Your brain is interpreting color, different wavelengths and I call it green and I call it brown. We mostly all agree on these things, generally speaking, but we all see different things. There is no color. So you have to stop and think about crazy things you see in the sky at night that may or not be unexplainable. To someone else may be very common, very explainable, and very ordinary. I’m just about to walk over the edge here . . . they may not be . . . if you were to see a person, you may not recognize that person as someone you thought might live on the face of this planet. And that’s all I’ll say about that, I swore to God I wasn’t going to say that.

Question: (Unintelligible)

Answer: If a race of beings had the ability to travel from Alpha Centauri to here, they would certainly have the ability to camouflage themselves, either to where we couldn’t detect them or to look like us. We’re a diverse looking race of beings, they could look almost like anything. There are creatures on this planet that look pretty strange.

I have a healthy respect for and a fear of my Federal Government. Because I’ve seen my Federal Government do some really bad things to people. There were people out at the test site that were the subjects of radiation experiments, I’ve seen them tie animals down in areas that were going to be tested, we had a tower out there, it was called Bren Tower, it was 1300 feet tall and at the top of that tower there was a reactor, unshielded, small reactor and around the base of that tower for a half a mile or so we would put experiments out, live experiments and see how much radiation they could take. How much gamma radiation, how much beta, how many neutrons they could absorb, these were animals.

See also  Transcript of V.L.'s Custer 2

Question: When we dropped the bomb in Japan in 1945, we didn’t know what the after-effects were going to be.

Answer: When we tested the first device in July of 1945, the Trinity device, in Alamogordo, New Mexico, the scientists didn’t know for sure if that wouldn’t cause a never-ending chain of reactions and it would absolutely destroy the world. They knew they had x pounds of fissionable material in that trinity device but they didn’t know if that would trigger more reactions or not. They didn’t know what was going to happen. When they dropped the Fat Boy and Little Man on those 2 Japanese cities, they had all this experience of one device. And they dropped those very dirty devices and the war ended. Personally, I happen to believe that was the thing to do because I think a million or more Americans, soldiers would have died and a lot of Japanese people would have died if we had invaded the homeland.

Something else, we have laser weapons now that make nuclear weapons look pretty weak. We tested a lot of laser weaponry out there when I was there in the ’70s, all kinds of laser weapons. Laser weapons are far more selective. A nuclear weapon is just a great big bomb that blows up and you have the radiation and the heat and the wind and all that. They’re not as destructive as people think they are. The new ones aren’t as dirty as people think they are.

Question: (Unintelligible).

Answer: What I know about anti-gravity devices I’m not at liberty to talk about. Area 51 does not deal with nuclear weaponry.

See also  Transcript of V.L.'s Custer 3

Physics, folks, is advancing in leaps and bounds, all technology is advancing in leaps and bounds. One of the most dangerous things that’s happening to the human race right now is we’re being left behind. I can’t even run my son’s computer as well as he can and technology is going faster than our ability to keep up with it. And when I say our ability, I’m not talking about just us, I’m talking about the people that build it. We’re a couple of years away from artificial intelligence, computerized, artificial intelligence that has the ability to reason, to think, to comprehend existence. If you stop and think about that, that’s pretty scary. It gets to the point where maybe we become liabilities.

When I was a youngster, Buck Rogers and all that stuff was science fiction. And it’s advancing exponentially. My mother who passed away a few years ago rode on a stagecoach here in the Black Hills. She also saw men walk on the moon. Now you take another 20 years from now, and when I say it’s increasing exponentially, the graph of scientific knowledge isn’t going up like this, it’s going straight up, practically. We’re talking about now, this Area 51 thing, the government will hang on until the last dog dies before they’ll tell you what’s going on out there.

Even after it becomes irrelevant anymore, even after it becomes where it’s no secret. The government still won’t talk about the things that happened in W.W.II, I’m not talking about nuclear things, I’m talking about the Philadelphia Experiment, and I shouldn’t have even mentioned that. The government will not talk about all kinds of things that they already know about.

See also  Transcript of V.L.'s Custer 4

Question: (Something about all the TV programs about UFO’s, government ready to tell.)

Answer: It isn’t the government loosening up, no. I have friends that work in government security. And they absolutely gnash their teeth at the fact that all these things leak out constantly and they lay awake at night trying to figure out ways to plug leaks.

I think I told you all what I could without laying awake tonight wondering if I told you too much, I hope it was helpful. The best thing you can do to keep the society as free and open as possible is to make sure the politicians we elect to office don’t allow themselves to be sucked into the vortex of secrecy that the government always wants to have. And if you see anything flying around, believe your eyes, and believe it isn’t a weather balloon if the government says it’s something, it’s pretty safe to disbelieve them.

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