage, Another green vegetable which even when ripe remains green, tastes similar to our present-day tomatoes. Those of our group who were farmers or horticulturists in their youth and preferred this service, handle the working and harvesting of crops, using plows and other implements found there, powered by atomic or radio-active substance contained in a small metal box on the machine.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 6

All conveniences and luxuries found in the city homes are also in the farm homes.


Radiation lamps and heaters furnish the valley with an almost even temperature and the necessary rays for health and growth. The mists that hang thinly over the valley during the long summer season are much thicker and heavier in the long Antarctic winters, thus helping to protect lives there. In the middle of the winter, the temperature is cool, about 65 degrees, in summer 75.

Here is truly a Garden of Eden, home of the Gods!

All country roads are paved with plastic, as are all country buildings. Here also are the landing fields and hangars for housing the different types of flying machines, including a great ship for planet-to-planet travel. Travel from farm to city and vice versa is by three-wheeled conveyances somewhat similar to our cars and trucks. These vehicles are controlled by levers and push buttons and are powered by the same type of radiant energy mass in metal boxes as the farm equipment. The tires on the wheels of these are made of plastic much like our present-day balloon tires.

From the evidence as shown by the life-sized pictures and the sizes of beds, chairs. garments, etc., they, our original ancestors averaged around seven to eight feet tall. The original skin color of the race was a reddish-brown, eyes and hair somewhat the same. Only the pictures of the Ancient Rulers showed blue eyes. One of them had blue-black hair and the other two were blondes, The akin of these rulers was much lighter in color, sort of a golden hue.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 10

These three, two men and one woman, were the Rulers, and with them were the Council of Elders and Wise Men. The one dark-haired man was the fiancée of the blond woman. The blond man was brother to her. The two were children of the Ruler on Mars; the black-haired one was of the high nobility on that planet.

Foods and fruits were preserved in storage in such a manner of banning that when opened these millions of years later were as edible as when first preserved. It is quite evident by the careful preparations as found that this land and city were deliberately left for future generations of the human race; although it is doubtful that this was expected to be a million or so years later.

Yes, here in this almost magical land is the dream and home of enchantment, come true to all of us.

Part 8

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