A: You experienced a bleedthrough of 4th density.

Q: (T) When you started to explain about the trance state, you said: “What I call zoned out, I can’t explain it.” That’s the same thing the Cassiopaeans say when we ask them to explain what 4th density is like! (J) Yes, we have no physical frame of reference. (L) Yes, I can’t say I wasn’t unaware, because I was intensely aware of everything. And yet, I can’t say I was focused on any one thing, because I’m not. (F) The last session we had we received some clues as to why it is they can’t explain all these things. They said something when we were talking about plants and rocks at 1st density. Try to think of something in animal language to express what it is like to perceive the universe as a human. The thing that occurs to me is that, even though we share the same space with dogs, cats, etc., their perception of the universe is so radically different that for all intents and purposes, they might as well be on another planet. It isn’t just what they physically can see and how they see it, but how they perceive and understand it and how they think. It is so radically different from a human being… and some people get all attached and all emotional and think that animals are almost human and the dog isn’t even thinking “Oh, I’m a dog, I think I’ll just take a nap.” So, if you think about the steps up density-wise, if they are merely equal, imagine the jump from 3rd to 4th! In 4th, they may understand us entirely, but their view is radically different.

A: Precisely!

Dr. Narby comments, after his experiences with the Shamans of South America: “True reality is more complex than our eyes lead us to believe. He then describes an experience which helped him to conceptualize the reality of the shamanistic world.

“Five months into my investigation, my wife and I visited friends who introduced us during the evening to a book containing colorful ‘three-dimensional images’ made up of seemingly disordered dots. To see a coherent and ‘3-D’ image emerge from the blur, one had to defocalize one’s gaze…. After several attempts, and seemingly by magic, a remarkably deep stereogram sprang out of the page that I was holding in front of me. It showed a dolphin leaping in the waves. As soon as I focused normally on the page, the dolphin disappeared, along with the waves in front of it and behind it, and all I could see were muddled dots again. (Narby, 1989; pp. 45-46)

See also  The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 1g

Narby next brings up some interesting things about cognition. “We do not know how our visual system works. As you read these words, you do not REALLY see the ink, the paper, your hands, and the surroundings, but an internal and three-dimensional image that reproduces them almost exactly and that is constructed by your brain. The photons reflected by this page strike the retinas of your eyes, which transform them into electrochemical information; the optic nerves relay this information to the visual cortex at the back of the head, where a cascade-like network of nerve cells separates the input into categories (form, color, movement, depth, etc.). How the brain goes about reuniting these sets of categorized information into a coherent image is still a mystery. This also means that the neurological basis of consciousness is unknown.” (Narby, (1989); p. 46. See also: Crick (1994, pp. 24, 159) on the visual system, and more broadly Penrose (1994) and Horgan (1994) on the current limits of knowledge about consciousness.)

This highlights the fact that, if we don’t even really know how we see things that we term “three-dimensional reality,” how can we begin to conceptualize how we will perceive something as strange as the ideas of 4th density? It seems to be so that when a person hallucinates there is no “external source” of visual stimulation. This is seemingly proved by the fact that cameras cannot record hallucinations. The “enigma of hallucinations” can be reduced to a primary issue: are the hallucinations originating INSIDE the human brain as the “3rd density” scientific studies suggest, or from OUTSIDE as the shamans declare?

All around the world shamans of different pathways tell the same stories and see many of the same visions. And these visions nearly always include serpents which inform the percipient that they are the creators of the human race.

Dr. Narby concludes his study by hypothesizing that the serpentine images are representations of DNA. “To sum up, DNA is a snake-shaped master of transformation that lives in water and is both extremely long and small, single and double. Just like the cosmic serpent.” (Narby, 1989, p 93).

He then remarks: “Mircea Eliade has shown that these different images form a common theme that he called the ‘axis mundi,’ or axis of the world, and that he found in shamanic traditions the world over. According to Eliade, the axis mundi gives access to the Otherworld and to shamanic knowledge; there is a ‘paradoxical passage,’ normally reserved for the dead, that shamans manage to use while living, and this passage is often guarded by a serpent of a dragon. For Eliade, shamanism is the set of techniques that allows one to negotiate this passage, reach the axis, acquire the knowledge associated with it, and bring it back. […] According to my hypothesis, shamans take their consciousness down to the molecular level and gain access to biomolecular information.” (Narby, 1989, p. 93)

See also  The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 1f

However, it may not be quite so simple. A distinction needs to be made between the “Serpent” and the serpentine representation of DNA.

Joseph Campbell discusses the ubiquitous snake symbols saying “Throughout the material in the Primitive, Oriental and Occidental volumes of this work, myths and rites of the serpent frequently appear and in a remarkably consistent symbolic sense. Wherever nature is revered as self-moving, and so inherently divine, the serpent is revered as symbolic of its divine life.” ((Campbell, 1968, p. 154)

But, as Dr. Narby notes: “Campbell dwells on two crucial turning points for the cosmic serpent in world mythology. The first occurs ‘in the context of the patriarchy of the Iron Age Hebrews of the first millennium B.C., [where] the mythology adopted from the earlier Neolithic and Bronze Age civilizations… became inverted, to render an argument just the opposite to that of its origin.’ In the Judeo-Christian creation story told in the first book of the Bible, one finds elements which are common to so many of the world’s creation myths: the serpent, the tree, and the twin beings; but for the first time, the serpent, ‘who had been revered in the Levant for at least seven thousand years before the composition of the Book of Genesis,’ plays the part of the villain. Yahweh, who replaces it in the role of the creator, ends up defeating ‘the serpent of the cosmic sea, Leviathan. […] Campbell writes regarding the twin beings in the Garden of Eden: ‘They had been one at first, as Adam; then split in two as Adam and Eve. However, ‘the legend of the rib is clearly a patriarchal inversion’ as the male begets the female, which is the opposite of previous myths and of biological reality. Meanwhile, the damnation of the serpent is particularly ambiguous; Yahweh accuses it of having shown Eve the tree that allows one to tell the difference between good and evil… According to Campbell, these patriarchal inversions ‘address a pictorial message to the heart that exactly reverses the verbal message addressed to the brain; and this nervous discord inhabits both Christianity and Islam as well as Judaism, since they too share in the legacy of the Old Testament'” (Narby, 1998, pp. 65, 66; Campbell, 1964, pp. 17, 9, 22, 29, 30)

See also  The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 1a

The second turning point for the serpent image occurs in Greek mythology where Zeus, originally represented by a serpent, becomes a killer of the serpent and defeats Typhon, the child of the goddess Gaia.

Something apparently occurred at these times that may become clear as we proceed with this analysis.

But, let’s turn our attention now to another interesting description of “another reality,” and see if we find any relations between it and the purported “alien realm.”

In “The Active Side of Infinity,” Carlos Castaneda describes an experience in the wilderness of Mexico under the tutelage of his mentor, Don Juan Matus.

“He [Don Juan] had described the energy body to me countless times, saying that it was a conglomerate of energy fields, the mirror image of the conglomerate of energy fields that makes up the physical body when it is seen as energy that flows in the universe. He had said that it was smaller, more compact, and of heavier appearance than the luminous sphere of the physical body.

“Don Juan had explained that the body and the energy body were two conglomerates of energy fields compressed together by some strange agglutinizing force. He had emphasized to no end that the force that binds that group of energy fields together was, according to the sorcerers of ancient Mexico, the most mysterious force in the universe. His personal estimation was that it was the pure essence of the entire cosmos, the sum total of everything there is.”

Now, before we continue with Carlos and Don Juan, I want to insert a few remarks from the Cassiopaeans on this very subject.

Cassiopaeans: And this, my dear, is another example of gravity as the binder of all creation… “The Great Equalizer!”

Q: (L) You have said that gravity is the binder of all reality.

Go to Part 1e

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