by Eric Stetson

Over time, the Western God has been transformed into a fundamentally dualistic entity. He is still the great ruler of Earth as described in the Bible, the leader of the angelic society and creator of the human race; but he now is also the One Universal Consciousness of the Eastern faiths, the infinite energy force that created the Cosmos. Are these two concepts just attributes of the same “God” – or could it be that the biblical God is not a deity at all in the absolute sense, instead of representing an ultra-advanced extraterrestrial species that is intimately involved in the affairs of Earth? This idea may seem strange and radical at first, but we will show through logical analysis of ancient scripture and modern UFO cases that it should indeed be true.

Let us begin this difficult subject with a story. How would you react if your best and most trustworthy friend revealed to you that he had once had an encounter with aliens?

“I took a long hike in the countryside one weekend,” he begins. “It started getting dark and I was still a long way from the campsite, and I was really tired after a day of walking, so I just decided to lie down and rest. I leaned my backpack against some stones for a pillow and soon fell asleep.”

Your friend goes on to tell you that he awoke in the middle of the night and saw an incredible vision: a beam of light stretched down from a hovering object to the ground, and strange-looking beings were going up and down it. “It was just like a ladder,” he tells you, “and the leader of the aliens was standing at the top of it. A deep booming voice suddenly proclaimed that they wanted to ‘spread my seed far and wide’ and that they would watch me wherever I went.

See also  1996: UFOs, SUB ROSA*, DOWN UNDER PART 6

“I tell you,” he gasps, “it just scared the crap out of me! I woke up in the morning and didn’t know whether it was a dream or what… but it seemed so real. I’ll never forget what happened that night. I just hope you believe me – you’re the only person I’ve ever told.”

Would you really believe his story, or would you laugh it off as an idiotic joke? Would you try to reassure him that it was only a dream? Or would you perhaps pull out a Bible and turn to the 28th chapter of Genesis, where the patriarch Jacob’s nearly identical experience is described? Depending on your basic mindset and your knowledge (or lack thereof) about the UFO phenomenon, you would either confirm your friend’s suspicion that he had perhaps witnessed an extraterrestrial visitation; or you would shrug your shoulders with an open-minded smile; or your response might be haughty laughter and rejection, telling him to see a good shrink.

Although most people don’t realize it – either because of indoctrination or ignorance or general unwillingness to confront the truth – the Bible and other ancient religious texts actually contain a multitude of stories which can easily be rendered today as UFO sightings and encounters. This essay investigates the evidence for such belief. We will discuss crucial principles that underlie a completely new view of Judeo-Christianity. Furthermore, we will examine several interesting examples in the Old and New Testaments that seemingly confirm the theory of a long-standing, ongoing relationship between humans and more highly evolved beings from the stars.

See also  U.F.Os, EARTH GRIDS & CROP CIRCLES. Part 3

But before we go any further, it is of the utmost importance that we have a solid understanding of what exactly the modern UFO phenomenon is.

For several decades, a growing number of people have claimed to see strange unidentified flying objects which do not fit the description of any human-made aerial craft. Some of the more commonly sighted UFOs are shining silvery disks and glowing balls of light. Many sightings are reported to the police and military, but the authorities have tended to disregard these reports as pranks or mere lunacy. At one time, however, a serious U.S. government project called Blue Book was launched to determine if UFOs were Soviet spy planes, but it soon was closed down and a campaign of official silence promptly began. Hollywood science fiction and the skeptical news media have given the whole subject of extraterrestrials a bad name, undoubtedly causing many people to keep their paranormal experiences secret.

In recent years though, there has been a tremendous explosion of serious interest and insightful literature. Explainable cases are separated from the more mysterious. Many people are coming forward with memories of alien visitation and abduction. It must be mentioned that a large percentage of supposed UFO encounters – the majority perhaps – are likely nothing more than misinterpretations of environmental or mental phenomena. Regardless of this fact, established astronomers are now finding many planets outside of our own solar system, validating the idea that intelligent alien life should exist. The implications are incredible. What if there are superhuman beings out there, and what if they know about us? How would they look? How could they use their superior knowledge?

See also  UFOs and the Bible 3

These questions make lots of people uneasy. They would rather simply ignore the UFO phenomenon, retreating back into their personal shell of religious or scientific doctrine. It is easy to ridicule those who have the courage to defy orthodoxy and tell the world what they have seen:

“Little green men? Ha!”

“I suppose he was a drunken hick who woke up in his pickup and thought it was aliens.”

“Obviously a pot-smoking New Age freak who wants to believe.”

“He’s probably just a desperate fool trying to make a buck on a sensational story.”

“Absolutely crazy. Clinically insane. The woman must be screwed up in her head and doesn’t realize it.”

“I don’t care what anyone says. They didn’t really see anything. I won’t believe they did.”

This prevalent attitude is extremely immature. What motivation would an average person have to tell a story that no one will believe? – unless he firmly believes it himself. Hardly anyone makes money from a lie or a hoax; even Whitley Strieber‘s famous book about his own alien encounters, Communion, was refused publication by the firm that sold his prior books and then rejected by dozens of other publishing houses. According to prominent psychologist and ufologist Raymond E. Fowler in The Watchers,

Part 2

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