There was some concern about the transference of power during that time from the election to January 27 or whenever it was, January 20th, the inauguration took place. There’s been some pretty scary things happen. The only reason I knew about it is I worked out there.

There would be times when we’d be put on alert, security alert, for reasons that were beyond me. There were times when things went the other way. Before we set Box Car off, I called home that morning and told my wife to put a bowl of water on the kitchen table, now this was 160 miles away, I lived in Las Vegas. I said watch it, zero time is at 5 o’clock. I called from the test site, everyone in Vegas knew, they stopped gambling during that time because of the roll, of the dice. Vegas shut the casinos down for a few minutes, just the big ones. Box Car was so big, they had to say something about it, so at zero time, after to detonation, about a minute to 2 minutes later, my wife said that bowl of water sitting on the table splashed over and it actually did fall off the table. And that was 160 miles away as a crow flies.

Question: (Unintelligible)

Answer: Everything that goes on at the Nevada Test Site is on a “need to know” basis. There are 3 words that you will hear over and over, every single working day you’re out there, everything is on a “need to know”. I was going to bring my security badge with me and I forgot about it, I still have it. I had a top-secret clearance with sigma’s on it. These sigma’s denoted what informational areas I was privy to and one of those areas were Area 51. I got it as a souvenir when I left, I talked about the security people into letting me have it. There are all kinds of people in government that do not have the “need to know” of what’s going on out there or at least parts of what’s going on out there. And they’re not told. And that includes the President.

See also  Transcript of V.L.'s Custer 3

The problem right now in this country is that we don’t have an enemy anymore, I only say that half facetiously, we’ll create one, one of these days.

Question: I was wondering about your remarks about Clinton, the National Security Council intelligence arm must be pretty poor if they were concerned about the transfer of power to a man like Clinton who has become such a puppet, it just doesn’t add up somehow.

Answer: I don’t mean to sound sarcastic but the term military intelligence is an oxymoron.

Question: (Something about propulsion systems, mostly unintelligible.)

Answer: I can say this, anti-gravity devices exist, where they came from, that’s another matter of speculation. Their unwillingness to talk about things like that within the government stems partly from human nature. If you’re privy to some information that you hold dear, regardless of what it is, we’re reluctant to share it with other people. That’s part of the problem. The other part of the problem is holding on to the information so it can be used militarily. We have become so used to having an enemy in this country and the need to have an enemy, another nation-state, that’s it’s gotten pretty bad.

Question: What are your personal views about the future?

Answer: President Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex before he left office in 1960. I personally believe that there’s a reason we moved to the Black Hills of South Dakota. Partially because we’re at the top of the food chain here and the water chain. I like to live in a place where the water isn’t going to be contaminated. I personally feel that there’s a good chance, an excellent chance that there’s going to be limited nuclear war in the next 5-6 years. And whether that escalates into a global confrontation, who knows. But it’s going to happen just as sure as I’m standing here. The temptation to use nuclear weapons is getting more and more, tactical, not strategical nuclear weapons, the tactical nuclear weapons.

See also  Transcript of V.L.'s Custer 2

We spent a lot of time out there testing tactical nuclear weapons, 150-kilo tons, 150,000 tons of TNT, and less. Small devices, devices that paratroopers can jump out of planes, with them on their back. I can carry one around in a suitcase and the problem with that is, nuclear devices have become so small, so compact, so efficient, that if terrorists ever get their hands on one, and it’s amazing that they haven’t, absolutely amazing, it’s going to make this thing in Oklahoma City look like a walk in the park. Because the first terrorist group that gets their hands on a nuclear device… know we all used to say, well, China can’t do it because they can’t deliver the weapons, that was a bunch of hogwash. You don’t need rockets to deliver nuclear weapons, all you need is a suitcase, it’s that simple. I can give you the address of a company in San Francisco that would be more than happy to send you the blueprints for a nuclear weapon for $19.95.

Question: (Something about crop circles)

Answer: You know, those crop circles are amazing, I don’t know where they’re coming from. We had placed out in Nevada, there were no crops, it was sand and low bushes, with crop circles identical to those at the test site.

Question: Were we responsible?

Answer: I can tell you one thing, at the test site, it wasn’t some prank. In England, some say it was some pranksters but at the Nevada test site, it wasn’t a prank. There are no pranks out there.

See also  Transcript of V.L.'s Custer 6

Question: No sense of humor?

Answer: You know what, actually there’s a lot of people that work out there that do have a sense of humor. I have a friend who has a picture of himself sitting on a nuclear weapon smoking a joint. Now if that were found out, he’d be in really big doggie do-do. But he’s a guy that works for Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New Mexico.

Question: (Unintelligible)

Answer: You see, the insidious part about what we call reality like radiation… we could be sitting here and right there in that cooler could be a lethal radioisotope of say cesium 137 or strontium 90 and you would never know it. Unless you had an instrument that detected it or if there were enough of it to where you became sick and got radiation sickness, and subsequently died. A lot of what we call reality, what we see, we hear, we smell, we taste, we feel, isn’t quite the way we think it is. From a physics point of view, there is no such thing as color. We’re all sitting around here seeing colors that don’t exist. Light is electromagnetic radiation and it’s colorless. Our brains interpret different wavelengths of color through our optic nerve, what our minds call color, green jacket, brown pants, there is no color there.

Part 6

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