by Elaine Douglass, M.S. (JAR)

ABSTRACT: The author takes Joe Lewels to task for his claim aliens created life on earth and human religion. These claims are alien propaganda transmitted through abductees, says the author, and intended to destroy humanity’s self-esteem. The author says alien psychological manipulation of individual abductees is a laboratory in which aliens are formulating a mass line to discredit human authority and establish the legitimacy of the alien presence on earth.

What do the flying saucer people want? That great issue hangs over our little UFO community and over the human race, and it was aired at the MUFON Symposium in June via the primetime speaker’s Dave Jacobs and Joe Lewels.

Jacobs and Lewels disagree, but they came together on one big conclusion – the alien does want something here on planet earth, and he wants a lot.

Where do they disagree? Jacobs, in his book The Threat cries ‘Foul!’ whereas Lewels, in his book The God Hypothesis says in effect, ‘The aliens want something? Well fine, give ’em everything they want!’

And that is what Dr. Joe Lewels did in his talk. He essentially ceded the human race and its history to the aliens, and in so doing, inadvertently made Dr. Dave Jacobs’ case – that the aliens are a “threat” – for him.

Lewels brought forward a message extracted from the abductions, which, whatever other purposes they have, are now the communications window from the aliens to us. Joe Lewels has read the message the abductions contain. It is a message the aliens want us to hear. What do the flying saucer people want? They want everything.

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No, Lewels didn’t put it just like that. What he actually said was the aliens made everything – on earth. Everything that’s important. According to Lewels the aliens made Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. The aliens made all the animals on earth, the human species, and the genetic code, DNA. Aliens have been making all these things since the pre-Cambrian age, 600 million years ago, Lewels said, and that means aliens have been coming here for a long time, for “forever,” he said, and if this is so, how can the aliens be a threat?

Lewels said more. He said the aliens are God. His authority was one Barry Downing, a putative religious minister who has unaccountably been allowed to walk the halls of ufology unmolested for many years. Downing is right, Lewels said, when Downing wrote: “The UFO/alien reality, and what the Bible calls the angelic/divine reality, are the same reality.”

As for DNA, it “couldn’t have evolved naturally,” therefore aliens had to have brought it here, Lewels said. Creationism all over again, except that now the aliens are the creators instead of God.

To my mind, DNA is God’s blueprint for nature, but if aliens made DNA, then that sort of makes the aliens God, or at least interposes them between us and God. So Lewels didn’t actually say the aliens are God. He just hugged that idea and left it open for anyone to walk into.

Thus, within the confines of a mere 60 minute speech, any MUFON member who accepted the premises offered lost their cultural history, their natural history, and their God.

See also  Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels? 3

To make the devastation complete, the assembled were castigated for the “arrogance” of thinking we have a right to rule this planet, and for the “arrogance” of valuing our human science – the aliens would “laugh at us” for that, Lewels said. The human race is becoming sterile! Lewels said. And it’s all our fault. We ought to “judge ourselves first” and “accept responsibility for our own destructiveness” before we judge any aliens.

Lest anyone imagine this sweeping indictment was styled in hell fire and brimstone, it wasn’t. Instead, Dr. Lewels coaxingly called his “hypothesis” a “middle road,” “logic,” “making sense.” It gives, he said, “perspective.”

For example, if we had “perspective,” we would understand that what the aliens are doing here is “the natural order of things.” It’s “natural,” he said an alien told an abductee he knows, “for one species (that’s the aliens) to exploit the species below them” (that’s us). Even though “what the aliens do seems nasty and scary, they don’t think it’s evil,” and the only reason we might think that is because we humans have been “brainwashed by human propaganda” into thinking “God created us as special to rule over the earth. If we say, ‘That ain’t fair !’ to the abductions,” it’s only because, Dr. Lewels says, we lack “perspective.”

This preposterous argument leaves me shaking with anger and to it, I say, who needs Dave Jacobs? Who needs Dr. Jacobs to argue the aliens are a threat when we have the good Dr. Lewels? HE has informed us of the breathtaking scope of what the aliens would appropriate on this planet – our natural history, our cultural history, and our God.

See also  The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 8

Were the alien’s message believed, it would drive a stake into the heart of our civilization. It would precipitate the collapse of our self confidence as a people. It would plunge this planet into chaos, and bring this planet to its knees.

This is the message Dr. Lewels claimed “needed to be said.” This is the message he choose to inject into the MUFON community – the only community where the message could be believed – but which is nonetheless a community utterly incapable of evaluating the message. Why? Because no one could evaluate it! Lewels’ message is fundamentally un evaluatable – by anyone I know of, at this time, and probably forever.

Who – please explain – will be able to determine whether aliens made Mary pregnant with Christ? Whether the Star of Bethlehem was a UFO? Whether the prehistoric cave art of the Australian aborigines really represents grey aliens? Who will be able to prove DNA evolved on this planet, or was brought here by extraterrestrials? Who will be able to say whether the evolutionary big bang in the pre Cambrian age was stimulated by aliens or occurred naturally? And who will be able to determine whether the serpent in the Garden of Eden was really a reptilian extraterrestrial? Who?

Part 2

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