The world of our cognition seems to rest on the interpretation of data we receive from our five senses. We consider solid things to be “solid,” yet it is clear to those who study physics that everything that exists is subject to many and varied interpretations.

Since the contact with the Cassiopaeans began, I have been urged by them to study as many systems of knowledge as I can reasonably cram into a busy life. I have found numerous correspondences to the Cassiopaean comments on the various levels of reality in other words, most notably that of the Sufi Shaykh, Ibn Al-‘Arabi and the teachings of various Shamanic paths including that explicated by Don Juan and recorded by Carlos Castaneda. I have also found hints in other sources, including myths and even the Bible.

A recent work by anthropologist Jeremy Narby entitled “The Cosmic Serpent” (New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/ Putnam; 1998) examines and discusses certain aspects of Shamanic perception that echo remarks made by the Cassiopaeans probably at about the same time that this book was being written in Europe. This points up the fact that nobody has the “whole cheese” and that it is our job to search and learn and “put the pieces of Osiris” back together in terms of our understanding.

Dr. Narby remarks about the work of one of the foremost authorities in the history of religions, Mircea Eliade, who wrote “Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy,” saying: “Eliade, who was not a trained anthropologist… identified astonishing similarities in the practices and concepts of shamans the world over. Wherever these ‘technicians of ecstasy’ operate, they specialize in a trance during which their ‘soul is believed to leave the body and ascend to the sky or descend to the underworld.’ They all speak a secret language’ which they learn directly from the spirits, by imitation. They talk of a ladder – or a vine, a rope, a spiral staircase, a twisted rope ladder – that connects heaven and earth and which they use to gain access to the world of spirits. They consider these spirits to have come from the sky and to have created life on earth.” (See Narby (1998) p. 17; also Eliade (1964), p. 5 {specializes in trance}, pp. 96-97 {secret language}, pp 126ff and 487ff {vines, ropes, ladders) and p. 9 {spirits from the sky}.)

See also  The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 1g

Narby comments: “Eliade understood before many anthropologists that it is useful to take people and their practices seriously and to pay attention to the detail of what they say and do.” (p.17)

Most of Dr. Narby’s work concerns the shamanistic vision as perceived via hallucinogenic substances, and this relates to a brief series of remarks by the Cassiopaeans in an interesting way:

Q: (L) Jan and I are very curious about artistic expression at 4th density. We experience art and music in a very positive and moving way, most of us, in this realm, and sometimes music can be very sublime and very transforming. It can move one in a lot of very unusual ways. What is it like in 4th density?

A: In 4th, you can “see” sounds and “hear” colors, for example.

Q: (L) This sounds a lot like the hallucinogenic visions of many shamanic paths. Is this what we are talking about here?

A: Bingo!

Q: (L) So, in other words…

A: The answer to your next question is yes, shamans experience a bleedthrough of 4th density.

Q: (F) In other words an LSD trip is like a glimpse into 4th density. (L) Do you recommend this method for accessing this type of reality.

A: Open. [This answer reflects a reluctance on the part of the C’s to recommend anything in order to preserve Free Will.]

Q: (T) The problem is that most humans would want to do that all the time and not work on doing it in a natural way.

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Is that like the concept of adding additional dimensions to the 3 we normally experience?

See also  The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 1f

A: Yes. 4th level density implies and additional dimension of experience, doesn’t it?

Q: (T) The first dimension is a single point, the second is the movement of the point into a line, the third is the movement of the line into a plane and the addition of time gives solidity. What is the fourth?

A: Discover!

Q: (J) I’ve seen, we have all seen, the light spectrum. What we are able to perceive with our eyes is only a limited section. Is reality like that? What we are able to perceive is only a small section of the spectrum of vibrations?

A: Close.

Q: (T) When we move into 4th density will we be able to perceive more of this electromagnetic band?

A: Much.

Q: (L) A few years ago I was meditating on my bed and I did what I call “zoning.” It is an indescribable state. I kind of bobbed back to the surface for a moment because I experienced a buzzing in my head that sounded like an electrical transformer. Words came into my head that were like: “The presence is approaching,” and I thought immediately of Shekina, or the “forerunner” of the “presence of God.” I was a little agitated because I was not positioned in the way I would have liked to be to receive any experience or visitation. The last thing I remember is making adjustments in my position and then nothing more until I just sort of came to with an intense thirst. I don’t know how much time passed, but it must have been a considerable period to be so thirsty. The bed was adjacent to a wall between the bedroom and the bathroom with just a walk space. I had to be careful not to bump my head on the wall when I was getting up. I got out of the bed and was quite startled to discover that my head and shoulders passed right through the wall into the bathroom!. As soon as I noticed that, I started to pay attention to what else I was experiencing. I noticed that all physical objects appeared as transparent slides of shimmering and deeply intense color and light. The walls of the house were merely shimmering curtains of light. I could see the children in their beds in other rooms in the house, their bodies were light. I could see through the house to the outside and it was not darkness as we perceive it. I was aware that it was night, but trees, plants and other objects were apparent by their appearance as color and light. I had a brief thought of something distant and it was as though my vision was telescopic and zoomed onto it instantaneously. I was also aware that my vision was 360, that is, I could see in all directions at once. All of this happened very quickly, or so it seemed, and I realized that I was not in the body. That thought startled me and the instant I was startled, that is, felt an inkling of fear, I snapped back in like a rubber band. I discovered myself exactly as I had been prior to hearing the buzzing, not having actually made those adjustments in my position that I remembered.

See also  The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 1b

Go to Part 1d
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