I would like to share with you a brief perspective from the Allies of Humanity, a group of extraterrestrial beings who claim to have observed the activities of the intervening races from a hidden location within our solar system. According to them, here are some of the reasons why we are being visited and exploited by ET beings:

“Obviously, this is a beautiful world with great biological diversity. It is a world that has not been destroyed through exploitation, though it is in danger of being so. It is a world that contains immense biological resources, life-giving resources, resources that are rare and difficult to find in a Greater Community of barren worlds. You, of course, do not yet realize the value of your own world. Having never lived abroad, you cannot yet appreciate the marvel of the world that you live in and why it is so valuable to others.

But consider this: You live in a world with a remarkably temperate environment and tremendous biological beauty and diversity. You live in a world that has enormous water resources. You live in a world that has large tracts of habitable land for those races that can breathe your atmosphere. You have a world now that has a human presence and infrastructure that can be incorporated into foreign technologies. You have a race of people who are intelligent, although superstitious and ignorant of life in the universe, thus making them malleable and susceptible to persuasion and inducement. You have a virtual paradise. This is how your world is perceived.

When we first came to your world and observed it from close proximity, we were amazed. It is far more beautiful and rich than we had imagined. Though we have never been on the surface of your world, we can see even from our vantage point what a glorious place it must be. We have seen interventions such as the one occurring in your world happening in worlds of far less value and merit.

So, certainly, your world is like a prize. The question is whether you will defend it and protect it and maintain it. If you do not, others will surely take it from you. Have you not already seen this in the history of your own world when tribes and indigenous peoples were overcome by foreign powers seeking advantage, and how the great wealth that these indigenous peoples possessed, even unknown to them, made their land and their world so valuable to others? Have you not seen this? Has this not been demonstrated in your world countless times? It is being so demonstrated even at this moment.

And now you are the indigenous peoples. And powerful, intervening forces are coming into your world seeking to establish themselves through subtle means, seeking to unite with humanity in spirit and in flesh, seeking to gain a foundation here from which they can develop their own authority and pre-eminence. Your world is so attractive, surely you can see this if you think about it.” – The Allies of Humanity, from ‘Why the Intervention is Occurring’

See also  The Shocking Truth About Alien Abductions 2

The Greatest Threshold

How much more evidence will we need to finally take these pressing matters to heart? When will the reality of extraterrestrial life become accepted and spoken about seriously in the mainstream consciousness? Will we defend our right to be the primary stewards of this planet or will we remain silent and turn our heads away? Do we realize that all the freedoms we hold dear and our future as a race is at stake here?

The hybrid interbreeding program has been active for at least 60 years and continues without much resistance or awareness about its true aims. Once they are complete, they will proceed into the next phase of their plans, which we do not know the full scope of yet. However, one thing is for sure: they are determined to undermine humanity through covert and deceptive means. Only the power of informed, objective awareness can help us see clearly what is going on and what we can do to stop it. The first step is education, so please look into this for yourself to confirm and clarify what has been presented here. I have provided more excellent sources below to assist you in learning more about this.

We have the power to defend our rights as the sovereign stewards of this planet! Yes, we have much wising up to do along the way, and this will help us grow and mature as a race. This is not about promoting fear–this is about seeing clearly what is happening, what is at stake, and taking empowered action to resist being manipulated and enslaved by beings who do not have our interests at heart. Accepting the reality of extraterrestrial life is the greatest threshold that the human race will ever face as a collective. It is a critical time in our development and we will see this continue to unfold dramatically over the next years, decades, and century. It is a process that is going to take time and is well underway already. Being informed about these realities will greatly assist you in recognizing and avoiding all forms of deception in the future. Additionally, cultivating the power of Spirit and Knowledge within yourself is crucial for your success and ability to be effective in all situations. Make your inner practices a priority and continue to strive for truth and objectivity in all things.

See also  2013: The Shocking Truth About Alien Abductions (Powerful Video Evidence)

I sincerely pray that humanity will become aware of the intervention and take a stand for its freedom. It is our greatest chance to come together as one race and stand up for our greatness and right to live in harmony with all beings! We must face these deceptive beings directly and let them know that these types of abuses will not be allowed on our planet! If we raise our voices loud enough, we can expose the Intervention for what it is and it will no longer be able to operate successfully. We are living in truly amazing times–where the stakes could not be higher– here to be of service to a race and world that is truly in need. Thank you for reading this far. May you be blessed and guided by the power of Spirit within you, acting with certainty and courage for the highest good of all.

Sincerely and with love,



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