by W. B. Howard

The UFO phenomenon could well be the most important and most amazing, the most significant happening of all time, apart from, of course, the birth, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the many glorious records of God‘s dealing with the human race as recorded in the Bible. Are these ETs and UFOs real? Real or not, and we believe certainly they are supernaturally real, they are having fantastic influence over a Godless world in rebellion against the Creator! Pastor David Allen Lewis has written in his book, “UFO ENDTIME DELUSION”

“What is reality anyway? It is only what our five senses see, so even if you think the UFOs are the result of hysteria or they are hoaxes, still this book will help you understand one of the most amazing phenomenon of history.”

Lewis hit the nail right on the head when he brought the churches this astonishing truth about the UFO phenomena which is shaping men’s minds on every continent.

Whether UFOs are real or not, the idea is real. It lives in peoplerquote s minds; it is part of both secular humanity and New Age belief structure – people believe in UFOs. Over twenty million Americans have reported seeing these things and thousands upon thousands of people in Australia have recorded seeing UFOs. It is estimated that twice that number have not reported seeing the UFOs for fear of being ridiculed. That people believe in these things is important because people’s beliefs dictate the way they conduct themselves.

The UFOs are bringing astonishing messages to humanity, and in all these messages given by the ET some significant issues stand out. A summary might aid our understanding before we go any further. The world is heading into a time of tremendous occult spirituality – it is like an anaesthetic fog is lifting from our earth and people are beginning to realise that good and bad angels are real – that God is real – that Satan is real and each group is making its presence known on the earth as Jesus Christ’s return comes closer and closer.

The first point I want to make is this, if people believe the messages from UFOs then the Bible is proved to be NOT true, in the eyes of UFO “converts” . God is not who Christians think He is, according to ET religiousity, and Christianity, in the eyes of those who believe in UFOs, must be radically altered to fit in with the new paradigm shift revealed by the “aliens” . These UFO messages are radically different from the Bible messages – because they are from Satan!

Secondly – Christians who truly believe the Lord and His word are often amongst the group who mock and say, “This stuff is all about little green men from Mars” , when the UFO subject is brought up. They often do not realise the seriousness or the prophetic importance of the UFO religion. The Bible has been telling us for many centuries that strange supernatural things would happen in the Last Days.

However, highly intelligent people in scientific circles, the military, the government and even staid religious communities like the Catholic and Anglican Churches are taking the UFO subject extremely seriously.

Thirdly – there can be no doubt when the evidence is examined or meetings of UFO researchers are visited, or books written by New Agers are studied – the modern manifestation is supernatural, evil and it is biblically predicted as to its origin.

Fourth – the most important point that I want to make is that the UFOs bring the same messages as the New Age New World Order is bringing. Isn’t that astonishing? The very same messages that are flooding out from the United Nations, the NGOs and the New Age networks. What messages? The earth is dying and we must save ` Mother Earth’or ` Gaia’ – the living planet – that God is an ` impersonal energyrquote , He/She is the ` source or force’. They all believe also that the appearances around the world of ` Mother Mary the Queen of Heaven‘are authentic and immensely important. These apparitions are happening at Medjugore and Fatima, across Europe and in many countries, including Australia. The ETs declare that all mankind must unite to form a One World with the United Nations as controlling body, and the ancient Celtic, Druidic, Hindu, Buddhist and tribal religions are truth, according to ETs, and Christianity as taught in the Bible is a lie.

A quick look at the UFO indoctrination. It is about forming world government under the United Nations. It is about citing “historical evidence” , going way back thousands of years to the ancient Babylonian religions, thus leading people into the understanding that these “aliens” have been on the earth before and that men have recognized them as ancient “gods” .

UFOs are demonic manifestation in the last days. The false “saviours” who promise eternal life. The major indoctrination from the “aliens” is that we all must merge into the One World if we are to save ` Mother Earth’and live together in unity.

Are the UFOs here to create a mystical/political global government which they declare will create a paradise on earth? Will these beings even give eternal life to their devotees? Well, that is what many people think today. Who could be unaware of the UFO phenomena? They are always before us on our television screens, in newspapers and films such as ` The Day the Earth Stood Stillrquote , ` V’, ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’, ` ET’, and the block-buster ` Independence Day’ . They are staring at us in advertisements galore. The New Age global movement is inundated with the UFO doctrines. Seminars and week-end retreats are held costing big money to attend, these are mushrooming in Australia. New Agers channel the ET spirits at retreats such as the one run by Jenni Edgeley in Queensland. I have personally attended a number of UFO research seminars and was quite shocked by what I saw.

ETs are adored by multitudes of New Agers far beyond belief. Even the military and government establishments have set up investigations into the UFOs and we have SETI here in Australia, which is “Search for Extra Terresterials Intelligence” . Even our military is beginning to think that the answer to this world problems may well be found with ETs. In Australia investigations are on a huge scale – even considered to be of importance to national security – as it is in the United States.

Christians should be alerted to the dangers of the new age doctrines which accompany the UFO religion, because it is really a religion in every sort of way – the subject is enormous and complicated and the bare bones alone can be attempted here. I will recommend certain study material which would be useful.

The main areas dealt with in this investigation of the UFO mystery cult are ETs, Crop Circles and the Earth Grid. Also we will be looking at G.H.Pemberrquote s excellent studies on the subject of the Nephilim or fallen angels.


The Earth Grid is about ` energy’and the ` Force’. The force fields are involved with sacred sites, and also with such apparitions as the ` Mary’spirit. The Earth Grid is about the ` points of light’that occult people believe are intensifying on the Grid. Ley Lines that are known in Australia as ` The Rainbow Serpent Paths’, and in China as ` Dragon Paths’are said to criss-cross and encircle the entire planet to form the Earth Grid.

The UFO-ology is certainly not new. Greek, Roman and Egyptian historians have all recorded tales of circles of fire and cloud ships, flying shields. Down through the countless ages mysterious air ships have been reported. In this decade the sightings and contacts have been reported constantly, world-wide. Within this decade the powerful New Age New World Order author and teacher, Barbara Marx Hubbard, reported triumphantly that there are an estimated twenty million Americans who claim to have seen something inexplicable to do with UFOs. She said that the human race is gaining extra terresterial capabilities because of our inter-action with ETs.

Now let us think a bit about fallen angels or the Nephilim and ETs. In 1875 the Theosophical Society was founded, its founder was Madam Helena Blavatsky who formed, “The Teachings of the Mysteries” , in that year. In 1876 a book refuting the Society was written by a Christian believer and scholar G.H. Pember – this book was called “Earthrquote s Earliest Ages” and in it Pember traced the activities of fallen angels, the spiritual hordes of Satan and their mystery religions. He revealed their direct impact on this earth and its inhabitants from Creation to the End Times, as shown in Biblical prophecy.

Pember said about Theosophy in those days:

“By comparing the Bible with old mythologies and the opinions with modern philosophers we have shown that the whole system of the mysteries, i.e. the teachings of the esoteric occultists, was probably communicated to them by fallen angels who transgressed just before and immediately after the flood.”

In modern times Theosophy has flourished beyond the imagination of Pember, and the fallen angels, or ETs, we now see expressing the mystery religions in the New Age New World Order. This is not just about a political World Federalism and things like the New Economic Order, but behind the whole New World and its emergence is the bizarre, weird world of the ETs who have communicated the ideas of Theosophy, and Theosophy is the major root of the New Age.

In the hundreds of thousands of networks which compose the New World Order, groups and organizations abound such as the Illuminati who are making contact with the ETs – these are without a doubt the fallen angels who were there before the flood. The Theosophists have formed into organizations like Lucis Trust and World Good Will and many, many other New Age groups. Involved with this are the seemingly non-religious groups like The Club of Rome, the United Nations and World Federalists. So it is an astonishing scenario we are encountering today, it is the previously hidden evil spiritual reality coming to bear on our world in an amazing way – just as the Bible said it would in the Last Days.


Many Christians don’t realise that Crop Circles are not faked phenomena, they are not crank make-believe. Investigation into these Crop Circles is not pleasant! I don’t believe for one moment there is anything fake about them, I believe they are astonishing lying signs and wonders of the Last Days. These Crop Circles are phenomena which is associated with UFO-ology, and both are about New Age doctrines of Gaia. Gaia, or Mother Earth, the Living Earth Goddess, the belief that the Earth is a Living Entity. The Crop Circles are not just circles at all, they have been manifesting in various shapes called Pictograms. They also are about Mary worship, this is the ` Goddess Risingrquote in our day. Just as the Bible says of the Whore of Babylon in the Book of Revelation, chapter seventeen. The Force Fields are caught up with the Crop Circle beliefs, these Pictograms are appearing directly on the Ley Lines of the Earth Grid. In the main UFO manifestation occurs on the Ley Lines, as do the Mary apparitions. How strange it all is!

Pictogram study is heavy within the UFO research groups and New Age groups generally – this is also fallen angel manifestation I have come to believe. Some of the Crop Circles are astonishingly intricate, going down ten layers in wheat fields or other crops, in amazing basket weaving that no man could possibly do – and these appear overnight, a Last Days “miracle” of the enemy’s creation.

The ancient Babylonian religions are gaining great power on the earth, rising again – the Druid and the Celtic religions feature strongly also in all New Age organizations, and in the UFO, Crop Circle and Earth Grid groups. Something huge and diabolical is happening on this planet! UFO-ology is very deep and mystical indeed, and is being embraced even right to the seats of high power on this planet. My study of this phenomena is straight from the New Age material, and investigations here in Australia and documents and books from overseas strongly suggest that our world is encountering an explosion of fallen angels, demonic activity assuming the name of “ET” . This horrifyingly real spiritual power is in control of the whole hierarchy of the New Age New World Order by all accounts, unbelievable as it might seem to you and I! We live in perilous times for sure.

This is not science fiction, this is not a horror movie, this is Biblical prophecy happening before our startled eyes. The Bible says the whole world will come under the grip of evil and that Satan will manifest himself in the incarnation of the Antichrist in the End Times. We are heading rapidly towards that horrendous period it would seem. (Revelation 13; see also book of Daniel).

Satan is called “The Prince of the Power of the Air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience” (Eph. 2:2). We struggle, Christian friends, with foes who are now being manifested, principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. H.G. Pember, in his book “Earth’s Earliest Ages” traced this Nephilim or fallen angel activity in an astonishing way. He told us in his day that the Latter Days would be marked by a return to the conditions on the planet just before the flood – Genesis six shows angelic beings in manifestation before the flood. ` As it was in the days of Noe…” (Matthew 24:37).


What messages are the E.Ts bringing? This is the most important question we must ask. The main messages are:

1. That our space fathers, ET, are the Ascended Masters of the hierarchy of the universe. They say they have come from the Christ, the Lord Maitreya.

2. They say they have come to save the human race from sure self-destruction, and environmental disaster. The space fathers will raise up a human leader, so they say, endow him with superhuman powers and this glorious leader will bring the earthlings into the New Order for the planet Gaia – the millennium of divine humanism of expanded consciousness. Read Revelation chapter 13 for more about this. Who is the evil man who gets his psychic boost from an outside alien source? It is the Beast, the final Antichrist – and who gives him his power and authority? It is the Dragon, identified in Revelation 12:9 – that old serpent, the devil or Satan.

New Age bookstores are bulging with UFO books and material. What these devotees of ETs are churning out is astonishingly complex and staggering. They have become quite a force to be reckoned with. H.G. Pember foresaw all this occult activity in a most astonishing way, and I will be using his notes to help you see that this man over 100 years ago realised what was about to happen. It began in earnest right there, right back when Helena Blavatsky and Mary Baker Eddy began to set up their groups, although history has much older records of actual UFO sightings. The Theosophical Society came into full being, and Christian Science was fully spawned by Mary Baker Eddy. These became the roots of the New Age religions and the Faith Movement of apostate Christendom. The “doctrines of devils” of Biblical prophecy, the one and the same Nephilim or fallen angels of Satan.(1 Timothy 4:1).

What really are these UFOs and how could they intrude on your life and your family’s life? These UFOs are a fulfilment of Biblical prophecy regarding the Latter Days before Christ Jesus comes again. They are virtually the advance guard in a sense, a Luciferian army of fallen angels who will eventually aid Satan in his emerging Antichrist system, a fake Kingdom of God. He seeks to set up his own kingdom, a counterfeit, before Christ Jesus brings His own millennial reign to earth. The spirit world is real, super-natural powers manifesting on the earth just as they did before the flood in Noah’s day.

God sent the great flood in Noah’s day because of these very things that are happening now. The Bible says, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be when the Son of man returns” . The ETs can involve you and your family only if you are either not under the protection of the Lord Jesus Christ at all, if you are not saved, or if you deliberately accept them as being from God and as being good entities. I have encountered myself Christians who say these ETs could well be good angels from God, our heavenly Father! Not so, people, they are evil far beyond our comprehension.

Do not allow your children to be indoctrinated with the evil ET propaganda. We are finding this is happening in the schools, there are books, comics, cartoons and all sorts of things leading young children into liking ETs, using their “imaginations” in regard to the ` aliens” . The dreadful film called ` ET’is an old but vivid reminder of how strong the delusion about ugly reptillian creatures can be. There was a hardly a dry eye in movie theatres when the ugly ET touched fingers with the little boy, remember? Children and adults alike loved fervently the ghastly little demon! Take the ET menace seriously. We advise parents not to allow ET worship to happen to your children. This is not fantasy, this is not a game. Be warned Christian because you could be contacted by the ETs, in reality, not just through movies. As Pastor David Allen Lewis said, he felt that up to this time the occultists were the only ones contacted by the ETs, however, there could be a time coming when they will want to contact Christians, in order to reinforce the idea that they are coming from God. If this happens – call on the Lord Jesus Christ immediately. He has totally defeated them on the Cross. I have no desire to alarm anybody, but I really do feel this might happen in future days. Christians will be actually contacted by these beings.

Now Pember shows a lot of things in his book, “Earth’s Earliest Ages” , which are extremely important to our discussion about UFOs. He warns us that science and academic knowledge is ` fraught with danger” , when Godless men delve deeper into knowledge for itself alone. Many people in the 1990s have accepted the premise that intellectualism and science hold the hope of the world in their academic hands – the “scholarly” world is also, amazingly, slipping fast into the UFO trap as we approach a new millennium.

Pember shows that there are vast numbers of evil angels who control men. The Nephilim actually supervise men’s affairs on this fallen planet of woe. It is only the hand of God that has kept us so far from being submerged by these evil hordes – perhaps our world is being overwhelmed even as I write?

Has the patience of God Almighty run out? He will not always strive with men.

Pember shows that the whole world, according to the Bible, is in a state of systematic evil. The system we have on the earth has been devised by the evil ones who fell in ancient days.

Pember reveals that people were scattered at the Tower of Babel partly because of interaction with the Nephilim, the ETs. He shows us that the Nephilim have been recognised by the rebellious sinners, who have termed them pagan “gods” throughout history. The Nephilim have been grouped in the Tibetian Himalayas, according to Pember’s historical calculations. This is very informative, as the New Age “masters” are said to be grouped in the same area, in force! When one attends UFO meetings an odd thing is seen – they are enamoured with the Tibetian Himalayas, and believe ETs are in force there. One of the most powerful leaders of the New Age One World Church today is the Dalai Lama, who came from that area, his entire “spirituality” originated from the Himalayas. This is alarming, friends, although we might like to push these observations aside as fantastic.

Pember shows us, as he traces the paths of the Nephilim right through history, that these fallen angels have been the evil creators of pagan religions, and the ancient mystery disciples, since before the flood. They have been on our planet a long, long time. This is Mystery Babylon of Revelation. He shows how the modern outbursts of mediumship and spiritism in the 19th century were a revival of the ancient mysteries. Theosophy, Hinduism, Buddhism and Spiritism are ancient perversions which are Nephilim inspired. Pember declared in his day, over one hundred years ago, that there was one ingredient missing in an Endtime scenario, and that was direct contact with the fallen angels, in the way that brought about the flood. Intermingling in a sexual manner being the ultimate expession of this, with hybrid offspring the result. (Genesis six).

Today we have two main streams of apostasy forming up the One World Church (Revelation seventeen, the Whore of Babylon). These are the New Age (Theosophy) and the Faith Movement (a form of Christian Science), also called Latter Rain revival or Kingdom Now. The weird antics of the so-called “Spiritual Warfare” teachers are showing that there is much interaction going on with the “territorial spirits” , or the fallen angelic controllers of the atmosphere. Misguided “Christians” are actually seeking to displace these beings in their presumption. Peter Wagner, a teacher of ` spiritual warfare” seeks out occultists to enquire into the names of the Nephilim, or “territorial spirits” , in order to “confront” them in “Strategic Level warfare” . Christians do not have any authority to do this, for these beings will not be put down until Christ Jesus overthrows them at the close of the Tribulation.

Pember showed us that knowledge in this life is a gift fraught with peril, and as we understand that science is going deeper into things that it should not touch, becoming massively metaphysical, we realise that there is an unseen spiritual world of evil that is influencing our science professors and people in higher academic life and professions. As God’s redeemed ones our great task is to learn the lesson of absolute dependence upon God, submission to His will, and rejection of humanistic notions and beliefs. The major areas of Christendom have been flooded with psychologies, selfisms, inner healings, philosophies, doctrines and dogmas, aims and agendas of this wicked world system. The true people of God must only submit to the Scriptures – lest we also succumb to ` doctrines of devils’.

See also  MEN IN BLACK

So, in our day, as it has always been, the leaders of science and intellectualism are too often the leaders of infidelity, unbelief, immorality and are despisers of God and of prayer! Except by special grace from God, man seems incapable of bearing the slightest weight of power on his shoulders without losing his balance.

Pember said last century that God doesn’t forbid us to search as far as we can into the laws of His universe, but He utterly refuses to aid or accelerate our studies by revelation.

There are, it is true as Scripture shows, (Ephesians 6:11-18), vast numbers of fallen angels that supervise the affairs of men on the fallen world. We read in Ecclesiastes 5:8 of some of these spiritual powers who are unseen and unsuspected by the rulers of this world. These spiritual powers, originally appointed by God but now fallen, whether they are loyal to Him or not, have been legally given their brief authority by the Almighty God. Christians cannot throw them down, Christ Jesus has defeated them on the Cross, but they still have their season until the final overthrow by Christ. There are rank upon rank of these influencing everything that happens on the earth. These are the watchers – each passing on his account to a superior and hence we read of thrones and dominions and principalities and powers. The Head fallen angel of course is the One who was called Lucifer, we know him as Satan, the devil, that Old Serpent, the Dragon, the Usurper and Accuser of the Brethren. (Isaiah 14:12-15. KJV).

If you look at Colossians 1:16 you will get a small glimpse of the angelic powers. Scripture reveals vast numbers of invisible beings who supervise the affairs of men. Far too lengthy to attempt here.

Whitley Streiber wrote the best-selling book, “Communion” . Whitley is a hard-core occultist. Having read the book, and another by Streiber, I believe that the author is being honest, he believes that the things he writes about are REAL. He, and countless others on the planet, are claiming to have had the most shocking experiences with the “aliens from outer space” .

No doubt you yourself have seen television and film dramatizations of these encounters, most people have. I believe these are manifestations of Nephilim on the earth, beings who are ushering in the Antichrist system of these last of the Last Days. We humans are not sufficient for these things, because the whole area surroundings of our planet is densely populated with a hostile race of beings who probably are vastly superior in wisdom and power to ourselves. This is a fallen world, dear friends, let us not forget the Garden of Eden, and who Adam and Eve sold their souls to.

But let us remember that there is one mightier power above all the hosts of the prince of darkness – one who regards us with feelings of wondrous love. For although the Lord has not yet formally deposed the rebels and arranged a new government, he does not leave the world entirely to Satan’s mercy. Angels of God penetrate the realms of the air and camp about those that fear Him, and protect them from the malignant foes to whom they would otherwise fall an easy prey.

Psalm 34:7-8 helps to reinforce our belief and faith in the Lord God’ s protection. It says:

“The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him and delivereth them. O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.”

Read also Ex.14:19; Psalm 91:11; Daniel 6:22; Acts 12:7; 27:23; Heb.1:14.

11 Kings 6:17:

“And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.”

May the Lord also open our eyes, that we may see God’s angelic horses and chariots of fire round about His own redeemed believers. So the ones that are for us are greater and more powerful and more numerous than those that are against the people on this earth. How wonderful it is to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

There are three different levels of spiritual beings who are evil, according to Scripture. Firstly is the devil (of course we all know who he is), and in this New Age they are calling him Lucifer again. Lucis Trust, a close worker with the United Nations, was once called Lucifer Publishing Company, because they serve Lucifer. Lucifer is the evil genius mind behind all of the things we see in UFO-ology, doctrines and beliefs.

And then, secondly, are the angels of Satan, the Nephilim.With various degrees of influence, as Ephesians six shows us.

Then thirdly there are the disembodied spirits that are called ` demonsrquote , and we will be speaking about them later on. These actually come and dwell in human and even animal bodies, because they had been spirits that had bodies and have lost these bodies. Scriptures reveals they can also inhabit idols.

See 1 Cor.8:4-6. The “gods” and “lords many” in these verses are the spirit beings who inhabit the stone or wood idol, which in itself is “nothing in the world” .

The Bible shows us clearly that the whole earth is divided into provinces which are governed and organised under the direction of Lucifer – Satan or Lucifer has viceroys, officers and subordinates which are too numerous to count. Although mankind collectively is sold out to the control of Lucifer by rebelling against God, the mightier power of God continually upsets the powers of the hierarchy of Lucifer and protects individuals, churches and even nations, when the people of God call upon Him and humble themselves.

So we can see before we really look into these things that the earth is like this – two influences from the spirit world – enormously powerful, that the whole world is in a general state of systematic evil. If we look in the book of Romans, just in the first and second chapters, we can see this shown by God – a terrible situation, from which no person would ever escape, if it were not for our Precious Saviour, the Lamb of God who died for the sin of the world. Yes, there are individual exceptions to this systematic evil and those are the ones who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Are you one of them, reader?

Now and then reformations come to the earth or revival and huge changes happen to this systematic evil. We read in history of many times when the Spirit of God moves upon the earth, and earth people are saved in great numbers. Really the world is like a thick pea-soup darkness, and in that darkness, just here and there, are glowing candles of God’s light, His people filled with the light of Christ – the light of this world. If you are born-again, then you certainly are part of this light and you must let your little light shine. The darkness and wickedness of this world has rapidly increased in our day and now the system is corrupt enough to receive the ETs, the hidden rulers, who can now reveal themselves, because they are sure of a welcome. The fruit is ripe, their season has come, the Tribulation of the Antichrist is very close at hand.

Soon the lights, the saved ones that keep the darkness from totally overwhelming the earth through the indwelling Holy Spirit, will be removed in the wonderful translation that we call ` the Rapture” . So it is very important that you in these days consider whether you are in the kingdom of Jesus Christ or in the kingdom of darkness.

The Bible tells much about the kingdom of darkness – it tells us that everybody that is born on this earth has been born into the kingdom of darkness at physical birth. If you have never been born-again in Christ Jesus, then you will become part of this great upsurge of evil that is happening in these Last Days. You cannot escape becoming part of it, because you are not under the protection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you are in the kingdom of darkness then most likely you are under the delusion of self-righteousness, you have no need of forgiveness and mercy, you can earn your own way to heaven – if there is such a place. People say, “I will just have to take my chances after death, and God is a God of love. Anyway, I have never hurt anyone deliberately.” But the Bible says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23).

Think very carefully before the Lord of Eternity – which kingdom are you in? That is the most important question you could ask yourself in your entire life. If you have never come to Jesus Christ and have never admitted that you are a sinner and in need of God’s mercy and forgiveness; if you have never received Jesus Christ as the One who died on the Cross for your sin – He shed His blood for you – if you do not know for certain that you are going to heaven because of what Jesus did for you; if you realise in your heart you are hopeless, then you are still in the kingdom of darkness.

You don’t have to do anything to get in Satan’s kingdom – you simply have to be born onto the earth, because man is in a fallen state. “There is none righteous, no, not one.” (Romans 2:10) I pray that you will want to be in the kingdom of Light, if indeed you are still unsaved.

Let us look at the Bible again, see what God has to say about this. In the book of Romans, God has said many, many things that are important to our study of the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of Light. Romans 3:23, see that God has said:

“For all have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God.”

Then the next verse says:

“Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:”

So, in one verse it is saying, “all have sinned” , and that is ALL of us! You cannot say that you are not part of the sin of the world – you certainly are and you have come short of the Glory of God. Today the New Agers are telling us that man is good, that man himself is a ` god” , and we have never done anything really evil, we have not got an evil nature. That is not true, the Bible says that all have sinned. Satan and his angels want humans to believe they are not fallen and sinful, so that they will share in his damnation in the Lake of Fire. (Rev.20:14-15). This is the second death! But God says that we can be “justified freely” . Beautiful Words! Justified means just as if I had never sinned, declared innocent by God, freely forgiven, because of the redemption that is in Christ Jesus who shed His blood, and gave His life for us so that we can have eternal life as a free gift. He took the punishment we deserved.

Eternal life in Christ Jesus is the only way out of the terrible dilemma the world faces. Do not stubbornly keep resisting the Great Love God so freely offers. You can have Eternal Life because God loves you and sent Jesus to die for you. People who are in the kingdom of Christ Jesus know that He is enough, and that His blood was enough. We don’t earn our way to heaven by good works, and indeed we cannot have good works enough to cover our sin. ALL our righteousness is just filthy rags! (Isaiah 64:6) People who have eternal life in Christ have peace and joy in the Lord Jesus Christ, and they know He is a living reality in their lives. People who have eternal life in Christ, in the Kingdom of God, know that God has received them in Jesus Christ and so they know that all is well.

Just another Bible verse – a wonderful, wonderful verse that everyone as a Christian surely knows. John 3:16:

` For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” And verse 17: “For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”


In Russia a large number of people gather to watch a famous singer being filmed and saw more than they bargained for then a U.F.O. suddenly appeared above their heads. The camera crew quickly focused their camera on the object and recorded an aerial display that lasted for several minutes. The crowd found this more intriguing than the singer, even she eventually stopped singing to watch the U.F.O. Numerous U.F.Os are seen over Russia regularly, these balls of light are identical to those recorded in Belgium and the rest of Europe in 1990, which attracted extensive attention at top military and civilian levels. In April 1990, this cigar-shaped U.F.O. was filmed over Russia by an amateur. These flying objects are now acknowledged by the Russian Military as alien flying machines.

Some 700 miles east of Moscow in the Ural Mountains there is a remote area now known as a UFO Triangle. Christians should realise that the residents in that vicinity have seen so many U.F.Os that they no longer even arouse surprise. They have been chased by balls of fire and have also been seriously injured by these balls of fire. Remember Christians, that Russia has been conducting para-psychology experiments and also psychotronic weaponry and this is occultism.

Lights appeared suddenly in the sky over Washington on July 20, 1952 moving from the Whitehouse to the Capital, hundreds of people witnessed the extraordinary events and it left them stunned. The light instantly jumped from one position into another. They were also observed by high military officials who knew what the lights were trying to say. The public had never seen anything like this, whereas the military had already had a long involvement with these alien visitors, but had kept it from the public. An immediate emergency meeting was called to formulate a plan to divert public attention away from the occurrences – from that day on it was decided to place the subject under the highest classification of security. Then came the first announcement to mislead the public made by the chief of Air Intelligence Major General John Sandford. “We can say that the recent sightings are in no way connected with any secret developments by any agency of the United States.”From that day on the biggest secret of the century began.

There has been materialised physical objects such as U.F.Os appear to be. Can they take on physical bodies? As we read the Bible we find that they certainly can do both. From time immemorial there has been divinely inspired accounts in the 66 books of the Bible about spirit beings who did indeed materialise physical bodies and physical objects for their own use. Angels appeared and communicated with human beings. Let’s take a look at Acts chapter 5 verse 19. The angels of the Lord by night opened the prison door and brought them forth.

In the books of Genesis 32 is an example verses 24 to 31 about Jacob wrestling with an angel all night long and he was physically affected by the encounter. That is very significant indeed. Look at Matthew 22:2 and you will that the Angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the tomb and he sat upon it. The book of Genesis 19 tells us that the angels visited Sodom in a physical way, the angels ate food, the angels were considered physical beings by the men of Sodom who desired to have sexual encounters with them. Lot understood the physical nature of the visitors – Genesis 19:8 and Genesis 19:9. The angels took physical action to touch Lot and put him inside the house. The angels rendered the Sodomites physically blind; the angels hastened Lot physically out of the city and physically rescued him – the angels took Lot by the hand and took the people out of Sodom in Genesis 19:16 & 17. And here are a few more of over four hundred references to angelic beings in the Bible. Genesis 16:7, Exodus 3:2, Numbers 22:31, Judges 6:12, Judges 6:20-21, 1 Kings 19:7 and 2 Kings 19:35.

A paddock close to a small town called Rockwell became the focus of attention on July 2nd, 1947 when Bill Brazel, a farmer found a disc-shaped craft on his land. The military arrived on the scene and quickly isolated the spot when they found debris scattered over a wide area. They also found four dead humanoid-alien bodies who had been ejected from the craft. Because of many recent U.F.O. sightings by the military, they accepted the existence of visitors from outer-space who obviously possessed the technology which was far beyond our understanding.

In the book by Dr. Kurt Koch, “Occult A.B.C.”, Kurt finished his book by saying this – “Without a doubt, the U.F.Os are a phenomena of the end time even though already in previous centuries a few U.F.Os were observed. Today, they turn up in even greater concentrations as we approach the time of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lucifer sends his elite troops ahead, his armies to the final battle. We Christians equipped with the Bible are in a position to understand and interpret all these power struggles. The last world war will not be the Antichrist – the Antichrist is only the next to the last. The ultimate ruler will be the Lord Jesus Christ to whom all power in heaven and on earth has been ceded by the Father in Heaven and the final victory belongs to Him.” Praise the Lord.

Let us think a little bit of why do people join New Age groups such as the U.F.Os – and other New Age groups of course. There are many reasons but in a nutshell, it is not because they are Anti-christian or dramatically interested in weird and wonderful beliefs and doctrines. Although they do become extremely interested. I believe that people join New Age groups because of human needs. 1. They have a need to really belong, to have other humans who believe as they do. 2. They want to have friendship and they want fellowship with genial companions. 3. They have a need to be accepted and affirmed as individuals in their own right, for themselves. 4. They join to gain purpose and meaning, to find individual identity and to have a cause, a party to work for and with. 5. They want to make sense of a hitherto dilemma-filled world and existence. The future and life’s sufferings and puzzling problems need answers to them.

So how can Christians help these New Agers? I think we should remember always that they are just men and women like ourselves who have been caught in a diabolical plot or trapped. Many have been so brainwashed and deceived as they cannot now discern reality as the Biblical Christian can do. We should remember that we are not just defenders of the faith or the protectors of our Christian heritage in this New Age world that has gone mad. This is a part of it, surely, but we are also lovers, in God, of people desperately in need of truth. Don’t look down your noses at New Agers – don’t view them as gullible people, adherents to false doctrines, which alone need to be refuted by staunch Biblical Christians. It is not the false doctrines that matter – it is the people who are caught in the false doctrines. And those who are caught in these things are your next-door neighbours, maybe your loved ones, workmates, college young people, little children, ordinary people like you see on the streets! I was struck by this fact as I went to meetings with New Age people. The people at the U.F.O. meetings are just like the men and women next door. Some of them are quite academic and professional people – not many “hippy”; individuals. May we realise that Christ Jesus is the only one who can help them and can we be loving enough to reach out to them? Let us as Christians meet these human needs that these people have, as Christ Jesus wants us to do, as well as the urgent spiritual needs.

Let us look at those human needs again. Does your church, your group or fellowship meet the needs of people who really want to belong? Sometimes churches can be very insular and rather cold and formal. Can their need for friendship and fellowship be met with you? Are you genuine companions when you take them home to your house for lunch after church, will you offer a sincere hand of love? Are people accepted and affirmed in your fellowship or in your group or your prayer group? Can they gain a sense of purpose and identity and have a cause to work for and live for? Do you encourage new Christians to reach out to others and evangelise, or are you intent on pouring cold water on their zeal? Do you have real answers about the world and life’s unbearable problems from the Bible?

See also  1998: The Threat: Alien Agenda

It is almost as though it is too late for the church in some ways for many secular people really distrust us! I have been struck also by the avid hatred of the New Agers towards Christians, they have told me again and again how evil the Christian church is, and what they think we have done and how greedy we are – always wanting to get money from others. How we cause wars and problems and how selfish we are. And sadly, I have found in many cases this has proved quite true. We have people calling themselves Christians, men like John Avanzeni, Fred Price, Jimmy Bakker, Oral Roberts and others, who preach and teach people in how to be greedy and selfish, and how to gain glory-tripping big ministries for themselves. It is more than time Christians gave their lives to win the lost, and sacrificially gave themselves to intercessory prayer for them.

I read about a woman called Jean Mills, a heart-rending story, she said this: “When you meet the friendliest people you have ever known who introduce you to the most loving group of people you have ever encountered, and you find the leader to be the most inspiring, caring, compassionate and understanding person you ever met and then you learn that the cause of the group is something you never dared hoped to be accomplished and all this sounds too good to be true – it probably IS too good to be true. Don’t give up your education, your hopes and ambitions to follow a rainbow.”

Now these words are chilling because they were written by Jean Mills, who was a member of the People’s Temple of the Jones Town Gianna massacre in 1978. 911 adults were brutalised and eventually murdered at the instigation of leader, Jim Jones. And this New Age leader led them into this with his love, his care, his compassion, believe it or not. New Age groups and cults can be very loving and compassionate, humble and very, very appealing. Subsequently to these murders Jean Mills was interviewed by a number of television and newspaper reporters and she was able to explain to them the reasons why so many had agreed to become a part of the Jim Jones cult. Angered by the public denunciations of the cult, a year after the Jones Town incident, Jean Mills was assassinated by the misguided, disgruntled and vicious members of the cult who still believed in their cult leader. Very, very sad indeed for Jean was only seeking love, care, compassion and answers to her problems and questions about life.

To give you some impressions of a ghastly U.F.O. convention weekend that I went to last year which is still burned in my mind. It was the last of a series of investigative encounters with the Australian U.F.O. groups. The leaders that were there were -Martin Gotschall of Australia, Budd Hopkins of America and Kelvin Jenkins of the U.K. I listened to people speaking over the microphone, giving their witness of what had happened to them. Sometimes they would start their witness by saying defensively, “I don’t care what you people believe about what I am going to tell you, I know what happened to me – and that is that!”

One young man stands out in my memory, a young man about 18, who was weeping as he told of his experiences in the Brisbane suburbs. He saw a burning light, and he followed this ball of fire and encountered a U.F.O. He told how he was taken into the U.F.O. and how ETs examined him, operated on him and sexually interfered with him. He felt that he was in love with a particular ET. I do not believe this is fantasy! I would have liked to have had some of these people speak on this video, to tell us first hand, but I cannot do that because the leader of the U.F.O. group on the Sunshine Coast would prefer me not to go near them because of my Christian witness. He says I am condemning the E.ETs – I certainly am condemning them, they are evil spirit-beings! I went to a meeting in Brisbane that was held at the Chevron Hotel, about 500 people were there – they were lovely looking people, well dressed and nicely spoken. They had a large overhead screen in the darkened room, and on this was projected reptilian creatures – the ETs. I watched as everyone sat on the edge of their seats – they were shaking and some were crying. They were saying things like, “The ETs are stronger than we are, there is no way we can survive, what are we going to do?” Then the mood changed, “They are our saviours, they are the ones who created us, we should love them!”It was absolutely pitiful, and as I moved around amongst those people, talking with some of them, I found that one Christian in such a group could do little, they simply laughed and ridiculed. I was so moved that I wanted to go down and take the microphone off their leader and demand to be heard, to tell them all about Christ Jesus and His love. But, of course, such an action would have been futile.

My over-all impression of the U.F.O. meetings I had attended is that there is a delusion of unspeakable, Satanic power which has come upon these people. That the worship and awe are completely unnatural, contrary to any reasonable response, and that it is close to the point of insanity. Yet the people involved show no outward sign of demon possession, mania or (apart from the remarkableness is their odd response) emotional imbalance. They are in the majority, every day folks who look not unlike church people.

The people at the U.F.O. groups are totally convinced and unreachable except for the power of the Holy Spirit. They are in dire straits, hellish danger and in great need of prayer. We urge the Christians to pray for them that they might be brought out of this delusion, because the door is not shut on God’s offer of mercy yet. The strong delusion of 11 Thessalonians 2:11 is maybe upon these people, but the door is not shut -Jesus has not come for His Church in the Rapture yet.

VIDEO CLIP. 1985 on the outskirts of *_______*, USA, around 9 p.m. A woman, a friend and her 7 year old grandson Colby were heading home. Colby: “Grandma, what’s that light?”Woman’s voice, “What is that light?””I don’t know – its awful bright, is that an aeroplane?”We were just driving along when all of a sudden there was this bright light. “I can hardly see the road”. (They stop and see a craft)….I walked to the front of the automobile and I stood there looking up at the craft to figure out what it was. It was like a diamond, with four points and the one in the top and the three at the bottom were (brilliant with light).

Commentator: Given the evidence there seemed little doubt that something incredible happened to Betty, Vicki and Colby. Something that no one has been able to explain. For more than 10 years these contacts have been (happening)….The United States Government is in a desperate fight against a mysterious illness, the symptoms of which began to appear about 6 hours after this bizarre encounter.

At one o’clock Colby woke me up crying and begging me for water.””Honey, you’re burning up! Colby had vomited all over the bed and while I was tending to him, I got sick.”

Commentator: Something was wrong – it was what appeared to be a severe case of sunburn.

Vicki- calling to Betty: “Betty, help”

Commentator: Her temperature was dangerously high and large red welts had appeared on face and hands. She was convinced to see a doctor and he immediately admitted her to Park Lane Hospital and she saw Dr. McLelland. He has been Betty’s physician since 1985.

Dr. McLelland; “All I know was that she received high doses of radiation… haven’t heard about in the Texas area before so I naturally became involved treating Betty and Vicki. We went out to the location where this happened, and they were very clear about where it happened, and how it happened, and indicated that it had been heated to an extreme level of heating, it was burned and it was very clear to the naked eye where they had seen the object. Seven or eight other people had seen the helicopters and the descriptions were all very similar to what Betty and Vicki described.”


Some of the details of the UFO phenomena that I saw at different seminars that I went to as well, these groups are very much interested in the Grail, the ancient occult search for the Grail is part of the religious areas of UFO “research”. The Grail is supposed to be the cup filled with wine or blood which holds the key to life and paradise. The Grail is seen in various ways actually, sometimes imagined to be the cup Jesus Christ shared with His disciples at the Last Supper, or a cup which caught the Saviour’s blood as He died on the Cross. The Grail can even be a sword in some myths. It seems to be, spiritually, the mystery of cosmic conscious that is, god within you. Some say it is the counterfeit of Christ’s redemption.

The New Agers believe that the Aquarian Age in the new millennium will be a time when all people will have Paradise restored. They are searching for the Holy Grail, and the lost Garden of Eden, the one and the same quest, in a sense. One of the major teachers in the New Age global movement is John Randall Price – he has written a number of books about UFOs and super beings. He writes: “Here you are today after countless lives on this planet, seeking the Holy Grail, still seeking for the paradise that was lost. It has always been with you. It is simply that you have forgotten your identity – your were born initially of the spirit and you will be born again when you realise who and what you are. The more you are aware of this indwelling spirit, the greater the inflow of spiritual energy and power into your mind and heart.”

Again we see the ancient lie, “ye shall be as gods”. A weird, supernatural experience is happening to many neo-pagans in our day, they believe they are “god”, and that they can unite to bring paradise again to earth. The ETs are often believed to the saviours of the planet who will create that paradise for humanity. Randolph Price writes about the experience of being “god”: “This cosmic consciousness has always been within you, but you have been asleep to it – now you must awaken!”

Bible verses and stories are used liberally in the New Age movement. Randolph Price writes: “Paul referred to this inner-knowingness as the mystery hidden for ages and generations. He also called it ‘Christ in you the hope of glory’…”Price is writing of the experience of knowing you are “god”here. “It is from the illumined consciousness that you can say `Father honour me with the glory that I knew with you before the world was made'”- what blasphemy! This quote is indicative of the confusion, the hellish delusion that the many UFO devotees are in! A blasphemous taking of the glory which is Christ Jesus and attributing this to the self, self is divine, self is paradise, self is power, truth, love and spiritual energy.

All of this UFO hysteria is the Antichrist system rising to power! I spoke personally to Kelvin Jenkins, one of the internationally-known experts on crop circles who was in Brisbane in 1993, also Budd Hopkins was in Brisbane – he too is an international leader in the UFO research field. I asked Kelvin Jenkins what truths he had gained, what conclusions had he come to in his Crop Circle and UFO research endeavours, and he answered: “I have passed all that, I need no questions and I need no answers – I have a new reality and a new consciousness”. And in this answer lies the shocking outcome of occult delusion, the blinding of the victim to objective Truth or comprehension of error, and the total subjection to non-rational subjective experience – Satanic experience. How can one even reason with such a blinded person? Only the Holy Spirit can bring light to their souls, if they repent! The sad part is that they no longer seek truth or accept that there is error of any kind, they have a “new consciousness”.

I also spoke to Budd Hopkins, asking him:
“What conclusions have you come to in regard to UFOs and what is happening?

His answer was heart-breakingly pitiful!
These people pretend to be oracles, yet are lost and confused. Hopkins said to me,
“Things are bad, they are terribly, terribly bad! I don’t know what we are going to do, it is all over; the ETs are stronger and vastly more intelligent than us. Oh, what are we going to do? How many more will be taken.”

I replied,
“They are fallen angels, Satanic, supernatural beings. Don’t you realise that?”

He said,
“Others have told us that! But I don’t know if it is true or not.”

When I spoke to him of the Lord Jesus Christ and His mighty power to save and protect, Hopkins grew quickly bored, he just didn’t want to know. Most UFO devotees are very, very afraid underneath all their pseudo, scientific bravado.

John Randolph Price’s teachings is very interesting here, he spoke to a being called “Alana”, who was supposed to be a space being and he said, “Are you saying that this earth is being colonised by alien souls who are working with the Masters to save us from our own self-destruction?”And the “space being” replied, “Alien souls, I prefer to think of them as angels of light.” Think of that people – angels of light, remember that the Bible says that Satan will come as an angel of light! The ETs also call themselves “elohim” which is very interesting, as it is an Old Testament name for Almighty God.

Let us remember that the Blood of Jesus Christ is our Victory. If you look up Hebrews 9:14, 10:22, Ephesians 1:7, 1 John 5:8, and Lev. 17:11 you will find that Jesus Christ’s Blood, that was shed for our redemption and forgiveness, is our protection and our glory in the times that are coming on the earth. Every one that is saved is only saved by the Blood of Christ; every miracle of grace, every deliverance from the power of Satan, every need met, every situation that was ever altered by God in a Christian’s life, every battle that has ever been won for the glory of God and the extension of His Kingdom is by the claiming of the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ – He was victorious at Calvary!

New Age UFO meetings sell some very peculiar publications! One of the books I saw “explains” the real meaning of the number 666. It is supposed to be an energy number that is going to bring great joy and happiness to the earth. 666 is a number of the Serpent, who of course to the UFO research people is the “good guy”A lot of the material from the UFO societies is like the Bible, only they are the mirror image of the Bible, all around the wrong way. The people that are anti-christs are good people, and the bad people are the people of “God”. “Projection, World Evacuation” by the Ashtar Command is an example. It is like looking at the plan of the Antichrist for this earth. It tells of the evacuation of various peoples from the earth, it is an incredible world evacuation program planned by the aliens. There is a Rapture, a Marriage Supper of the Lamb, Heaven and Paradise on earth, seen from the perspective of the enemy of men’s souls. It actually predicts the rapture by telling us that many will be taken off the earth who don’t fit in with the plan of the ETs. I don’t know why Satan is going to so much trouble to explain away the Rapture, if it is not true!

Pastor David Allen Lewis asks in his UFO book: “Why does NASA spend millions on giant antennas trying to contact extra terrestrials? Who are the receivers? Why are psychics channelling at these “cosmic beings”in multitudes of different channelling sessions right throughout the world? Why are movies filled with wise aliens and eastern mysticism?”In Australia we ask the exact same questions and we could add a few of our own. Why is SETI set up at Parkes, New South Wales – the “Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence”? Why are New Agers channelling ETs in huge numbers in Australia? Why are we having hundreds of Crop Circles appearing in the fields and even in the clouds? The media is not telling you about it, but the UFO groups are telling people all about it and presenting the evidence. Hundreds and hundreds of crop circles and pictograms are appearing on the earth. Why are there many reports of sexual intercourse with ETs in this country and abroad and why do these women insist that they have borne babies of a hybrid nature to the ETs? Why is the growth of the UFO investigation groups becoming like a revival of evil and ancient Babylonianism?


In the Townsville, Queensland, Bulletin, (date not recorded, approx. late August, 1996) an article by Sandra Bull succinctly expressed the Australia dilemma in regard to the UFO phenomena. “Science Fiction is Looking Real”looks at the alien invasion taking place at Mr. and Mrs. Aussie’s family hearth through “cinemas, bookstores and their favourite television channels. Remarks about “off-the-planet fiends”and “an invasion resurgence of the science-fiction genre” follow. The remark in paragraph three is chilling: “But an Australian expert says he won’t be surprised if the technology now available will result in the off-screen discovery of proof of intelligent life within the next few years.”

Who is this “expert”? A leader of the UFO research mediums of the Crop Circle kind? A New Age Earth Grid believer with a copy of “Communion” by Whitley Strieber under his arm? No, the expert is the head of astrophysics at the CSIRO’s Australia Telescope National Facility! What did Dr. Ray Norris comment: “I believe there’s a fair chance some time in the next few years we will detect something and we have to be ready for that.”

Dr. Norris, it seems, was involved with 1995’s participation in the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Phoenix project. He is a member of an international committee. It seems Dr. Norris fears a repeat of the hysteria which resulted in the 1930s when American people misunderstood a fictional radio broadcast by sinister actor Orson Welles. Welles realistically presented a blow-by-blow account of an alien invasion no less. The average person is so blown away by the UFO infiltration that they are almost expecting the worst to happen at any time.

The article goes well into the current rash, no epidemic, of hugely successful movies and television shows, and the overwhelming display of fantastic science-fiction titles in every bookshop. We have “The Arrival”, a film about the global warming being an extra-terrestrial plot so that they can launch a full invasion against earthlings. Then there is “X-files”, “Star Trek”, “Independence Day” being the icing on the cake! In this terror-raiser death rays bring holocaust to tens of millions of humans, watched by hideous, hideous aliens. What is Dr. Norris’ message to a ET obsessed world, after all he is the “expert”scientist, and he must know: “Dr. Norris’ message is don’t panic, `In the event of such a discovery (aliens being contacted), we should think positively.”

I have seen people thinking “positively” about the fallen angels code-named ET at the UFO cult meetings – it was like thinking positively about being stalked by starving lions.

What had Dr. Norris to say about governmental cover-ups? The UFO researchers at cult level are always addressing this subject. Said our scientific expert: “The protocol being developed by the committee (international) will spell out how to announce a detection. We don’t want a cover-up, no X-Files stuff. We are working on a protocol for a progressive series of news releases letting everyone be aware, but hopefully doing this in a responsible way.”

Who is working out this protocol? The SETI post-detection committee at the request of the International Academy of Astronautics, A BODY ESTABLISHED BY THE UNITED NATIONS. which will be asked to ratify the document.


Cast you mind back to the Nephilim, Pember and his endtime scenario, the Biblical descriptions of the none flesh and blood principalities, powers, RULERS of the darkness of this world, SPIRITUAL wickedness in “high places”. (Ephesians 6:12). Now examine the work of the scientists at this astounding time in earth’s history. We are at the very edge of spiritual crisis. The spiritual world is a reality, and that reality is about to burst upon the physical realm – this is the last of the Last Days. I will quote from Sandra’s article: “Meanwhile, the US-based Phoenix project continues to scan the skies. Last year, Australia assisted that search in an exciting four-month hunt in which possible signs of life up to 100 light years from earth were logged about every hour by computers linked to the ANTF’s Parkes (NSW) telescope.

Back-up checks by the Mopra telescope, also in New South Wales, confirmed the false alarms were triggered by interference from satellites or mobile telephones and were not the hoped-for radio-waves from alien sources. Dr. Norris was not discouraged, saying technological advances have only recently given scientists a fighting chance of eavesdropping onto alien signals. ‘We’re now at a threshold where our technology is at a point where we can actually detect the sort of signal a civilisation like us might put out,’ he said.”

See also  1957 CIA Memo Concerning UFO Report

Dr. Norris went on, ‘These searches have attracted publicity and we’re now at the stage where science fiction is STARTING TO LOOK REAL. I think people are starting to wonder how we would react if we could find a civilisation out there…something we’ve never been confronted with before.'”


The ETs are being channelled by mediums. A video in our library shows the ghastly interaction with the fallen angels, as they take over the bodies and minds of the mediums. This is happening in many countries, ours if Australian. The mediums channel the Ashtar Command, supposed to be the aliens in space ships around the earth. Evil spirits are giving the delusion that space beings, ETs are speaking through channellers. These are not the UFO investigation groups, by the way, these are ET channelling groups.

In the book by Whitley Streiber “Communion”and here again is the picture of this weird little thing with the horrid eyes which has been read by multitudes across the world and there is another one called “Transformation”. Streiber has visited Australia and Budd Hopkins, a co-worker, has visited Australia, he (Budd Hopkins) is mentioned in Streiber’s book. Streiber said in his book that in one of his experiences with the E.Ts he saw a big red fire with horns of smoke pouring out in all directions and the ETs said that it was the world blowing up. Budd Hopkins commented, “No doubt about that, other people have been shown the same kind of image, too”.

There is supposed to be a third eye in occultism and it is opened by a chakra and ‘illumination’ flies out and it is thought by many to be the Luciferian initiation, a sort of re-birth, something after the Christian experience, only this is of Satan. This opening of the third eye happened to Strieber when he was taken by an ET spaceship! “Maybe it was a guy taking a psychological test of me, maybe he was literally testing me, doing something like a hypnotist might do, using little silver objects in place of a finger. Could that be? I could be among other things, including with this some sort of hallucinations, but I don’t think so.”

“Where did this happen?”(Budd Hopkins.)
“Right here”, Streiber touched the centre of his forehead just above the bridge of his nose. “Specifically right here and every time he touched me there was a burst of energy.”

And Budd Hopkins said to him, “No time to think between images?”
“No, this all happened quite quickly.”

“Were they visual?”
“Yes, they were visions, not words, absolutely not, they were pictures … I was aware even then of a great confusion in my mind.”

UFO-ology incorporates tales about owls – owls have always been an occult symbol, to do with magicians and witches. UFO-ology is all about triangles, trinities and pyramids, these all feature in UFO books. In the descriptions of entities Christians can easily discern Satan, the false prophet of Revelation and the Antichrist. This trinity of evil emerges in the book by Streiber, “Transformation.”In the New Age the unholy trinity which is Lucifer, is often depicted as the Sun, Solar Logos, the Earth Mother, Gaia, and their expected offspring, the Son, or Christ. But the New Age is so eclectic that there are many variations on the theme of the trinity.

There is another ET description found in the book “Communion”which is significant. Streiber says, “It showed me its hand, its face, every detail of its body and then asked me to describe its feet, and leaned forward against something that I could not see and raised the foot. It appeared almost like a very simple version of a human foot -instead of toes there was a solid structure split only in one place….Beyond the face I was able to see the figures back, the size of its head, its arms, hands and feet and also its abdomen – every part of its body. Under close scrutiny the surface was smooth it did not seem to have a layer just under the skin – it was tight across the bones. The structure of the knee and elbow joints reminded me of the knees of grasshoppers and crickets. The hands were very long and tapered and composed of three fingers and an opposable thumb. When pressed down, the hands became flat – suggesting they were more pliable than our hands. On the fingers were short, dark nails with a more claw-like appearance than ours. Overall this did not occur to me to be a highly developed body but rather a very simple one. There was a general lack of complexities which suggested few veins and not much flesh and many of them, they call them the greys – they are very grey in appearance.”

Streiber said, “I did not know how to explain this image – if it was not created by the powerful effect of gods asking me to visualise the creature, then perhaps it was some sort of sophisticated holographic projection – it might be impossible to maintain an image in the mind as I knew how to stimulate the optic centres in the right way.”

Here is a suggestion that it was an delusion that was happening, caused by the ETs stimulating the brain in some way to bring about this vision, to be stored in the memory bank to be reactivated? Note that the cloven hoof image is just like the traditional image of the feet of Satan. Interestingly enough the image of grasshopper-like “locusts”and “scorpions”are given in Revelation 9 – these are devilish spiritual entities!

from a video clip which shows a medium channelling ETs.
“…my commander, my compatriot, my friend, who in turn is accountable, shall we say, to the commander-in-chief who is the Lord Sananda? This is the energy, the coming together of the cosmic energies for this particular portion of the evolutionary cycle. At this close of a particular cycle that has lasted several hundred thousand years. You are also at the close of several smaller cycles. As you are aware and have heard the we are closing the Piscean Age and are entering into the Age of Aquarius. Hence, the close of one cycle, the beginning of another. We are here to assist you and your universe and cosmos and beyond that which you know. This is the close of the cycle in which …planet earth shall graduate and those of you who desire to graduate with us by moving into a different dimension of consciousness of awareness, I invite you to do so.”

Male inquirer, “Would you please explain what a vortex is and how it affects us?”
“I will answer your question….The vortex is that which allows for a specific vibration or energy pattern and can be introduced and…it can be introduced by a shifting of the physical structure, i.e., your planet. And the shifting of the crust of the planet will bring about…you to create a vortex….a shifting that you are aware of. Have you not had interruptions? Have you not had earthquakes? Have you not had changes in weather patterns? These too, are examples of the changes that have come about.””…There is one (vortex) that is to be activated upon the western coast of the United States. There are those areas that have already been vortex areas that are being altered because of the change in the planet itself as it moves into the next dimensional state. There are a total of thirteen vortexes that will be activated before your year 2000. Thirteen additional ones which will be considered by you on the planet to be new ones. When these are brought into operation they assist in the over-all balancing process and the stabilisation process for your planet.”

The witches of our evil are seeking to bring about these strange “opening” in the earth, such witches as Miriam Starhawk of New Age infamy. The Earth Summit meeting of the environmentalists was held in Rio de Janeiro, this area is considered by New Agers to be a place were a vortex has been opened in the earth.

The earth is seen by the New Agers as being alive. She is said to have blood, she has a brain, she has lungs – the rivers are her blood, the rain forests are her lungs. The weird Earth Grid which is peddled by UFO groups and conferences is seen as a part of her brain – the collective unconscious of the human, controlled by the Oneness of the Earth brain itself. The human chakra system is a belief of the neo-pagans, chakras are said to flow up the vertebra. When the Kundalini force is released in occult technique, the snake force is believed to come up the spine and out through the third eye in the centre of the forehead, between the eye-brows. The whole body is believed to have an energy field (note acupuncture). This energy field is said to be also in the Earth Mother. There are planetary chakras going through the earth’s body, in occult belief.

The crown chakra is said to be Mt. Cook in New Zealand, the brow chakra is supposed to be in the Gobi Desert. The throat is the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt, the heart is Avebury in Glastonbury in England. The sola-plexus is Ayres Rock in Australia. The reproductive chakra is in Peru and the root is Mt. Shashter in California. This energy tracing and study of the supernatural powers of the Earth Mother is called Geomancy. The energy field is being brought together in these Latter Days, right around the earth, known as the Earth Grid.

Most of the New Age health treatments deal in some way with tapping into this Force. (See the warning in Daniel 11:38. KJV “God of forces”). Never tap into the force of the human body or into the force in the earth itself. This is all about levitation too -and if any of you know about the occult, you know that this is not of God The New Agers who study Geomancy often know how to position themselves on these energy lines of the Earth Grid and be raised bodily by supernatural power. This too is involved in UFO-ology, the mappers of the Earth Grid believe that the ETs bring about these powers, indeed they say the UFOs appear in conjunction with the Earth Grid lines. We know them as the Nephilim or the fallen angels of God. The Grid I believe is an ancient power system which is being reactivated in these last days, Mystery Babylonism in another form. The UFO groups often believe that we have a crystalline planet, like a living crystal right around the planet. It is believed to be magnetic and glowing. Strangely enough the apostate Christian Church is also seeing this grid, such people as C. Peter Wagner, and Graham Hendricks of The Global March for Jesus.

The strange grid is appearing in a lot of television and magazines advertisements. You will notice it if you become aware of it. The grid will come down on your television screens sometimes, or it my be stationary behind writing. Sometimes it goes up in the middle and divide. Red triangles appear at times, or the grid disappears into the sun, Solar Logos. These are all occult symbols which appear to have been put there to actually bring us into subjection or brainwash us in some way.

Even Christians are falling into using grids in their advertisements. Now we are not saying that people are doing this deliberately, they probably have professional artists who are bringing these things into the churches. The occultists are saying that this grid, to do with gravity, is all about the Holy Spirit, but it is the fake Holy Spirit.

“Atoms, Snowflakes and God – the Convergence of Science and Religion” , by John L. Hitchcock, is a very complicated book. It shows that the anti-gravity grid around the earth is:”the primordial “stuff”of the universe”and it is “composed of spirit-matter.”This idea echoes the apostate theologian, Teilhard de Chardin. Hitchcock, who has a PhD in Phenomenology of Science and Religion, actually believes that this gravity Earth Grid is the Holy Spirit. “That the development of the psyche depends upon gravity and the holy spirit was amplified in the early part of this chapter.””…self and the cosmos are related….Other parallels of holy spirit and gravity are documented by Jung.”(Page 90).

The late Buckminster Fuller was an extremely powerful, well known, New Age leader. He has dealt extensively with the Earth Grid and GENI – Global Energy Network International. In the book “Anti-Gravity and the World Grid”, by David Hatcher Childress, some of the work by Buckminster Fuller is documented, and his “dymaxion”map of 1946 is shown. The Grid doctrines are filled with the beliefs that the Earth is a unified living planet, self-creating and self-perpetuating.

All the occult things involved in Geomancy are too numerous to mention and the *hexagrammaton* is certainly part of this Earth Grid belief, which is actually a secret occult presentation of the Holy name of Yahweh, the OT name of God. Of course it is not really God, it is Satan. A lot of these beliefs are rooted in The Secret Doctrine of Helena Blavatsky, Theosophical Society founder, and also in Hinduism with its All-is-One.

The symbol of the Theosophical Society, a snake with the Pentagram in the middle, with a Swastika, is suggestive of UFO-ology, which also uses Swastikas, snakes and Pentagrams, as seen in Whitley Strieber’s books. Space ships, UFOs, have been seen by occultists of our day with Swastikas, triangles, pentagrams and hexagrams on the undersides. UFO groups feature the Eye of Horus, as does the New Age New World Order. You can see this in their literature, the ET, UFO religious movement is bringing the ancient Babylonian religion to multitudes in our day – forbidden by the Lord God Almighty in His Word. From “Anti-Gravity and the World Grid” p.p.192-193: “The Grid temple was designed to achieve the necessary biopsychic nexus between Heaven and Earth as embodied, as lived, as walked by Adam on Earth.””The human psyche was wired into the Grid which itself was wired for sound as a sonic hologram of the Solar Logos. The planetary Grid and its local miniaturizations was the model/blueprint/directions for Home, Enlightenment, and Paradise. Through the Grid, Gaia and Adam were held in living harmony within the greater body of the solar system.” “Through Hermes, Adam learned the divination of the Earth, the secrets of geomancy.””Planet Earth, within the theory of the chakras, is the Muladhara Root Chakra in the Body of the Solar Logos.” “Sleeping within Gaia is the Goddess Kundalini (the Snake God), the tremendous creative, evolutionary spiritual energy that transfigures, when activated, the entire 7 chakra system…the human, the Earth, the solar system.””Kundalini is…she who…shines in the cavity of the root Lotus like a chain of brilliant lights.”

Now compare a Christianised version of the Earth Grid, as found in “Territorial Spirits”, by C. Peter Wagner from Fuller Theological Seminary in California. He has been in Australia. On the front cover of the book there is an Earth Grid depicted. Remember, as you read, that the New Age says that the earth is like a fishnet web of light-lines, these are the Ley Lines which compose the Grid. C. Peter Wagner has in the foreword to his book, by Roger T. Forster, these words: “Our task is to network the world. Each local church is like a knot in the net from which it extends, emits and exerts Holy Spirit Kingdom power over the immediate territory until it links to the next knot (church) and so on through the world.” “Jesus will pull in the net of His Kingdom when it covers the world, enmeshing everything, good and evil. When the evil has been removed the fullness of the Kingdom will come and be seen (Revelation 11:15).”

We see the same idea here in the “Christian”Church, with the Holy Spirit going along the lines of the grid or net, coming around the world with power, setting up “kingdom”. Later on I will be telling you about what the 1,000 points of light actually mean and how it fits into the world grid.


“Realise that what we are doing is a very positive thing, that we are working with the energies of the earth that were very much tuned into the love-consciousness. That we are seeking to do the things that all religions around the world have their very essence. We are working with healing, working with love, working to achieve an inner-balance, and inner-communion with the divine. Our ritual that we are doing is on a mound, a sacred mound which we believe was used by native American people here thousands of years. We decided we would reactivate it as a sacred place. This ceremony is for dedicating the mound as an earth healing temple. (All participants chanting “OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM”). In this sacred circle there is unity, there is love.”Revelation chapter 9: “And the fifth angel sounded and I saw a star fall from heaven to the earth, and to him was given the key to the bottomless pit, and he opened the bottomless pit and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace. And the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the pit locusts upon the earth, and unto them was given power as scorpions of the earth have power, and it was commanded to them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only those men that had not the seal of God in their foreheads.

And to them that it was given that they should not kill them, but they should be tormented five months, and the torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he strikes a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. And the shapes of the locusts were as horses prepared unto battle, and on their heads were, as it were, crowns like gold and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women and teeth as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates, as it were, as breastplates of iron and the sound of their wings were as the sound of the chariots of many horses running to battle. And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails, and their power was to hurt men 5 months. And they had a king over them which was the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abbadon, but in the Greek tongue had his name Apollyon.”

We see in the above reference that these Satanic spirits are not coming just from the atmosphere, in the Tribulation period, but they are coming up out of the bottomless pit – they have been set loose. It is astonishing that the New Agers are saying that there are supernatural beings seeking to come up from the centre of the planet, up through the vortexes to activate the Grid lines. Shamballa is the name they call the place in the centre of the earth. People that are not into the hierarchy of the New Age are told that Shamballa is in the Gobi Desert, but the hierarchy know that it is in the centre of the earth.

In Revelation 11:6-7, about God’s two witnesses we read: “These have power to shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophecy and they had power over the waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them.”

A beast comes from the bottomless pit (at the earth’s centre) fighting against the Witnesses of God, and kills them. The Antichrist system has power from the abyss inside the earth! It is very significant that the King of the Abyss is being called by the New Age, one they call Sanat Kumara (note the closeness to the name Satan here).

In the Great Invocation, the “point of light within the mind of God”appears. President George Bush spoke of a 1,000 points of light during a Presidential address. The first section of the great invocation is: “From the point of light within the mind of God, let light stream forth into the minds of men, let light descend on earth.”

These points of light are on the Earth Grid, I believe! They are talking about Satan, not the God of the Bible, who would come as an angel of light. He is known as Lucifer, which means the light one, phosphorus. In the book by David Childress there is a picture of the crystalline earth, where it joins up on the Grid there are points of light! Are these all around the vortexes where evil spiritual beings are coming from abyss already? Perhaps so. We are right at the last of the last days, we really are right on the edge of the Tribulation period, without a shadow of a doubt.

The term “networking the light”is found today in esoteric, global education circles, the Lucis Trust and World Goodwill, and throughout the bludgeoning New Age global movement. In Robert Muller’s college, he is the father of the World Core Curriculum, there is the teachings of the Seven Rays of Light, unity through the points of light of Lucifer, the false light-bearer.


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