By Eve Frances Lorgen, M. A.

This is an article taken directly from my book, The Love Bite.

One the hallmarks of an abductee is the pattern of emotional isolation. This behavior can be explained as a result of conditioning, learned adaptations from the abductee’s family members, or reinforced by the alien handlers. The abductee usually learns early in life not to talk about “the little people” who come into their bedrooms at night. The child may talk about their abduction experiences only to be told that they are just “nightmares”. Children often describe the alien intruders as monsters, who come out of the closet or through the walls. The children are immediately invalidated when their parents or siblings tell them there is no such thing as monsters, or aliens for that matter.

Emotional Isolation and the Maintenance of Secrecy

Some abductees have discovered that the aliens instructed them not talk about their encounters. It is apparent that aliens go to great lengths to maintain secrecy, instill false or screen memories into their victims to cover their true motives.

Our social structure–especially in the Western world–reinforces the precept that “aliens do not exist” or is only science fiction. The result of these negating and isolating conditions forces the abductee to turn inward or act out in rebellion against parents, school, religion or social structure. The abductee who has been denied validation of their experience will have a tendency to not trust their own feelings, stay in denial and even act out in anger. Those who have turned anger inward will become depressed or even suicidal depending on the extent of trauma endured.

Post Traumatic Stress

Post traumatic stress disorder is common in those who have had alien encounters throughout their lives. If a particular event was extremely traumatic, the characteristic symptoms will be: intense fear, terror, helplessness and partial or complete amnesia. This may include re-experiencing the abduction, recurrent nightmares, flashbacks, and avoidance of stimuli associated with the event and an emotional numbing. The person may develop insomnia, increased arousal to stimuli (i.e., noises in the night), fear of the dark and sleep disorders such as insomnia and night terrors. In young children, they may re-experience the trauma through repetitive play. They may exhibit a marked change in orientation toward the future, for example, a foreshortened future whereby they do not expect to have a long life, career or marriage. The psychic numbing or diminished responsiveness to stimuli usually begins soon after the traumatic event. This emotional anesthesia causes the abductee to feel detached and estranged from other people.

See also  1992: Abductees

Other symptoms for traumatized abductee children are angry outbursts, rebellious acting out behaviors and promiscuity. Extreme phobias of going to the doctor or dentist, or even preoccupation with horror scenes (blood and guts) have been reported.

Dissociation and Addictions as Coping Skills

At very young ages the abductee is likely to develop dissociative coping skills if the trauma or abuse was severe. Oftentimes abuse already occurs in the abductees’ family, compounding the issues of alien abduction. If the parents are in denial of their own alien abductions and their children’s, the abductee has a higher probability of developing unhealthy coping skills such as, emotional isolation, rebelliousness, tendency toward violence, drug or alcohol addictions, co-dependency and early promiscuity. Low self- esteem is a natural by-product of being invalidated from an early age.

Severe forms of personality damage may be later evidenced in perfectionistic, self-hating, violent, narcissistic tendencies, and psychopathic or dissociative disorders. (These do not all appear together and are exhibited in varying degrees) Egotistical grandiosity is also a symptom of early trauma that has remained unresolved. This is also seen in some mind control victims who have been programmed into being “super soldiers“. Persons who are extremely sensitive to criticism have been narcissistically injured and often display symptoms of grandiosity.

One element that is difficult to work with is the alien mind-control induced amnesia of the abduction event. The compartmentalized, dissociated memories of alien encounters are not necessarily trauma induced as in other human inflicted trauma. This factor makes treatment difficult unless the therapist, hypnotist or counselor is experienced in working with such modalities.

Secret Keeping Behavior in Relationships

Unresolved emotional, mental and physical trauma of alien abductions manifests itself in a myriad of ways. The most common is through dysfunctional families and relationships. Dysfunctional can be defined as any behavior that results in unhealthy relationships. Secret keeping behavior and the covert “no talk” rule about alien encounters forces the abductee to live a false double life. The avoidance of open and honest communication and a natural inclination to distrust one’s own feelings thrusts the abductee into dysfunctional relating patterns.

Many abductees have coped quite well considering the forces against them. I do not want to give the impression that all abductees are in dysfunctional relationships, but rather the denial and enforced secrecy of these issues are the culprit that leads to family problems.

Contrary to what one may believe, most abductees have not undergone hypnosis to recover their memories of alien encounters. Few can afford professional counseling or hypnosis and even if they can, they usually avoid it because of the mainstream psychological and medical opinion of alien abductions. Often going to such professionals who misdiagnosed them caused greater damage to the individual.

See also  1969: SCIENCE IN DEFAULT Part 2

Co-Dependency Issues and Emotional Isolation

One of the most common dysfunctional patterns is co-dependency. This term was first coined to describe relating patterns of spouses or close family members of alcoholics, substance abusers or child abusers. The main tenet of co- dependent behavior is to avoid feelings and open and honest communication. This behavior is acted out in ways that perpetuate the abusers’ addiction and maintenance of secrecy. These behaviors include protecting the addict or abuser from his or her feelings and avoidance of core issues.

Co-dependent persons living with abusers and addicts live their life as if they were walking on eggshells. They live with a constant fear or unconscious anxiety not to rock the boat or confront core issues, which will elicit strong emotions. Very often co-dependents are people pleasers who go to great lengths to be friendly and liked by all. The downside of co-dependent relating is the attraction of unhealthy partners or spouses. (This is reported in a majority of abductee relationships.)

The unhealthy aspect is the inability and avoidance of being honest with oneself and others. This is evident by the direct avoidance of emotional issues or the tendency to skirt around issues. It is as if they have blinders over their eyes. Without total honesty, a lack of intimacy ensues; creating an unfulfilling, empty relationship that perpetuates the vicious cycle of emotional isolation.

This same theme can be addressed to abductees, who enter into dysfunctional relationships that maintain the secrecy and denial of abduction issues. The blinders serve the purpose of maintaining secrecy and avoidance of the emotional pain of the core abduction issues. The deep and sometimes dark inner truth of their experience–begging to be heard and healed.

Multigenerational Abductions and Family Issues

Unhealthy coping skills may involve addictions of various types. Addictions can be the abuse of any substance or repetitive behavior that serves to keep the person in denial of unresolved psychological and emotional issues. In this case, avoidance of abduction related trauma, pain, terror, fear, grief, abandonment and despair of rejection.

When alien abduction occurs multigenerationally, dysfunctional family issues are compounded. These issues comprise all levels of being; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. All levels must be addressed before healing and integration can occur. I’ve come across professional psychologists who claim that the majority of post traumatic stress and dysfunctional family issues in abductees are not from alien abductions, but from other more “easily explained” psychological theories. That may be true in part, but in families where abductions have occurred for several generations, the denial and trauma of hidden abductions compounds–and even creates the dysfunctional behaviors. Resolution and healing of alien abduction related issues can only be complete when false and misleading psychological “swamp gas” theories are put to rest and hopefully, disproven.

See also  MEN IN BLACK

In many of Barbara’s cases where many hypnotic regressions were conducted, the therapeutic process of the individual extended into many years. Sometimes daily phone calls were necessary to keep the client stabilized during extreme emotional processing. Aftercare of hypnotic regressions is necessary for the complete recovery of the abductee especially if reality shattering trauma was uncovered.

The Alien Control Factor and The Stockholm Syndrome

The main difference between alien abduction trauma and versus other trauma- based problems is the added factor of the aliens continued perpetration of such victimizing activities. Not only do the aliens continue to contact and abduct the individual, but they also will often act in ways to prevent the abductee from getting the factual information they need to heal from these issues. Often abductees change their attitude concerning their abductors from anger and helplessness or critical thinking to adoration and compliance, similar to the “Stockholm” syndrome.

UFO researchers, abduction therapists, psychological and medical professionals dealing with abductees often overlook this alien “control” factor. Core issues of abductees cannot fully be addressed until the control factor of the alien presence is acknowledged. (This includes acquisition of evidence of alien abductions.)

Health Issues of Abductees

Health issues are a frequent complaint of abductees. The most common medical anomalies are in the area of gynecological and sexual organs, severe back pain, miscellaneous allergies, skin rashes, autoimmune disorders, migraines and endocrine abnormalities. Some abductees are so affected by their health problems that they are on permanent disability, not able to work a regular job.

I’ve encountered situations in which the abductee was suddenly struck ill as a result of “alien instigated” truth detracting and spiritual warfare tactics. Unusual health problems such as panic attacks and anxiety, heart problems, severe back pain, migraines, nausea and extreme exhaustion have resulted from the abductees’ efforts to search for the truth of their experiences. These blatant health issues and un-coincidental events and accidents are not simple psychological self-sabotage, but something much more revealing. The important point here is not the health issues themselves, but the effects that arise as a result of abductions and “alien manipulation”.

© 1998 Eve Frances Lorgen

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