Tremendous in size and appearance are the wondrous temples of learning, each located in the heart of each of the seven cities of that fabulous ancient past, from the beginning of our Mankind on this planet earth.

The Rainbow City of the Antarctic continent lies almost due south of a point midway between south of India and the landmass of Australia. It’s great Temple is in the center of the city.

The area of the base is in the form of a great square about two of our modern city blocks wide on any side.


To aid the reader in locating Rainbow City, according to Hefferlin’s instructions above, we have chosen an angular view of the earth unfamiliar to most of us. This view is quite common, however, to those who approach the Antarctic continent – and its Saucer bases – from outer space!

We are almost directly above Australia, from which we have drawn a dotted line to the South Pole and we have put in another dotted line from the southernmost point of India to the South Pole. Midway between these, we placed the “X” to give the general location of Rainbow City. It was into this vastly unexplored area that Rear Admiral Byrd looked so wistfully in 1947 during his flight to the South Pole. Navy flights inland from the Indian Ocean along that bleak coast discovered open water and called it Hunger’s Oasis. More exploratory flights have been made since then. 

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 7

Two years ago Russian explorers made a surface dash from the coast to the Pole in that area, were they looking for Rainbow City?

Who knows…


There are five stories in the Temple proper and above that are fire stories mere in the pyramid-shaped structure topping the temple. Below the main floor are five underground levels in the Temple basement. The fifth floor of the Temple has apartments for the three Rulers, plus numerous apartments for Councilors and guests. In the door of each of the Ruler’s and Councilor’s apartments is a jewel of color designating the apartment’s owner and rank or position. Here on the fifth floor are great libraries and museums.

The libraries are so arranged that they are accessible to the laboratories above them in the pyramid, as well as to the Ruler’s apartments, In the pyramid top are located completely equipped laboratories and facilities for research in chemistry. electricity and all other allied sciences, as well as an observatory for astronomy.

Below the fifth story, the second, third, and fourth stories house museums of all types of machines for all sorts of purposes.


One-quarter of the first floor is devoted to the room of worship. Although this room is highly carved and elaborately decorated it has only a simple altar at one end. The altar is a cube set into the floor, On its top, are two sockets for candles, a bowl for incense, a sloping ledge for a book, and a flat ledge for the offering.

In a room opposite the Room of Worship is the room of the Glowing Sphere that radiates out in all directions. The corridor leading to this room goes almost the full length of the room and here are cupboards that house the plant seeds. After turning the corridor corner one must go back to the full length of the room to reach the Glowing Sphere.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 3

The rear rooms of the first floor are devoted to hospital and medical research. It contains charts of the human system, showing the entire circulatory system, the nervous system, and all of the ducted and ductless glands, On the level immediately below, are the dissecting rooms, with the necessary instruments for the study of the human body. It is here that the doctor-surgeon of our group spends much of his time studying the records and charts. He was once the court physician at the Palace in Budapest, Hungary and he finds great interest in this, his own department of research.

On the same level of the basement are the rooms containing the Power Control Tanks and the control panels for the distribution of power throughout the city. Now, here are the school rooms for the primary grades and the machines for opening the mental understanding of the written and spoken language. Elevators run through the five floors of the Temple, the five lower levels, and to the third level of the pyramid. The host of the walls is elaborately decorated, whether carved or molded we do not know. But that plastic is now extremely hard and tough. All heat is radiated from floors, walls, and ceilings.

There are no light fixtures, as light to is radiated from floors, walls, and ceilings. A simple push on a button chooses the kind of light that is desired. Here there is no difference between night and day because one has the choice of choosing that particular light. This same light source seems to revitalize the air and to act as an air conditioner as well.

See also  1940s: The Hefferlin Manuscript

Draftless, shadowless peace and quiet are here for rest and relaxation, study, or contemplation thought or concentration.

Part 9

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