While the Phoenix Project was investigating the weather and the use of radiosondes, Project Rainbow resurfaced in the late 1940s. Project Rainbow (which was the code name for the operation that brought about the Philadelphia Experiment) was going to continue research into the phenomena encountered on the USS Eldridge. This project was concerned with the “electromagnetic bottle” technology, which eventually resulted in today’s stealth fighter craft.

At about the same time, Dr. John von Neumann and his research team were called back. They had worked on the original Rainbow project and went to work on a new endeavor. This was similar to the Rainbow Project but had a different growl. They were to find out what went wrong with the “human factor” of the experiment and why it failed so miserably.

In the early 1950’s, it was decided that the remnants of Project Rainbow and the radiosonde project should be included under the same umbrella with the human factor study. After that point, the title of “Phoenix Project” was used to refer to all of these activities.

The project headquarters was at Brookhaven Labs on Long Island and the first order of business was to put Dr. von Neumann in charge of the entire project.

Dr. von Neumann was a mathematician who came to the United States from Germany. He also became a theoretical physicist and was noted for his very advanced concepts of space and time. He originated the computer and built the first vacuum tube computer at Princeton University, where he also served as the head of the Institute for Advanced Study.

Dr. von Neumann had what could be described as a “good technical feel.” He had the ability to apply advanced theories to technology. His background in math gave him enough theory to communicate with Einstein, and he could in turn pass this on to the engineers and serve as a bridge between the two.

See also  Wilhelm Reich & the Phoenix Project

As von Neumann began work on the Phoenix Project, he quickly learned that he was going to have to study metaphysics. He had to understand the metaphysical side of man. Rainbow technology had dissolved the physical and biological structure of human beings. People were stuck in bulkheads and changed beyond recognition in some cases. But it was the esoteric workings of the mind that had been affected first, in each case.John_von_neumann_tomb_2004-230x140

Von Neumann and his team spent about ten years working out why human beings had troubles with electromagnetic fields that shifted them through different places and times. They actually found out that humans are born with what is known as a “time reference” point. At conception, an energy being is attached to a time line and we all start from that point. To understand this, it is necessary to view the “energy being” or soul as distinct from the physical body of the person concerned.

Our whole reference as a physical and metaphysical being stems from that time reference which actually resides within the electromagnetic background of our planet. This time reference is the basic orientation point you have to the universe and the way it operates. You can imagine how you would feel if the clock suddenly started moving backwards and time as well. It is this time reference point that was thrown out of kilter with the individual crewmen of the USS Eldridge and caused them untold trauma.

The Rainbow technology turns on and creates what can be called an alternate or artificial reality. It creates a stealth effect by not only isolating the ship, but the individual beings as well, within a “bottle effect.” Those beings were literally removed from space and our universe as we know it. This accounts for the invisibility of the ship and of the people on board. The alternate reality thus created has no time references at all because it is not part of the normal time stream. It is entirely out of time. To be in an artificial reality would be like waking up and not knowing where the hell you are. All of this would be very confusing.

See also  1940s: Project: Rainbow/Philadelphia

The Phoenix Project was faced with solving the problem of bringing human beings into the “bottle” (and eventually out again) while at the same time connecting them to their real time reference (that they would know as the planet Earth, etc).

This meant that when they were in the alternate reality or “bottle”, they had to be supplied with something that would give them a time reference. They solved this by feeding into the “bottle” all the natural backgrounds of the Earth – at least enough to convince them of a continuous stream time reference. To do otherwise, would likely cause those in the “bottle” to experience transdimensional disorder and problems of this sort. This is why it was necessary to set a phony stage. They could then feel some degree of normality.

Dr. von Neumann was the ideal candidate for the job since he knew computers. A computer had to be used if they were going to calculate the time references of specific people and replicate those references while they were passing through an “electromagnetic bottle” or alternate reality. The people inside the “bottle” would be going through zero time and essentially a “no reality” or a disoriented one at best. The computer had to generate an electromagnetic background (or phony stage) that the physical being would synchronize with as well. If that wasn’t done, the spirit and the physical body would go out of synch, thus resulting in insanity.

There are two points to be brought out here: the physical being and the spiritual being. This is why the time reference would lock in the spirit and the electromagnetic background would lock in the body. This whole project started in 1948 and was finally developed in 1967.

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When this project was complete, a final report was written and submitted to Congress. Congress had funded this particular project thus far and followed the results. They were told that the consciousness of man could definitely be affected by electromagnetics; and additionally, that it would be possible to develop equipment that could literally change the way a person thinks.

Not surprisingly, Congress said no. They were concerned that if the wrong people got a hold of this technology that they themselves could lose their minds and be controlled. It is a very valid concern and word was given by 1969 to disband the entire project.

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