“It was while there that I discovered that there was a tremendous amount of UFO and alien activity in Vietnam. It was always reported in official messages as ‘enemy helicopters.’ Now any of you who know anything about the Vietnam war know that the North Vietnamese did not have any helicopters, especially after our first couple of air raids into North Vietnam. Even if they had they would not have been so foolish as to bring them over the DMZ because that would have insured their demise. Our troops were fired on occasionally by these ‘enemy helicopters,’ enemy troops were fired on occasionally by these ‘enemy helicopters,’ and occasionally people would disappear.

And on one instance that I know for sure at least one entire village disappeared one night because of alien activity. The reason they used the term ‘enemy helicopters’ in messages and dispatches was that in Vietnam you could be overrun at any time, no matter where you were. 

They did not bring crypto encoding equipment into Vietnam, I’m talking about the machinery. What we did is we had crypto tables, and once we every 24 hours those codes would be no good.  So that’s what we used. We also, because of the inability to use crypto transmitting equipment, had to devise code words such as ‘enemy helicopters.’

“When I left Vietnam I was eventually attached to the headquarters staff of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet at Macalappa, [sp] Hawaii, which is a little hill overlooking Pearl Harbor, it’s a beautiful white building up there, and I was specifically attached to the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet.

“It was during this tour of duty that, in the course of my duties, documents were placed in my hands that were so unbelievable and so incredible that it took me quite a while to adjust to the fact that what I was seeing was real. Now for those of you who don’t understand how I could come to see this information, let me give you a little short course in security clearance and the need to know and how you get to see classified information if you’re in the military or in the government, it doesn’t matter which, the rules are the same. 

See also  The UFO Conspiracy 6

“No. 1, you need a security clearance, and you’ve got to have clearance at the level that the information you want to see is classified at. In this instance it was classified ‘Top Secret, Magic, Restricted Information,’ which I came to find out later is the highest security classification in the Nation. To get that type of clearance, all you have to have is a Federal Bureau of Investigation background check, which takes about six months and they send federal agents to your home, to your old schools, to all your teachers, to your friends, to everybody you

put down on your security clearance forms, to all your old addresses, your neighbors, everybody that you’ve worked for, and it’s embarrassing because they don’t tell them what they’re checking on. They just show them their identification and start asking questions and that’s when you find out who’s your friend and who’s not, because a lot of people get scared and think, ‘Bill just robbed a bank and I’m not talking to him anymore.’

“Now once you get that it’s called a ‘B.I.’ and for those of you who have received a copy of my service record look on the first page, the DD-214 where it says ‘Security Clearance,’ you will see the term ‘B.I.’ That’s a ‘Bureau of Investigation’ clearance. Now at that point, you have the clearance for everything including Top Secret and above. What determines what you get to see is your need to know, and the job that you have determines what your need to know is.

See also  1989: The UFO Conspiracy

“I was assigned to the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet, who had to know everything concerning his area of operations which was one half of the Earth’s surface; the Indian ocean, the Pacific ocean, and all the land masses in between. Believe it or not, if we go to war, if we ever go to war, it’s the United States Navy that strikes the first blow and attempts to keep the enemy at bay while we can get ourselves together, at least historically. Nuclear weapons have kind of done away with that concept, but military commanders like to talk about it anyway.

“Because of this, and you have no conception of the amount of material and information that an area commander has to know; it’s unbelievable, and he has to keep track of this, he has to keep on top of it. He has to know what’s happening; he has to make the right decisions. Because it’s almost humanly impossible for anyone to do that, they have what’s called a briefing team, and it’s our job to make sure that he has the correct information, all the time, on a 24-hour basis. And every morning, between 8 and 9 a.m., we would give a briefing which covered everything that happened in the previous 24 hours, and everything scheduled to happen in the next 24 hours, and all the pertinent intelligence reports that we had received since the last briefing that he needed to know and that his staff members needed to know.  Occasionally we would get messages marked ‘Top Secret, Magic, Restricted Information,’ and it would be coded in such a way that all you had were answers to questions which you didn’t know what the questions were so you really didn’t know what the message was all about.

See also  The UFO Conspiracy 2

“But eventually I found myself in possession, holding two documents; one called ‘Project Grudge,’ another one called ‘Operation Majority.’ Project Grudge contained the history of alien involvement since around 1936, and it began talking about Germany’s involvement with a crashed disk that they had recovered in 1936 and were attempting to duplicate the technology. They were not successful despite what all these Nazi hunters want to tell you. If they had been successful, we would not have won the war, because you cannot beat those weapons! You cannot out fly those craft, you can’t even think about it with conventional air-craft. If Germany had been successful, we would now have a German flag up in front of this podium.

“They did make some headway. When we went into Punta Mundy [sp] we captured documents, we got some scientists, we got some hardware. The Russians also got some documents, some scientists, and some hardware. It wasn’t until 1947 that we were able to capture a craft, ral together but it was everything. And that occurred near the city of Roswell, New Mexico. There were dead aliens recovered from the craft. In Project Grudge I saw photographs of these dead aliens, of the craft; I saw photographs of live aliens; I saw photographs of autopsies, internal organs; I saw photographs of the alien designated ‘E.B.’ [or Ebe], which was held in captivity from 1949 until June 2, 1952, when he died. I saw the history of what they had been able to at that time put together, from incidents in the 1800s, which involved aliens and their craft.

Part 4The UFO Conspiracy 4

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