From the Brahmanda Purana, translation by Tagore, with notes by Dean DeLucia-  Laura McDonald, research.

Chapter Fifty-Two of the Brahmanda Purana

Jaimini Said:

1. ” After banishing his son, the virtuous-souled Lord Sagara transferred his love for him to the child Amsumam whose conduct was righteous.

2. At the very same time, O king, the sons of Sumati grew up collectively. All of them were amiable, devoted and faithful to one another.

3. They had adamantine bodies. They were cruel, merciless and shameless. They were habitually evil in their activities. They had the same nature and characteristics.

4. They cooperated in doing simultaneously the same work. They were deluded in their minds. They were easily irritable. They could not be easily assailed by any living being. They regularly harassed the people.

5. They had no concern for humility, good conduct or the path of virtue. They harassed the entire world around as they pleased, like Asuras.

6. Attacked and tormented by them, the whole world became distressed and unhappy in particular with Yajñas and paths of virtue destroyed. The people could not have their regular self-study of the Vedas nor could they perform holy rites by uttering the Vasatkara mantra.

7. When everything was being completely destroyed by the sons of Sagara who were haughty on account of’ the boons they had been granted, the Devas, Asuras and the great serpents became extremely agitated.

8. The Earth, overwhelmed by the ocean, began to quake though its name is Achala ( immovable ). There was a break and hindrance in the penance and abstract meditation of the ascetics.

9. Depraved of the Havya and Kayva offerings, the Devas and the Pitris became oppressed by great sorrow. They went to the abode of Brahma.

10. After going there, the Devas with Sharva* ( probably Shakra ) at their head, duly reported to him the entire activities of the sons of Sagara.

11. On hearing their words, Brahma, the grandfather of the worlds, became engrossed in thought for a short while. The most excellent one among the Suras then said:

12. 0 Devas, listen, attentively to my words. Welfare unto you. There is no doubt that the sons of Sagara will be destroyed ere long.

13. Wait for a short time. Everything is being controlled by time. Everything else is but an instrumental. That time alone is the master of all.

14. Hence, O excellent Suras, what I am going to say for your welfare should now be carried out by all of you without any slackness.

15. The holy lord Kapila, the most excellent among victorious ones, the roost exalted among the leading Yogins, is born on the earth with a partial power of Visnu, for the welfare of the universe.

16. He is now sitting, meditating in a lonely place somewhere in the ocean, the water of which had been sucked up by Agastya. This meditation has been going on for the last hundred years according to the reckoning of heaven dwellers.

17. At my behest, all of you go to the leading sage Kapila. Stand near him wishing for the conclusion of his meditation.

18. At the close of his abstract meditation, you will bow down to him and tell him your purpose in full. He will do what is conducive to your welfare.

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19. O excellent Devas, do something whereby a break in the abstract meditation of the sage can be caused through the sons of Sagara”.

Jaimini said:

20. On being told thus by him, the Devas bowed down to Brahma and went to Kapila, the most excellent among the brahmanas; with palms joined in reverence, they spoke to him.

The Devas said:

21. Be pleased with us, oh excellent sage. We have sought refuge in you. The whole of the universe, harassed by the sons of Sagara, is perishing.

22. It is well known that you are the cause of the sustenance and annihilation of the worlds. With the partial power of Vishnu, you have incarnated on the earth and you stay here as the leading Yogin.

23. A physical body has been voluntarily assumed by you, only for the destruction of the great distress of men afflicted by the three types of agony. Indeed, you are the most excellent among those who perform austerities.

24. Undoubtedly, O Brahmana, you are capable, at your will, to mentally, create the entire universe, sustain it and annihilate it.

25. You are our creator and dispenser of our destiny. You are our preceptor. You are our greatest resort. You are our protector. Put an end to our adversity.

26. O leading Brahmana, be the resort and refuge of the leading Brahmanas in particular, who reside in the three worlds and who are being persecuted by the sons of Sagara.

27. Indeed, the activities of people like you will be of Satva ( very good ) nature. Hence, O sage of good holy rites, it behooves you to save us and all the world.

28-31a. If not, O holy saint, the entire universe will be destroyed prematurely.”

Jaimini Said:

” On being told thus by all the Devas, Kapila slowly opened his eyes. Glancing at there, he spoke these pleasing words ´ Utterly burned by their own actions, the sons of Sagara will surely perish when the proper time arrives. Let that time be awaited by you all. For the achievement of your purpose, O excellent Suras, I shall become the cause of destruction of those evil-minded ones.´

31-33. Ere long, the sons of Sagara, whose minds are inclined towards sinful activities and whose intellects have been adversely affected by Kala ( Time, God of Death ) will be burned by the fire of my anger. Hence, 0 Devas, all the worlds shall be rid of distress. They will have fear from nowhere. Let them ( sons of Sagara ) be wicked in their actions. They will quickly meet with their annihilation. So be free from fear and go back to your own city. Wait for some time. Thereafter, you will realize what you desire.”

34-38. On being told thus by Kapila, all those Devas including Indra, became delighted. After bowing down to him they went towards heaven. In the meantime, king Sagara, the Lord of the Earth desired to perform Vajimedha (Horse Sacrifice), the great Yajna. With the permission of Vasistha, he gathered together all the necessary requisites. Accompanied by Aurva and other Brahmanas he duly took the initiation for the performance of sacrifice.

For the purpose of letting the horse roam about, the king of great renown called all his sons and commanded them thus:

O my sons, make the horse roam about all round the earth. It behooves you to do this immediately and bring it back to me.”

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Jaimini said:

39-43. ” At the behest of their father they took the horse and made it wander over the entire earth.
It was only because of the directive of the Vedic injunction that the horse was made to go round the earth and not for the conquest of the quarters nor for levying taxes and tributes as the whole of the earth had already been conquered by that king.

Kings had already been made payers of tributes by that king of exalted heroism in the battlefield.
Then those princes reached the lower ground surface of the salt ocean wherein there was no water. With great delight they encircled the horse and entered the interior of the earth.

Notes: The ocean mentioned must be the Arctic Ocean. In the Bhagavat Purana, it is stated that the Sons of Sagara went in a Northeastern direction in order to find this ocean. The only ocean in a Northeastern direction from India is the Arctic ocean.

It is significant that from there the Sons of Sagara entered the hollow earth, because it was from the Arctic Ocean that the Polar explorers of yesteryear documented anomalies which have led hollow earth proponents to conclude that an orifice exists above Siberia. Such anomalies include the warming of air and sea temperatures- specifically the existence of warm winds from the North,Northward-migrating mammal life in the middle of the Arctic ice, areas of the Arctic ice cap covered with pollen, clouds of volcanic ash- obviously from a regional source, curvature anomalies from the inward sloping curvature of the earth, remains of animals long extinct from the surface and actual sightings of land.

Chapter Fifty-Three of the Brahmanda Purana

The Destruction of the Sons of Sagara

Jamini Said:

1. When they reached there, the wind god who had been directed by Indra, carried away the horse to the netherworlds within a moment.

Notes: Once again we see a mention of the hollow part of the earth but, due to the vague manner in which the translator has translated this section, as well as a general lack of understanding of the Earth’s configuration, the actual meaning indicated is not so clear. One might think that worlds below the plane of the Earth’s orbit are being indicated. However, the fact that the entrance was indicated as being from an Earthly ocean, the Arctic Ocean, then the word “ netherworlds “ has to refer to an underworld in relation to our planet.
2. Stealing the horse without being seen by any of them, O king, the wind god carried it away along that path to the vicinity of sage Kapila.

3-4. When the horse disappeared, all those princes became perplexed. Searching for the horse, they went ´round and ´round the earth. After searching the entire earth including the cities, rnountains and forests, they attained great sorrow because they were still unable to see the sacrificial animal.

5. Then they went back to Ayodhya, surrounded by the sagas, met their father, bowed down to him and initiated to him everything.

Note: This verse confirms that the city of Ayodhya exists on the surface of the planet. Therefore, the avatar Shree Ramachandra had to have appeared on the surface.

6. ” The moment we entered the ocean after wandering over the whole of the earth, the horse was taken away by some one though it was being vigilantly guarded by us who were on the watch.”

7-8. On being told thus by them the excellent king became infuriated and told them ” Go away hence, unrighteous ones, never to return again. How was it lost by you, while you were alive. You were indeed evil minded ones. There is no question of your returning without the horse here”.

9. Then all of them together set out from that place and said to one another: ” Even now the horse is not to be seen, what shall we do ?”

10. The whole of the earth was searched by us, including the mountains, forests and parks. The horse is not seen anywhere nor its news is heard.

11. Hence, starting with the ocean and extending as far as the netherworlds, we shall split the earth and dig it. We shall enter the netherworlds and search for the horse.

Notes: Again, what ismeant by the term “ netherworlds “ is being defined in relation to the planet earth. It is being said that that they will dig-Not, for example, that they will fly off towards lower planetary systems.

The word “ netherworlds “ is being used in the plural. This makes sense when one takes into consideration that there are worlds ascribed in the Vedic literature, not only in the hollow cavity of the planet, but within the inner shell as well. For example, the world of the Nagas is one such world, to which Arjuna was led while he bathed at one point.

12. Having decided thus, all those sons of Sagara, of cruel resolve, dug the earth everywhere beginning with the seashore.

13. Being dug by them, the earth became greatly excited and cried aloud. On seeing their activity, all living beings cried in distress.

14. After digging the Bharata subcontinent and casting it off on the ground, they united a thousand Yojanas of the earth to the ocean.

Notes: We are asked to believe that the Sons of Sagar dug their way through the Earth’s shell! This is incomprehensible to the modern person, and it is statements like this that have broken the faith of many practitioners of Vedic dharma. The nature of such statements has caused some of those who defend Vedic dharma to attribute such statements to allegory and such. Such explanations are weak and reveal a lack of understanding.

The reader should keep in mind that the Sons of Sagara were not ordinary men. The geneological tables mentioned in other parts of the Puranas openly state that the royal dynasties were engendered by the celestialbeings commonly known as the demigods, who accompanied earthly affairs. Dr. Richard Thompson/Sadaputa Dasa, in his book Alien Identities, has commented thusly on the possibility of such generation, from pages 295 and 287.

“ The Vedic accounts indicate that the various humanoid races in the universe are generally able to interbreed and produce fertile offspring. … However, the word ” genetic ” needs to be extended. All living organisms known to modern science contain genes made of DNA that specifies the organisms’ hereditary traits. The bodies of Brahma and the Devas are made of subtle forms of energy, and thus they do not contain DNA. However, they do carry genetic information … made of subtle energy. For humans to descend from Devas, a systematic transformation is required that converts subtle energy into gross energy. …Converting information from subtle to gross is comparable to converting text from computer-coded electrical signals to print on paper.”

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The question as to how the Sagaras could have achieved this feat needs to be addressed. Some type of technology involving a proton beam could provide the answer. A proton beam running along a line through the Earth would have the effect of attracting the electrons ( negatively charged ) within a certain radius around the penetrating beam. As the electrons gravitated towards the center, the violence of the impact would create an explosion. Possibly, the channeling and control of such a beam could be brought about by mantras and create a “ tool “ of excavation.

Joseph H. Cater has described such a possibilities in Chapter 15 of The Ultimate Reality in relation to the creation of the craters which we see on the Moon.

Joseph H. Cater:

“ The consensus seems to be that moon craters are caused by the impact of meteors. This is consistent with the quality of logic displayed in other areas of orthodox cosmology. The diameter of most of these craters is disproportionately great compared to their depth. A true impact crater has a depth commensurate with its diameter. An impact great enough to produce a crater with a diameter of some size on the moon would shatter the entire moon, since it is hollow with a relatively thin shell. To wit: some craters have a mountain in the center. It is significant that, in all cases in which the crater has a mountain, the mountain is always in the center. How did it ever escape destruction?

The only logical answer is that the craters were produced by particle beam weapons during the great interplanetary war. … Other planetary bodies show similar craters, for instance, Mercury, Mars and the moons of Jupiter.

A concentrated beam of high speed positive charges, preferably protons, can have devastating effects, if directed against a specific target. The beam by itself does relatively little damage. It is the after effects that are destructive. While in motion, the positive charge effects of the particles comprising the beam are minimal. After they strike the target, they lose their velocity and a tremendous positive charge is concentrated at the point of impact. This charge is maintained by incoming particles. A high concentration of soft and hard electrons converges on the area from all directions, creating a void in the regions originally occupied by these particles. Others rush in to fill the void and a chain reaction, or domino effect, is produced which affects the regions of space at ever increasing distances around the target area. The number of electrons that converge on the area is far out of proportion to the number of protons concentrated in the area.

The ramifications are not difficult to imagine. The soft electrons congregating there disintegrate and release the hard electrons they contain. An inordinate concentration of hard electrons is the result, and is far more than can be absorbed by the protons. First, an implosion and then an explosion of electrons of colossal proportions are created. Most of the energy of the explosion is directed outward, since it follows the lines of least resistance. The number of particles involved and the amount of energy released can far exceed that of any nuclear device. Since the energy is directed outward, extremely wide but relatively shallow craters in a planet’s surface result. The principles involved in such destructive forces are similar to those employed by Wilhelm Reich’s cloud buster, which will be discussed later. The center of the craters produced would experience a relatively small disturbance and, consequently, any mountain in the path of the proton beam would be left standing.”

15. Digging the earth to the netherworlds, the sons of the king saw the horse grazing in the netherworlds.

I6. Delighted very much they gathered together and laughed out of contentment. Some of them danced with great joy.

17-21. They saw the noble-souled Kapila of brilliant luster who was very old; who was seated in the lotus posture, with his eyes fixed yet at the tip of his nose, who had kept the head and neck straight and long; who had kept the chest projecting forward, who was shining with his own splendor radiating all round in full like a lamp placed in a windless spot; whose body was full of perfect knowledge shining within himself; whose mind was engaged in abstract meditation; who appeared like the motionless ocean; who was duly engaged in the yogic exercise; whose mind was engrossed in what should be meditated upon; who was the most excellent among leading Yogins and who looked like the fire with its clusters of flames extinguished. On seeing him staying there, they consulted one another about him for a short while. For a short while, they underwent excessive agitation.

22-23. Thinking that it was he who stole the horse, the evil-minded sons of’ Sagara, induced by the God of death, surrounded Kapila, the excellent sage. Encircling him they said, ” This is the thief: There is no doubt about it. This evil-minded robber of the horse deserves to be killed by us”.

Jaimini said :

24-27a. ” All those Sagaras whose intellect had become deluded and whose death was imminent, suddenly molested the sage who was sitting like an ordinary person.

Then sage Kapila who had never been dejected in mind, was overwhelmed with wrath, because he lead been upset due to the break in his abstract meditation. He was agitated. Assailed by those evil-minded ones, the unassailable sage Kapila became agitated. He assumed a huge size like the fire that increases in size at the end of the Kalpa on account of the gusts of wind.

27b-30a. The fire of anger arising out of his body as vast and majestic as the ocean, burst forth like the Samkarshana fire issuing from the poison of Sesha out to burn down the netherworlds. His anger was further kindled by the recollection of attack. The sage who had a luster similar to that of a wheel of fire ( i.e. whirling fire ) opened his eyes. Then for a moment, O king, his eyes became extremely red and shone like the Sun and the Moon simultaneously appearing in the sky at dawn.

30b-35. He looked at the princes with rolling eyes gravely, like the God of annihilation at the close of ( Kalpa ) period. Sparks and flames of fire suddenly emerged from the eyes of that infuriated sage and spread all round in various directions continuously, like the sparks of Kalagni ( destructive fire at the time of final annihilation ). The sparks of fire of the Sage’s anger pervaded the quarters all round, with columns of smoke projecting forward and emitting floods of sparks frequently.

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The sparks emanating from his eyes like the poisonous flames with the cavity of the belly of a python, shone like the flames of the Vadavafire ( submarine fire ) of the violent ocean.

The fire of anger, O great king, that pervaded the spaces in the quarters by means of its flames, enveloped the firmament and burned the sons of Sagara.

36. The world became enveloped by the clusters of flames of fire and smoke whirling round and round on account of the angry ( i.e. violent ) blasts of wind that blew with a loud report. It became filled with the dusts of the earth too, that were blown up excessively. Hence, the world became too much afflicted.

37. All round, the fire appeared to be scraping the firmament by means of its flames struck by the velocity of wind. It immediately burned down completely the sons of the king who were the enemies of the Suras.

38. Even as all the worlds were watching, the fire of Kapila’s anger reduced the Sagaras to ashes completely, sparing only the horse.

39. Thus the sons of Sagara, of sinful mind, were burned suddenly on account of that fire of anger like the dry trees that get consumed in the forest conflagration.

40. On seeing the annihilation of those evil-minded Sagaras, the Devas spoke to one another in wonder, along with the Sages.

41-42. Oh, the ultimate bad result of those persons who have committed terrible sins has not been delayed. Indeed, in this world, men of wicked souls have to meet with a bad end. These wicked and cruel-minded persons, huge in size like mountains, have suddenly and forcibly perished like dry grass in fire.

43. They had caused anxiety and torture to all living beings. They were extremely censured by good men throughout their lives. Fortunately, they have met with their destruction.

44. Which man can attain happiness in this world after committing an inauspicious action that is censured by the worlds and that causes harassment to others?

45. These sinners had made all living beings cry aloud. They have now been struck dead by means of brahmadanda( the punishing rod of a brahmana ). Hence, on account of their own evil actions, they have gone to hell where they will be spending many, many years.

46. Hence, only good actions should be performed by intelligent persons. The other type of actions censured by the world should be cast off far away ( i.e. completely avoided ).

47. As long as one is alive, one should strive for the attainment of final beatitude. This should be done by one who knows what is good for him. One should not harm or injure any one, as life is transitory.

48. This body is nonpermanent. Riches are extremely fickle. The entire worldly existence is utterly worthless. How may the learned one believe ( otherwise )?”

49. Even as the leading Suras and sages were telling one another thus, the sons of Sagara perished after becoming the fuel to the fire of the anger of the sage.

50. The sons of Sagara whose bodies were burnt down suddenly, ( as if ) paralyzed the earth with their ashes and instantaneously fell into hell due to their sinful deeds.

51. After burning those sons of Sagara entirely, the fire arising from his anger was on the point of burning all the worlds suddenly in a moment.
52. The Devas who became frightened gathered together and stood by in the firmament. Being desirous of suppressing the fire of anger, they eulogized the noble-souled sage.”

Chapter Fifty-Four of the Brahmanda Purana

Recovery of the Sacrificial Horse:

Jaimini Reported:

” It behooves you, O leading brahmana, to restrain immediately this Fire of anger. If not, the entire universe is likely to be burnt by it untimely.

Your greatness has been seen. The whole world including the mobile and the immobile beings has been pervaded by this fire of your anger. Forbear, please restrain this anger, O leading brahmana. Obeisance to you.”

On being eulogized thus, the saintly Kapila, immediately controlled the extremely terrible fire of anger.

Thereupon, the entire universe including the mobile and the immobile beings became calm. Devas and the ascetics became free from distress.

In the meantime, the saintly Rishi Narada, O King, casually went to Ayodhya from the Devaloka ( the world of the Devas).

On seeing that Narada had arrived, Sagara worshipped him perfectly in accordance with the injunctions of the scriptures, with Arghya, Padya and other materials of worship.

Accepting that honor and worship, Narada sat on the exalted seat and spoke these words, O King, to Sagara the tiger among kings.

Narada said :

” Your sons who had gone to take horse around the, world, O excellent king, have been struck down by the curse of a brahmana. All of them have perished.

Your sacrificial horse, O King, that was being guarded by all of them was taken somewhere in the heaven without being noticed by anyone, as ordained by fate.

They began to search for the lost horse all over the earth. For a long time, O king, they did not get any information of its whereabouts.

Thereupon, they decided to search for the horse underneath the earth. Beginning earnestly, those Sagaras dug up the surface of the earth.

While digging the earth, O King, they saw the horse in the Netherworld and near it they saw the great sage Kapila, the leading Yogin.

On seeing him, they committed a sinful deed. All of then being urged by Kala ( God of death ), saying ” This is the robber of the horse “, they made Kapila sufficiently infuriated.

Thereupon, your sons perished with their bodies as fuel to the fire emanating from his eyes and caused by his anger, the fire that burned the quarters.

You need not grieve over them. It does not behoove you to grieve over them, O leading King, because they were cruel, of sinful conduct and were creating troubles and impediments to all people.

Retain your courage as your asset ….

Final Note:

Thus we see that there is mention in this Puranic account three times of the hollow portion of the Earth: Once when the Sons of Sagara intitially entered from the Arctic Ocean, once when they “ dug “ their way through and met Kapila Rishi there, and once when the sage Narada referred to this fact in his later conversation with the king, their father.

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