No one, that’s who.

Yet, this is the “evidentiary” basis upon which Dr. Lewels constructs his “God Hypothesis.” It is a hand grenade tossed into a school yard, from which the good doctor walks away with a clear conscience, calling it “perspective.” I say it is nihilism. I say it is supreme irresponsibility. I say, who needs Dave Jacobs?

‘But wait a minute!’ pipes up Dr. Lewels, ‘couldn’t it be true we’re all hybrids and earth is a cosmic game park?’ Yes, it could. ‘And if it’s true,’ he pipes up again, ‘don’t we need to know it?’ The answer is, we would need to know it, if we could know it, but we can’t. Why? Because we can’t independently verify it.

Dr. Lewels, who calls himself a journalist, dropped this fatuous remark in his talk: “I’m not one who says you can’t believe anything an alien tells you.” Journalist or not, Lewels, former professor of communication, doesn’t know the difference between an allegation and a fact.

A fact is something that you – with tools you control, based on many sources, and operating in a milieu with which you are deeply familiar – determine. A fact is not created when someone you have never seen before drops literally out of the sky and says, ‘Oh, by the way, we made Christ.’ That is an allegation. I suggest we not destabilize our civilization because of an allegation, especially when there are other equally likely reasons for these allegations than that they are true.

Joe Lewels is not first in the UFO community to parrot the aliens’ allegations. For years I have watched the message accumulate – through the abduction reports and the statements and writings of abductees and channelers – watched as new elements were added to the message, other elements removed. All this time the message had limited credibility because the abduction phenomena itself had limited credibility.

See also  Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels? 5

But now, the message describing the alien’s claims on planet earth is being carried by Dr. Lewels, a Ph.D., a nonabductee, or at least he doesn’t say he is an abductee, in primetime at the MUFON National Symposium. It is time to ask ourselves exactly what this message is, and how is it being developed and communicated through the abductions.

To do that, we need to take another look at the abduction reports. Immediately we notice a puzzling feature – the abduction activity has a huge psychological dimension, by which I mean bizarre psychological manipulations of the abductees carried out by the aliens in the course of the abductions and other communications.

Since this psychological, or what might better be called ideological, dimension can have no contribution to a breeding program, or any other program whose focus is off world, I became convinced years ago that the focus and target of the abductions is earth.

If the only purpose of the abductions were to collect eggs and sperm, it would not be necessary for the aliens to spend any time working on the abductees’ mental attitude. In fact, they spend enormous time working on the abductees’ mental attitude, and that convinced me that one of the main outputs of the abductions is in fact the “mental attitude” of the abductees.

At one time I felt the aliens’ only objective in the abductions was to work on the abductees until they come to hold a certain view, but Dave Jacobs’ work has convinced me the creation of new beings, possibly hybrids, is also a major objective. Therefore it now seems to me these two objectives are deeply interrelated.

See also  Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels? 4

What is the purpose of the alien effort to influence the mental attitude of the abductees? The aliens have put in place an elaborate program of psychological conditioning which begins in childhood and is applied relentlessly in pursuit of the desired result or, (possibly), the abductee is abandoned. The desired result of the conditioning is to get the abductees to accept, embrace, even celebrate, what is happening to them, no matter how revolting or exploitative it is. Not an easy job, and one I believe presents considerable challenge to the aliens.

In our parents’ generation were many abductees who never knew it. Now we have a new generation of abductees who are being made consciously aware of their predicament. I have watched the careful unveiling of this knowledge by the aliens to individual abductees in many cases. (1)

A key feature is to convince the abductee of one of several propositions. He is told either that he was an alien in a past life, that an alien is his father or mother, that he is married to an alien, or that he has “permitted” the abductions by accepting his special role as a “chosen one.”

To make the proposition irresistible, the abductee is provided with vivid experiences and “memories” which operate on a subjective level to achieve plausibility for the proposition. In this manner, a new identity is given which bonds the abductee to the aliens and legitimizes the intervention. The question, ‘Do the aliens have a right to do this to me?’ is stilled, and the abductee is persuaded that, ‘Yes, they have a right because – I am one of them.’

See also  1998: Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels?

Another bonding mechanism is the baby presentations. An early explanation of the baby presentations, from abduction researchers, was that the aliens were studying maternal behavior. From a 10 minute baby presentation? I don’t think so. The net impact of the baby presentations is to shock the abductee into realization of his or her deep and seemingly inextricable link with the aliens. It now becomes impossible to reject the aliens because – ‘They have my child.’

Another tactic is “good alien/bad alien” in which all the unpleasant features of the abductions are attributed to “bad aliens.” I believe this tactic was created by the aliens to get rid of abductee anger, which interferes with bonding. It is now commonplace to hear abductees hold “bad aliens” responsible for all negatives, and none ever asks, for example, why the good aliens don’t stop the bad ones. With anger disposed of, the abductee can now bond unreservedly with “good aliens.”

It is evident good alien/bad alien is a successful tactic in the alien conditioning program, and its core mechanism – the redirection of anger – is currently being elaborated in new ways. For example, some abductees now hold the U.S. government responsible for the abductions. Others claim aliens are being victimized by government authorities, and they are alarmed about “violations of the rights of aliens.” Through these manipulations the initial proposition – that humans are the victims in alien abductions – is stood on its head.

Part 3

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