If they were to kill me right now, what would you think?” Cooper posed.

That it’s the truth,” several people chimed.

“I’ve got them right where I want them. If they touch me, everyone who has ever heard me talk is going to be absolutely enraged and is going to know that everything I’ve said is true. As long as they don’t touch me there’s going to be some of you who are always going to be wondering.

But eventually, we’re going to bring enough proof out, and if you’re here during the workshop you’re going to see an awful lot of it that’s going to prove to you that it’s true. It’s real. And it’s happening!

Okay, I’ve tried to cover a lot of stuff, just briefly, because there’s no time in 45 minutes to get into anything very much.”

Mr. Cooper then announced the scheduled workshop session the following day in which tangible proofs could be seen but the transcriber was unable to attend. He then opened up the floor to questions and answers.  A muffled question was barely heard coming from the front of the room, which in essence asked, “What about all the people in the press and others who were in Dallas and who saw the assassination? Couldn’t they tell where the shot came from? Why didn’t they come forward? There must have been plenty.”

“There was, we know that there was at least 18 who were all murdered within two years of the event. The odds of that happening are 1,000 trillion,” Cooper replied.

See also  The UFO Conspiracy 3

Again a muffled question, “Why did the driver have to shoot Kennedy?

“Because the other fools missed! There were a total of three shots fired at President Kennedy, one hit him in the throat and didn’t kill him and two of them hit John Connelly [sp]. The one that was fired from the grassy knoll hit the president in the throat. The other two shots came from directly behind the limousine, not the school book depository building, and hit Governor Connelly. Governor Connelly, in intelligence community circles, is known as a ‘can do’ man, because he took two hits and still kept his mouth shut.”

“How is it that the driver, sitting on the front, left-hand side of the car was able to blow off the right side of Kennedy’s brain when the bullet actually entered in, and it would have been virtually impossible …” another person asked.  Mr. Cooper seized the gist of his question and injected,

“For those of you who have been listening to all these talk show hosts, whose job it is to be a talk show host, and who have not done any legitimate research into this, if you come to the workshop, I will show you, on the tape, how it was done. You will see that Kennedy was, in fact slumped over against Jackie, his head was turned [this direction], it was very simple, it was easy
and you will see it with your own eyes.”

Another muffled, off-mike question from a member of the audience inquiring why no one else had come forward with the information Mr. Cooper was disseminating, and why those who knew it had kept it secret for so long was quickly answered, “It hasn’t been, I’m talking about it now. Bill English was talking about it eight years ago, but everybody laughed at Bill English.

See also  The UFO Conspiracy 7

John Lear’s been talking about it for three years, and everybody laughed at him. Now there’s so many people have been talking about it, people are starting to listen, and it’s about time.

Because it’s about time we that we quit being fools, and that’s exactly what they think we are, and we prove it to them everyday.”

The next question dealt with the alien technology and asked in essence, “Hasn’t anyone else [other than the government] come up with the energy technology that the aliens have?” to which Mr. Cooper answered, “There’s been quite a few people who’ve come up with it and they’ve all been stopped, and they’ll all continue to be stopped. Because once you have it you have free energy. Once you have free energy they no longer have power over you. You understand? That’s why they stop it.

Another question asking, “In the film of the assassination, which was examined greatly by experts, why didn’t they conclude that Kennedy’s driver shot him?” to which Cooper asked, “Examined by whom greatly? Most of the film that you can purchase has that segment cut out, and you can always tell it by the person running in the background, they’ll run up to here … all of a sudden they’ll be down here … running.

You will see in most of the clips that you’ve ever seen on television, or in the movies, or that you’re able to get your hands on, you’ll see William Greer start to turn like this …” then a muffled comment from the audience, then Cooper answered, “That’s because they clipped it out! And on a lot of them, I’ll bet you most of you, every time you’ve seen the clip on television, never looked at the driver anyway. If you’re really honest with yourself, and with me, you know your eyes were right on Kennedy.

See also  1989: The UFO Conspiracy

A woman asked if any of the alien technology was being used in present-day military equipment and was answered, “Yes, there’s a lot of alien technology contained in the Stealth bomber, that’s
right. The Stealth fighter was flying for 10 years before you even knew it existed.”  As the hour drew late another question, more clearly stated, was asked of Mr. Cooper, “Before you let us all out of here, there’s a bunch of us here wondering what can we all do to help bring this all out?”

Part 7

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