A: Yes.

Q: And now you talk about perception bonding.

A: Yes. Now, try to picture how gravity is the binder of all reality!!!

Q: (L) If gravity is the binder, is gravity consciousness?

A: Not exactly. Did you know that there is no “right” or “left” in 4th density through 7th density? If you can picture this exactly, then you may be able to understand the responses to all the questions you are asking. If not, best “give it a rest.” Because it will only be productive learning when you ponder and reflect/review “later.”

Q: (L) Is gravity something from the center of dimensional windows to an opposite “construct” in the ethereal realm, rather than the attraction between objects in this material realm?

A: Gravity is the “binder” common to all imaginable existence. That is all you really need to know.

Q: (L) Okay, binder. Does gravity bind in the same way that weak hydrogen bonds bind the DNA strands?

A: No.

Q: OK, then, does gravity bind the way the phosphate bond binds the carbon atom?

A: These are material. The missing link for all you folks is that gravity is as much antimatter as matter!!

Q: (A) Then, concerning this gravity, and the antimatter, is it a correct picture that there are two such domains; positive and negative, and the gravity has something to do with the exchange between the positive and negative?

A: Gravity is the “fuel,” or “life blood” of absolutely everything that exists!!! Matter/antimatter. One features atomic particle based matter, the other features pure energy in conscious form. Gravity is the balancing binder of it all. First you must get a correct picture of gravity. Gravity is the binder between matter and antimatter.

See also  The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 1d

Q: (A) You are using the word ‘gravity.’ Scientists are also using the word ‘gravity.’ Apparently there are two different meanings?

A: How so?

Q: (A) Because, according to science, gravity is a force, like other forces, is a field, like other fields, and being a field…

A: But it is the foundational field from which all other fields emanate.

Now, getting back to Carlos and Don Juan. We left them discussing the force that binds energy fields together and how it may play a part in binding the energy body to the material body. Carlos continues:

“Don Juan had said that by means of discipline it is possible for anyone to bring the energy body closer to the physical body. Normally, the distance between the two is enormous. Once the energy body is within a certain range, which varies for each of us individually, anyone, through discipline, can forge it into the exact replica of their physical body – that is to say, a three-dimensional solid being. …By the same token, through the same processes of discipline, anyone can forge their three-dimensional, solid physical body to be a perfect replica of their energy body – that is to say, an ethereal charge of energy invisible to the human eye, as all energy is. […]

“Sitting at the back of his house in central Mexico that day, don Juan said that the energy body was of key importance in whatever was taking place in my life. He saw that it was an energetic fact that my energy body, instead of moving away from me, as it normally happens, was approaching me with great speed.

“‘What does it mean that it’s approaching me, don Juan?’ I asked.

“‘It means that something is going to knock the daylights out of you,’ he said, smiling. ‘A tremendous degree of control is going to come into your life, but not your control, the energy body’s control.’

See also  The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 1b

“‘Do you mean, don Juan, that some outside force will control me?’ I asked.

“‘There are scores of outside forces controlling you at this moment,’ don Juan replied. ‘The control that I am referring to is something outside the domain of language. It is your control and at the same time it is not. It cannot be classified, but it can certainly be experienced. And above all, it can certainly be manipulated. Remember this: It can be manipulated, to your total advantage, of course, which again, is not your advantage, but the energy body’s advantage. However, the energy body is you, so we could go on forever like dogs biting their own tails, trying to describe this. Language is inadequate. All these experiences are beyond syntax.’

Darkness had descended very quickly, and the foliage of the trees that had been glowing green a little while before was now very dark and heavy. Don Juan said that if I paid close attention to the darkness of the foliage without focusing my eyes, but sort of looked at it from the corner of my eye, I would see a fleeting shadow crossing my field of vision.

“I did see some strange fleeting black shadow projected on the foliage of the trees. It was either one shadow going back and forth or various fleeting shadows moving from left to right or right to left or straight up in the air. They looked like fat black fish to me, enormous fish. It was as if gigantic swordfish were flying in the air. […] ‘What is it, don Juan?’ I asked. ‘I see fleeting black shadows all over the place.’

See also  The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 1c

“‘Ah, that’s the universe at large, ‘ he said, ‘incommensurable, nonlinear, outside the realm of syntax. The sorcerers of ancient Mexico were the first ones to see those fleeting shadows, so they followed them around. They saw them as you’re seeing them, and they saw them as energy that flows in the universe. And they did discover something transcendental. […] They discovered that we have a companion for life… We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so. […] You have arrived, by your effort alone, to what the shamans of ancient Mexico called the topic of topics. I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner! This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico.

“‘Why has this predator taken over in the fashion that you’re describing, don Juan?’ I asked. ‘There must be a logical explanation.’

“‘There is an explanation,’ don Juan replied, ‘which is the simplest explanation in the world. They took over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. Just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops. Therefore, their food is always available to them.’

Go to Part 1f

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