In the past abductee were often told, ‘We aliens cannot tell you what your job is because then your government might find out.’ This is an early, mild example of positioning government as the enemy. Today the message is more brazen, such as that related by the Blond being (‘Get rid of your government’). Lewels did not venture down this road, but other prominent abductee alien spokesmen are.

Human governments, these spokesmen say, are perversely, irredeemably hostile to the aliens. If they could, these perverse governments would do bad things, like shoot down alien craft. It is these perverse governments that stand between the people of earth and all the benefits the aliens could bring, so the spokesmen say.

“Humans are not OK, humans are not OK,” is the drumbeat of the alien message. What is being stimulated by this incessant repetition? If we humans come to see ourselves as bad, perhaps we can purge ourselves of our badness by turning against our bad governments and allying with the good aliens. It is a high-risk game in which the alien creates bad feelings and then shows people how to get rid of them.

In the meantime, the alien bids for legitimacy. That means the right to rule. If the aliens made us, made DNA, made Christ, and we’re all hybrids, they must have a right to be here, maybe even a right to rule this planet. Lewels didn’t go that far. All he said was we humans certainly don’t have a right to rule the earth.

Are we reading all this correctly? If so, there is a parallel between the techniques used to gain psychological control of individual abductees and the mass line being offered by Joe Lewels and others. It predicts what the alien has in mind for the whole planet.

With one important difference-the abductees are wired, and if an abductee gets restive the aliens can just pipe in an ecstatic experience (like they did with Betty Andreasson when they showed her “The One”), and all is forgiven. Evidently, the aliens hope to get the same result with the rest of us without wiring because, I presume, wiring the entire population of the earth would be too prohibitively expensive and exceed their expeditionary budget.

See also  Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels? 3

I think they’re hoping to get the results with just the message, no wiring. I guess the aliens figure innumerable trials and errors with individual abductees will finally tell them enough about the human being’s pattern of psychological weaknesses to enable them to perfect a message that fits precisely our weaknesses. From there, they can go forward on message alone, without the technology, the wiring, the implants. And presumably they are testing that message now in the UFO community.

It might work. It worked with Dr. Lewels. He’s not an abductee, but he bends over obediently. He loves aliens, scorns humans, thinks he’s a hybrid.

But it didn’t work with me. When I first studied UFOs in 1987, I thought, “Wow! This is the limit of exciting. The outer space people are here!” Since then it’s gotten more complex.

I now see an alien people who are here, who would stay here, and who would take my culture and my identity. And they would do this as a prelude to taking my political independence. That is not what I had in mind, and I will fight to decide who I am, who made Christ, and who rules this planet.

What do the flying saucer people want? More than I am prepared to give them. David Jacobs believes the aliens are breeding hybrids. He believe the hybrids look human and “have the aliens’ ability to manipulate humans.” Many questions remain about the genetics being employed, but the hybrid hypothesis is accepted by many abduction researchers, and it is the best explanation we have for the alien medical procedures. How the hybrids would be deployed on earth, however, is unclear.

See also  Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels? 4

How the abductees will be deployed is more clear. Their function-those who cooperate-is to sell the aliens to the rest of us. In one recent book, The Contact Has Begun, by Phillip Krapf, we are told the aliens have many famous and prominent persons as their abductees in reserve. These high credibility abductees, it is said, will soon be unleashed. Incidentally, Krapf says his book was “sanctioned for public dissemination” by the aliens, and this is the second book I know of in which the author claims aliens read the book in advance and approved its contents for publication.

It is painful to write of the predicament of the abductees. They are not responsible for what is happening, and not all abductees trying to “sell the aliens.” On the other hand, the aliens are seductive and the price of resisting them is high. The abductee community desperately want to believe the aliens are saviors. Furthermore, there are enforcers in the community whose function is to keep the abductees in line.

There is a choice to be made. Is the abductee community willing to commit to a sweeping interpretation about the nature of the alien phenomena (it is good), and to publicly invite others to rely on that interpretation with nothing more than the aliens’ statements on which to base their claim? This would be a tragic mistake. If the abductees are, as I believe, merely expendable tools of the alien, then the abductees will have deserted their own to serve the most cynical of masters.

The sky opens large. Overall, what is suggested is the aliens would put this planet in some kind of harness, and they would like to do that without firing a shot.

See also  1998: Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels?

However, it’s not easy to get control of a politically decentralized, culturally diverse planet populated with billions of turbulent people, and there is plenty of room to argue the aliens’ intentions may fail. Indeed, the extreme caution and exquisite care, the elaborate preparations the aliens exercise, the great length of time being devoted, the evident meticulous planning, the trial, error, experimentation, all bespeak a high risk operation for the aliens, one fraught with potential failure for them. This must give us hope.

The alien strategy is to exploit the anxieties and unfulfilled aspirations of mankind-our existential void. Thus, to deal with the aliens, we must confront and repair something in ourselves. The example to avoid is Joe Lewels. He lacks a sturdy identity and self esteem. Hence he turns on his own kind and flagellates us in a fit of self hatred. To the extent we too lack identity and self esteem, we are vulnerable to exploitation by aliens or anyone else who would tear us down and try to make us think we’re nobody.

Soon we in ufology must begin to talk of all this. But not yet. Only now are we beginning to encounter the idea the aliens even have intentions. Others will argue their notion the aliens intend to “help” earth. My notion is they do not.


Elaine Douglass is MUFON State Director Utah since 1998, and she was MUFON State Director, Washington, DC from 1992 to 1998. She is also an editor of JAR, The Journal of Abduction-Encounter Research . She has a masters degree from MIT in military policy and works as a marketing consultant.

FOOTNOTES (1) Trout, B., “The Alien Big Push,” MUFON Journal, Aug. 1998. (2) MUFON Journal, Feb. 1998, pg. 11-12.

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